
No, she did not stand up for a swift camel when it crawled

ما قام لكي لعجل حين زاحفها

1. No, she did not stand up for a swift camel when it crawled,
Nor have the valleys stood up since for aluminum.

١. ما قامَ لَكي لِعِجلٍ حينَ زاحَفَها
وَلَم تَقُم ما دَرايا بَعدُ لِلكَرَجِ

2. If you had been supporters of the jellyfish,
You would have stood firm in the strait of distress.

٢. لَو أَنَّكُم كُنتُمُ لِلشَلمَغانِ إِذَن
ثَبَتُّمُ في مَضيقِ المَأزِقِ اللَحِجِ

3. When the early morning came early in its pots,
The clan of Hassan came in them, the clan of perforation.

٣. لَمّا غَدا بَكرُ بَكرٍ في قَساطِلِهِ
غَدا بَنو حَسَنٍ فيها بَني سَمَجِ

4. Alas, your perishing for the blindness of your lineage
That you do not see patience in that confusion.

٤. هَيهاتَ غالَكُمُ لُؤمُ اِنتِسابِكُمُ
عَن أَن تَرَوا صُبُراً في ذَلِكَ الرَهَجِ

5. Your astrologer imagined or missed
Among the details when he crossed over and the stars.

٥. وَقَد تَوَهَّمَ أَو أَخطا مُنَجِّمُكُم
بَينَ الدَقائِقِ لَمّا اِجتازَ وَالدَرَجِ

6. And shame in desires from you was raised
Above the stinginess of every gentle one, his stinginess fussy.

٦. وَالخِزيُ في شَهَواتٍ مِنكُمُ اِرتَفَعَت
عَن كَشحِ كُلِّ لَطيفٍ كَشحُهُ غَنِجِ

7. The men are not lovers of men, so do not
Deceive people in suspicion or space.

٧. لَيسَ الرِجالُ بِأَحبابِ الرِجالِ فَلا
تُغالِطوا الناسَ في وَحشٍ وَلا فَرَجِ