1. Yesterday Hussein boasted to us,
"My people, Quda'a, are the noblest of Arabs by lineage."
١. قالَ الحُسَينُ لَنا بِالأَمسِ مُفتَخِراً
قَومي قُضاعَةُ أَزكى يَعرُبٍ حَسَبا
2. So I said to him when he was faced with an intricate question,
"Act nobly and renew your claim when you establish such lineage."
٢. فَقُلتُ لَمّا أَتى دَهياءَ مُعضِلَةً
أَبلِ وَجَدِّد مَتى أَحدَثتَ ذا النَسَبا