
Which of you asks Zurayqa

أيكم سائل زري

1. Which of you asks Zurayqa
About the state of her daughter

١. أَيُّكُم سائِلٌ زُرَي
قَةَ عَن حالِ بِنتِها

2. She is ugly, words fail
To describe her ugliness

٢. هِيَ رَتقاءُ يَعجَزُ اللَف
ظُ عَن قُبحِ نَعتِها

3. She has no dignity to protect
So surrender to her wishes

٣. ما لَها مِن حِرٍ فَتُن
كَحَ فيهِ سِوى إِستِها