1. O Sa'eed, how strange this is
Where is that welcoming and greeting?
١. يا سَعيدٌ وَالأَمرُ فيكَ عَجيبُ
أَينَ ذاكَ التَأهيلُ وَالتَرحيبُ
2. Between us cheer and affection have run out
And vanished like cooling embers
٢. نَضَبَت بَينَنا البَشاشَةُ وَالوُ
دُّ وَغارا كَما يَغورُ القَليبُ
3. You visited well-off so association caused disassociation
As a cloak causes an old man to seem dignified
٣. زُرتَ رِفهاً فَأَخلَقَ الوَصلُ بِالوَصـ
ـلِ كَما يُخلِقُ الرِداءُ القَشيبُ
4. Let not the turning of fate deceive you
For fate was once unjust and will repent
٤. لا تَغُرَّنكَ جَولَةُ الدَهرِ إِنَّ الدَ
هرَ كانَ مُذنِباً سَيَتوبُ
5. And be surprised at what I suffer from
For so were Muslim and Habeeb
٥. وَتَعَجَّب مِن غَيرِ ما أَنا فيهِ
فَكَذا كانَ مُسلِمٌ وَحَبيبُ
6. May Allah protect Ahmad ibn Mani'
As long as stars shine and south winds blow
٦. حَفِظَ اللَهُ أَحمَدَ اِبنَ مَنيعٍ
ما سَرى كَوكَبُ وَهَبَّت جَنوبُ
7. He was truly the bosom friend of the literary man
And who knows the right of the literary man except a literary man?
٧. كانَ خِلَّ الأَديبِ حَقّاً وَهَل يَعـ
ـرِفُ حَقَّ الأَديبِ إِلّا الأَديبُ
8. Gentle, tender-hearted, of excellent character
Bright-faced and open-breasted
٨. لَبِقٌ قُلقُلٌ لَهُ خُلُقٌ عَذ
بٌ وَوَجهٌ طَلقٌ وَصَدرٌ رَحيبُ
9. I have no share in a house or money
Except two shares other than my honour, which is my share
٩. ما نَصيبونَ لي بِدارٍ وَمالي
بِنَصيبَينِ غَيرَ عِرضي نَصيبُ
10. So be gentle with us for a while as you used to be
For departure from you is near
١٠. فَتَجَمَّل لَنا قَليلاً كَما كُنـ
ـتَ فَإِنَّ الرَحيلَ عَنكَ قَريبُ