1. If you examine the beauties of al-Asbahani
You will find his height like the length of his stature
١. إِن تَأَمَّل مَحاسِنَ الأَصبَهانِيِّ
تَجِد طولَهُ أَخا طولِ باعِه
2. Or assess him, you will not find contrary
Between his appearance openly and his hearing
٢. أَو تُحَصِّلهُ لا تُحَصِّل خِلافاً
بَينَ مَرآهُ بادِياً وَسَماعِه
3. Wisdom is taken from the deliberation of his composure
And the success of his tools from his hastening
٣. يُؤخَذُ الحِلمُ مِن مَكيثِ تَأَنّي
هِ وَنُجحُ العِداتِ مِن إِسراعِه
4. The people descend themselves and gravitas
From his exaltation above them and his loftiness
٤. يَنزِلُ القَومُ أَنفُساً وَسَجايا
عَن تَعَلّيهِ فَوقَهُم وَاِرتِفاعِه
5. Appointing himself to the earner of praise
It is seen that it is the place of his gathering
٥. مُنصِبٌ نَفسَهُ لِمُكتَسِبِ الحَم
دِ يُرى أَنَّهُ مَكانُ اِتِداعِه
6. O Abu Abdullah, may God make you live
For a norm that has generalized us with its manufacture
٦. يا أَبا عَبدِ اللَهِ عَمَّرَكَ اللَ
هُ لِعُرفٍ عَمَمتَنا بِإِصطِناعِه
7. Most of the attainment is lost except what flows
To the source of praise being propagated
٧. أَكثَرُ النَيلِ ضائِعٌ غَيرَ ما يَس
ري إِلى نابِهِ الثَناءِ مُذاعِه
8. Do not blame me if I fell short of the debts of the verse meters
Or got tired from carrying to a friend his measure
٨. لا تَلُمني إِن ضِقتُ ديونَ قَوافي ال
شِعرِ أَو كِلتُ لِلصَديقِ بِصاعِه
9. And my stinginess with poetry is sweeter than the stinginess
Of dignitaries with their books and papers
٩. وَلِضَنّي بِالشِعرِ أَعذَبُ مِن ضَنِّ
وَجيهٍ بِكُتبِهِ وَرِقاعِه
10. This poetry is a growth from the saying
The doer increases in its flexibility
١٠. إِنَّ هَذا القَريضَ نَبتٌ مِنَ القَو
لِ يَزيدُ الفَعالُ في إِناعِه
11. It is a temptation in which I was decieved by guile
Until you duped me by acquiring it
١١. هُوَ عِلقٌ تاجَرَتني فيهِ بِالحي
لَةِ حَتّى غَبَنتَني بِإِبتِياعِه