1. I saw the clown had lost
His means of conveyance through dire deprivation
١. رَأَيتُ البَحبَحانِيَّ اِستَقَلَّت
رَكائِبُهُ بِحِرمانٍ عَظيمِ
2. When he would feign refinement, his
Nature pulled him back toward the old habit
٢. إِذا رامَ التَخَلُّقَ جاذَبَتهُ
خَلائِقُهُ إِلى الطَبعِ القَديمِ
3. He wept for his hopes when he saw them
Plainly lying fallow
٣. بَكى آمالَهُ لَمّا رَآها
عِياناً وَهيَ دارِسَةُ الرُسومِ
4. You blamed the people, then supposed about them
Conjectures in which you were not wise
٤. وَتَرتَ القَومَ ثُمَّ ظَنَنتَ فيهِم
ظُنوناً لَستَ فيها بِالحَكيمِ
5. You act indecently without modesty, and you chant
But you make no proper musical measure
٥. تُعَربِدُ غَيرَ مُحتَشِمٍ وَتَشدو
فَلا تَأتي بِلَحنٍ مُستَقيمِ
6. Thus you err singing for the singer
And err consoling the boon companion
٦. فَتُخطِئُ في الغِناءِ عَلى المُغَنّي
وَتُخطِئُ في النِدامِ عَلى النَديمِ
7. I warned you against violating the honor of a freeman
For blame is the habit of the blamer
٧. نَهَيتُكَ عَن تَعَرُّضِ عِرضِ حُرٍّ
فَإِنَّ الذَمَّ مِن شَأنِ الذَميمِ
8. And I said: Be careful and forebearing; quench
Rancor through noble manners
٨. وَقُلتُ تَوَقَّ مُحتَمِلاً يُرَوّي
عَنِ الأَضغانِ بِالخُلُقِ الكَريمِ
9. Yet the breach of the fool, be he aggressive,
Is no subtler toward you than the hatred of the forbearing
٩. فَما خُرقُ السَفيهِ وَإِن تَعَدّى
بِأَبلَغَ فيكَ مِن حِقدِ الحَليمِ
10. When you put to shame a noble one who stepped
Toward you with some of the traits of the wretch
١٠. مَتى أَحرَجتَ ذا كَرَمٍ تَخَطّى
إِلَيكَ بِبَعضِ أَخلاقِ اللَئيمِ