
Your likeness recurs from the horizon of my fanciful thoughts

مثالك من طيف الخيال المعاود

1. Your likeness recurs from the horizon of my fanciful thoughts
Afflicting me from its distant horizons

١. مِثالُكِ مِن طَيفِ الخَيالِ المُعاوِدِ
أَلَمَّ بِنا مِن أُفقِهِ المُتَباعِدِ

2. It revives ardent yearnings from the nominations of fate
And no use in greeting those who kneel in prayer

٢. يُحَيِّ هُجوداً مُنتَشينَ مِنَ الكَرى
وَما نَفعُ إِهداءِ السَلامِ لَهاجِدِ

3. When she leans for an embrace, she shows affection
The affection of a graceful gazelle at a well-spread repast

٣. إِذا هِيَ مالَت لِلعِناقِ تَعَطَّفَت
تَعَطُّفَ أُملودٍ مِنَ البانِ مائِدِ

4. When she reaches us, she does not arrive deliberately
And when she deserts, she shows us intended desertion

٤. إِذا وَصَلَتنا لَم تَصِل عَن تَعَمُّدٍ
وَإِن هَجَرَت أَبدَت لَنا هَجرَ عامِدِ

5. She turns a heart that does not soften to youth
And tears that do not flow from the bosom of ardent love

٥. تُقَلِّبُ قَلباً ما يَلينُ إِلى الصِبا
وَمَنزورَ دَمعٍ عَن جَوى الحُبِّ جامِدِ

6. My passion and possession went to her extremities
While the horseman in reaching her is an ascetic monk

٦. تَمادى بِها وَجدي وَمُلِّكَ وَصلَها
خَلِيُّ الحَشا في وَصلِها جِدُّ زاهِدِ

7. People are either desirous without possession
Or possessed without desire

٧. وَما الناسُ إِلّا واجِدٍ غَيرُ مالِكٍ
لِما يَبتَغي أَو مالِكٌ غَيرُ واجِدِ

8. The rain watered the environs of the sanctuary
From the sands of twisting sands to the still sands

٨. سَقى الغَيثُ أَكنافَ الحِمى مِن مَحَلَّةٍ
إِلى الحِقفِ مِن رَملِ اللِوى المُتَقاوِدِ

9. Ever verdant from the meadows, lush
With redness of light upon it penetrating

٩. وَلازالَ مُخضَرٌّ مِنَ الرَوضِ يانِعٌ
عَلَيهِ بِمُحمَرٍّ مِنَ النورِ جاسِدِ

10. The scent of the loved ones reminds us whenever
It blows through wings of the cold night

١٠. يُذَكِّرُنا رَيّا الأَحِبَّةِ كُلَّما
تَنَفَّسَ في جُنحٍ مِنَ اللَيلِ بارِدِ

11. Anemones carrying dew as though they are
Tears of the Pleiades on the cheeks of the maidens

١١. شَقائِقُ يَحمِلنَ النَدى فَكَأَنَّهُ
دُموعُ التَصابي في خُدودِ الخَرائِدِ

12. As though the produce of the apples in the brilliance of morning
Are golden coins from Tibet and far off lands

١٢. وَمِن لُؤلُؤٍ في الأُقحُوانِ مُنَظَّمٍ
عَلى نُكَتٍ مُصفَرَّةٍ كَالفَرائِدِ

13. Encampments scattered in the gardens flourishing
With every sweet new water from pure springs

١٣. كَأَنَّ جَنى الحَوذانِ في رَونَقِ الضُحى
دَنانيرُ تِبرٍ مِن تُؤامِن وَفارِدِ

14. When a nice wind blows upon them, it reveals for it
Rills of a torrent flowing over them with purpose

١٤. رِباعٌ تَرَدَّت بِالرِياضِ مَجودَةً
بِكُلِّ جَديدِ الماءِ عَذبِ المَوارِدِ

15. As though the hand of victory of the Khagan came
With those lightning bolts flashing

١٥. إِذا راوَحَتها مُزنَةٌ بَكَرَت لَهّا
خَآبيبُ مُجتازٍ عَلَيها وَقاصِدِ

16. Bestowing freely when he initiates grace
With the first of gifts recurring

١٦. كَأَنَّ يَدَ الفَتحِ بنِ خاقانَ أَقبَلَت
تَليها بِتِلكَ البارِقاتِ الرَواعِدِ

17. I saw the dew become a confidante conforming
To its nature without a pact

١٧. مَلِيّاً إِذا ما كانَ بادِئَ نِعمَةٍ
بِكَرِّ العَطايا البادِئاتِ العَوائِدِ

18. It wrapped itself above those standing so they
Yearned expectantly for the visiting delegation

١٨. رَأَيتُ النَدى أَمسى شَقيقاً مُناسِباً
لِأَخلاقِهِ دونَ الحَليفِ المُعاقِدِ

19. The loud voice makes people lower before him
Vessels of words like gentle winds

١٩. تَلَفَّتَ فَوقَ القائِمينَ فَطالَهُم
تَشَوُّفُ بَسّامٍ إِلى الوَفدِ قاعِدِ

20. They wade in veneration, the tallest extend their hands
And the most dignified reveal themselves in the spectacles

٢٠. جَهيرُ الخِطابِ يَخفِضُ القَومُ عِندَهُ
مَعاريضَ قَولٍ كَالرِياحِ الرَواكِدِ

21. And I did not see the like of men compete
To excellence until a thousand counted as one

٢١. يَخُضّونَ بِالتَبجيلِ أَطوَلَهُم يَداً
وَأَظهَرَهُم أُكرومَةً في المَشاهِدِ

22. No fault in his manners except he
Feels stranger's woe among them, with little aid

٢٢. وَلَم أَرَ أَمثالَ الرِجالِ تَفاوَتَت
إِلى الفَضلِ حَتّى عُدَّ أَلفٌ بِواحِدِ

