1. The blamers persist though love's ember
Smolders within me and will not surrender
١. تَمادى اللائِمونَ وَفي فُؤادي
جَوى حُبٍّ يَلِجُّ بِهِ التَمادي
2. Desires expire as nights drag on
But avaricious love knows no being gone
٢. أَرى الأَهواءَ تُنفِدُها اللَيالي
وَما لِهَوى البَخيلَةِ مِن نَفادِ
3. Her image remains when she's away
And nearness in thought during parting's sway
٣. يَبيتُ خَيالُها مِنها بَديلاً
وَيَقرُبُ ذِكرُها عِندَ البِعادِ
4. Indeed the minister opened doors
To bounties overflowing, goodness in stores
٤. لَقَد أَجرى الوَزيرُ إِلى خِلالٍ
مِنَ الخَيراتِ زاكِيَةِ العِدادِ
5. Gentleness he sought, prudence as well,
Neither dissolves, nor transgresses to rebel
٥. تَوَخّى الرِفقَ غَيرَ مُضيعِ حَزمٍ
وَلا مُتَنَكِّبٍ قَصدَ السَدادِ
6. And when he managed worldly affairs
Righteousness replaced immorality's snares
٦. وَلَمّا دَبَّرَ الدُنيا اِستَعاضَت
جَوانِبُها الصَلاحَ مِنَ الفَسادِ
7. The regions' knots are loosened at his name
Far lands open up when he's proclaimed
٧. تُحَلُّ بِذِكرِهِ عُقَدُ النَواحي
وَتُفتَحُ بِاِسمِهِ أَقصى البِلادِ
8. When he's resolute despite ordeals endured
Grace suffices, no need to over-venture
٨. إِذا أَمضى عَزيمَتَهُ لِخَطبٍ
كَفاهُ العَفوُ دونَ الإِجتِهادِ
9. Of God's blessings I'll give thanks as due
Some may leave, but many accrue
٩. سَأَشكُرُ مِن عُبَيدِ اللَهِ نُعمى
تَقَدَّمَ عائِدٌ مِنها وَبادِ
10. When people refuse rights binding them
And wish to turn away from what lies ahead
١٠. إِذا أَبَتِ الحُقوقَ نُفوسُ قَومٍ
وَمَلّوا رَجعَ واجِبِها المُعادِ
11. He took the first step, like a noble steed
Or a polished goblet filled up with mead
١١. تَقَدَّمَ قِدمَةَ القِدحِ المُعَلّى
وَزادَ زِيادَةَ الفَرَسِ الجَوادِ
12. Hope in Abu Hasan will not disappoint
For he grants the best of what one could want
١٢. وَمَن يَأمُل أَبا الحَسَنِ المُرَجّى
يَبِت وَمَرادُهُ خَيرُ المُرادِ
13. I'd give my soul to shield him from time's quakes
Or spare him from the slightest heartache
١٣. فِداؤُكَ مِن صُروفِ الدَهرِ نَفسي
وَحَظّي مِن طَريفٍ أَو تِلادِ
14. Is my need distant while he's my quest?
I fully trust his care will grant me rest
١٤. أَتَبعُدُ حاجَتي وَإِلَيكَ قَصدي
بِها وَعَلى عِنايَتِكَ اِعتِقادي
15. A stand with him will sufficiently provide
Praise in absence, glory while by his side
١٥. سَيَكفيني مَقامٌ مِنكَ فيها
حَميدُ الغِبِّ مَحمودُ المَبادي