
My patience almost ran out when you asked for my patience

غال صبري إما سألت بصبري

1. My patience almost ran out when you asked for my patience
There is no weakness or magic in your eyes

١. غالَ صَبري إِمّا سَأَلتِ بِصَبري
ما بِعَينَيكِ مِن فُتورٍ وَسِحرِ

2. Whenever I said my longing spilled my tears
Abundant downpours followed after downpours

٢. كُلَّما قُلتُ أَنفَدَ الشَوقُ دَمعي
فاضَ غُزرٌ مِن غَربِهِ بَعدَ غُزرِ

3. Is it a crime that I gained your affection and connection?
Or is it for a sin that I committed you loosened our bond?

٣. أَلِجُرمٌ جَنَيتُ حَرَّمتِ وَصلي
أَم لِذَنبٍ أَتَيتُ حَلَّلتِ هَجري

4. No, by your love I have not reciprocated affection
With rejection or fulfilled loyalty with my excuse

٤. لا وَحُبّيكِ ما تَعَقَّبتُ وَصلاً
بِصُدودٍ وَلا وَفاءً بِعُذري

5. It provides relief for my heart filled with sorrow
Or comfort for the burning in my chest

٥. مِن مُعيني عَلى الأَسى مِلئِ قَلبي
أَم مُجيري عَلى الجَوى حَشوِ صَدري

6. I wish I knew if I did good or if I caused harm
And seldom does kindness occur, I wish I knew

٦. لَيتَ شِعري أَمُحسِنٌ أَم أَسابي
وَقَليلٌ إِجداءُ يا لَيتَ شِعري

7. Do not blame me for some of your blame tempts me
And turn away from me for you have adopted my excuse

٧. لا تَلُمني فَبَعضُ لَومِكَ يُغري
وَإِلهُ عَنّي فَقَد تَبَنَّيتَ عُذري

8. Are the critics hopeless of the innocence of my intoxication?
The intoxication of passion is the most potent intoxication

٨. أَيسَ العاذِلونَ مِن بُرءِ سُكري
إِنَّ سُكرَ الغَرامِ أَقتَلُ سُكرِ

9. With Ahmed Son of Ayyub’s dew the darkness of my night is illuminated
And my difficult night is brightened and my easy face smiles

٩. بِنَدى أَحمَدَ اِبنِ أَيّوبَ أَجلى
لَيلُ عُسري وَلاحَ لي وَجهُ يُسري

10. A King whose gifts never cease reaching us
Blessings that come to us morning and night

١٠. مَلِكٌ ما تَغُبُّنا مِن نَداهُ
نَفَحاتٌ تَغدو عَلَينا وَتَسري

11. I raise the glory of the two worlds which is too little
And provide the people with ample destiny

١١. أَرفَعُ العالَمينَ قُلَّةَ مَجدٍ
وَأَمَدُّ الأَنامِ بَسطَةَ قَدرِ

12. Bringing together and separating feared and hoped for
For each state, benefits and harm

١٢. مُتلِفٌ مُخلِفٌ يُخافُ وَيُرجى
لِكِلا حالَتَينِ نَفعٍ وَضَرِّ

13. How many brothers facing destitution saw deprivation as destined
And declined the abundance of his generosity while it was fruitful

١٣. كَم أَخي عَيلَةٍ رَأى العُدمُ حَتماً
رامَ عَن فَضلِ سَيبِهِ وَهوَ مُثرِ

14. It made people doubtful of his gifts so they said
“Is this a rain shower or the flooding of a sea?”

١٤. شَكَّكَ الناسَ في عَطاهُ فَقالوا
صَوبُ قَطرٍ هَذاكَ أَم فَيضُ بَحرِ

15. I do not care so long as I hold onto a rope from Him
Whatever vicissitudes of fate renew against me

١٥. ما أُبالي إِذ أَخَذتُ بِحَبلٍ
مِنهُ ما أَحدَثَت نَوائِبُ دَهري

16. Is it true that with us it broke free and became abundant
While it remains hidden in the person of a fearful concealor

١٦. أَمِنَ الحَقُّ فَاِستَفاضَ لَدَينا
وَهوَ في شَخصِ خائِفٍ مُستَسِرِّ

17. And justice became released, unconditionally
After it had been bound in shackles of captivity

١٧. وَغَدا العَدلُ مُطلَقاً بَعدَ أَن كا
نَ مِنَ الجورِ في وَثيقَةِ أَسرِ

18. With you, time became well-mannered with me, while
Before I used to shy away from it and decline

١٨. بِكَ صافاني الزَمانُ وَقَد كُن
تُ قَديماً أُنحي عَلَيهِ وَأُزري

19. So whenever doubts about it crept into me
I have no recourse but to flee back to you

١٩. فَمَتى ما أَرابَني مِنهُ رَيبٌ
لَيسَ فيهِ إِلّا إِلَيكَ مَفَرّي

20. You have a glory more faithful than any other glory
And pride loftier than any other pride

٢٠. لَكَ مَجدٌ أَوفى عَلى كُلِّ مَجدِ
وَفَخارٌ أَربى عَلى كُلِّ فَخارِ

21. I, with love, seek to increase my praise for you
While I fall short in broadcasting my gratitude

٢١. أَنا بِالوُدِّ مُستَزيدٌ لِمَدحي
لَكَ مُستَقصِرٌ لِذائِعِ شُكري

22. The finely woven fabric of glorious boasting
Some of what my poetry has dressed you in

٢٢. وَبِحَسبِ الشَريفِ حُلَّةَ فَخرٍ
بَعضُ ما أَلبَسَتكَ أَقوافُ شِعري

23. Gems of praise it has gained unlike
Anything since the other generous ones

٢٣. غُرَرٌ مِن مَدائِحٍ لَم يَحُزها
مُنذُ كانَت غَيرُ الجَوادِ الأَغَرِّ