23. The generosity of these manners, anger slept its sleep
In the breast of the envious plotter

٢٣. وَلا عَيبَ في أَخلاقِهِ غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
غَريبُ الأُسى فيها قَليلُ المُساعِدِ

24. And you will not discern in fate a place of grace
If you do not guide yourself to it with an envier

٢٤. مَكارِمُ هُنَّ الغَيظُ باتَ غَليلُهُ
يُضَرَّمُ في صَدرِ الحَسودِ المُكايِدِ

25. His outstanding view and his affability suffice
To a reliance on deficient poetry

٢٥. وَلَن تَستَبينَ الدَهرَ مَوضِعَ نِعمَةٍ
إِذا أَنتَ لَم تُدلَل عَلَيها بِحاسِدِ

26. My abode where hardship pitches its tent
Informs of the understanding of generous heroes

٢٦. كَفى رَأيُهُ الجُلّى وَأَلقى سَماحُهُ
نَفاقاً عَلى عِلقٍ مِنَ الشِعرِ كاسِدِ

27. And something of my craft is happening in my field
With which I capture the minds of wandering ode

٢٧. وَإِنَّ مُقامي حَيثُ خَيَّمتُ مِحنَةٌ
تُخَبِّرُ عَن فَهمِ الكِرامِ الأَجاوِدِ

28. And I rightfully deserve his public notice not to disregard me
When I address him lengthily with poems

٢٨. وَكائِن لَهُ في ساحَتي مِن صَنيعَةٍ
قَطَعتُ بِها عُقلَ القَوافي الشَوارِدِ

29. I compose for him bracelets of ice as ornament
And string together his conversation in a threading of necklaces

٢٩. وَإِنّي لَمَحقوقٌ بِأَلّا يَطولَني
نَداهُ إِذا طاوَلتُهُ بِالقَصائِدِ

30. It suffices my blessed brother as reward when he mounts
Coursers of poetry above fate everlasting

٣٠. يُحَكنَ لَهُ حَوكَ البُرودِ لِزينَةٍ
وَيُنظَمنَ عَن جَدواهُ نَظمَ القَلائِدِ

31. I possessed by it sympathy for foes and it created for me
Bonds of kinship in distant men

٣١. وَحَسبُ أَخي النَعمى جَزاءً إِذا اِمتَطى
سَوائِرَ مِن شِعرٍ عَلى الدَهرِ خالِدِ

32. The beauty of nights in your survival so may
Your survival in a lifetime upon them endure

٣٢. مَلَكتُ بِهِ وُدَّ العِدى وَأَجَدَّ لي
أَواصِرَ قُربى في الرِجالِ الأَباعِدِ

33. And you have filled a life from my father victory he
Is of glorious lineage and slumbering forefathers

٣٣. جَمالُ اللَيالي في بَقائِكَ فَليَدُم
بَقاؤُكَ في عُمرٍ عَلَيهِنَّ زائِدِ

34. When he braces himself for glory, he braces himself with resolve
In which a glorious one succeeding glorious subsides

٣٤. وَمُلّيتَ عَيشاً مِن أَبي الفَتحِ إِنَّهُ
سَليلُ العُلا وَالسُؤدُدِ المُتَراقِدِ

35. And if he seeks far-reaching pursuits of glory
He attains it with sincere and fatherly exertion

٣٥. مَتى ما يَشِد مَجداً يَشِدهُ بِهِمَّةٍ
تَقَيَّلَ فيها ماجِداً بَعدَ ماجِدِ

36. As the palm of the giving hand extended
Its fingers to a shoulder in munificence and aid

٣٦. وَإِن يَطَّلِب مَسعاةَ مَجدٍ بَعيدَةٍ
يَنَلها بِجَدٍّ أَريَحِيٍّ وَوالِدِ

37. It pleases you in guidance going toward rectitude
And satisfies you in anxiety rising to glory

٣٧. كَما مُدَّتِ الكَفُّ المُضافُ بَنانُها
إِلى عَضُدٍ في المَكرُماتِ وَساعِدِ

38. He has movements necessitating that he
Will ascend as high as the full moon among those lying still

٣٨. يَسُرُّكَ في هَديٍ إِلى الرُشدِ ذاهِبٍ
وَيُرضيكَ في هَمٍّ إِلى المَجدِ صاعِدِ

39. Appointments to days within him and my desire
To God in fulfilling those appointments

٣٩. لَهُ حَرَكاتٌ موجِباتٌ بِأَنَّهُ
سَيَعلو عُلُوَّ البَدرِ بَينَ الفَراقِدِ

40. Could I be ungrateful for blessings openly manifest?
I am not one to deny hidden righteous deeds

٤٠. مَواعِدُ لِلأَيّامِ فيهِ وَرَغبَتي
إِلى اللَهِ في إِنجازِ تِلكَ المَواعِدِ

41. Whenever I travel the countries on my she-camels
I find my driver plunging to you and my guide

٤١. أَأَجحَدُكَ النَعماءَ وَهيَ جَلِيَّةٌ
وَما أَنا لِلبِرِّ الخَفِيِّ بِجاحِدِ

42. The best of my store is your good opinion it
Is my lifeline to which I repair and renew

٤٢. مَتى ما أُسَيِّر في البِلادِ رَكائِبي
أَجِد سائِقي يَهوي إِلَيكَ وَقائِدي

٤٣. وَأَكرَمُ ذُخري حُسنُ رَأيِكَ إِنَّهُ
طَريفي الَّذي آوي إِلَيهِ وَتالِدي