
They refute while they are closer to refutation

يفندون وهم أدنى إلى الفند

1. They refute while they are closer to refutation
And guide while they are far from guidance

١. يُفَنِّدونَ وَهُم أَدنى إِلى الفَنَدِ
وَيُرشِدونَ وَما التَعذالُ مِن رَشَدي

2. How can one with a heart locked inside them listen to them
When the liver is a hostage among them

٢. وَكَيفَ يُصغي إِلَيهِم أَو يُصيخُ لَهُم
مُستَغلِقُ القَلبِ فيهِم راهِنُ الكَبِدِ

3. Are you here out of love for Layla taking me by the hand
Or supporting me against torment and persecution

٣. هَل أَنتَ مِن حُبِّ لَيلى آخِذٌ بِيَدي
أَو ناصِرٌ لي عَلى التَعذيبِ وَالسُهُدِ

4. Have tears poured down whose flow brings nearness
Or heals from despair

٤. وَهَل دُموعٌ أَفاضَ النَهيُ رَيِّقَها
تُدني مِنَ البُعدِ أَو تَشفي مِنَ الكَمَدِ

5. The embers still burn inside my chest
And doubt of purpose and the loss of petty pleasures

٥. فَما يَزالُ جَوىً في الصَدرِ يُضرِمُهُ
وَشكُ النَوى وَصُدودُ الأُنَّسِ الخُرُدِ

6. The one who was patient has awoken desperate
And the one who was brave returns fearful

٦. قَد باتَ مُستَعبِراً مَن كانَ مُصطَبِراً
وَعادَ ذا جَزَعٍ مَن كانَ ذا جَلَدِ

7. If I get angry at estrangement, I will not go back on it
And if I seek solace I will not find it

٧. إِن أَسخَطِ الهَجرَ لا أَرجِع إِلى بَدَلٍ
مِنهُ وَإِن أَطلُبِ السُلوانَ لا أَجِدِ

8. Two desires have pulled me between an offer
From one well dressed and finely adorned

٨. وَقَد تَجاذَبَني شَوقانِ عَن عَرَضٍ
مِن بَينِ مُطَّرَفٍ عِندي وَمُتَّلَدِ

9. Neither the life of displacement makes me forget the life of peace
Nor does the passion of nearness distract from the longing of distance

٩. لا عَيشُ وَجرَةَ يُنسي عَيشَ ذي سَلَمِ
وَلا هَوى القُربِ يُسلي عَن هَوى البُعُدِ

10. Lightning stood tall and arrogant, so I said to it
If you were to find generosity, you would not increase if given more

١٠. تَنَصَّبَ البَرقُ مُختالاً فَقُلتُ لَهُ
لَو جُدتَ جودَ بَني يَزدادَ لَم تَزِدِ

11. They have made the excellent characteristics
Like generous wealth, a defect for them

١١. الجاعِلينَ عَلى عِلّاتِ دَهرِهِمُ
كَرائِمَ المالِ في الإِنعامِ وَالصَفَدِ

12. So you will not be rid of gratitude and hope
Repeated day after day by them

١٢. فَلَستَ تَنفَكُّ مِن شُكرٍ وَمِن أَمَلٍ
مُكَرَّرَينِ بِيَومٍ مِنهُمُ وَغَدِ

13. They devised the best plan according to principles
Without wronging him and traded wisdom for deviance

١٣. تَيَمَّموا الخُطَّةَ المُثلى عَلى سَنَنٍ
لَم يَظلِموهُ وَباعوا الغَيَّ بِالرَشَدِ

14. The sons of Gharr built the glory of life for them
And made it eternal for them

١٤. بَنو أَغَرَّ مِنَ الأَقوامِ شادَ لَهُم
مَجدَ الحَياةِ وَأَقناهُم عَلى الأَبَدِ

15. They inherit from it only good, however much is counted
It goes beyond the count in virtue

١٥. يَقفونَ مِنهُ خِلالاً كُلُّها حَسَنٌ
إِن عُدِّدَت غادَرَت فَضلاً عَلى العَدَدِ

16. The pillars of the kingdom remain steadfast through them
Throughout the breadth of the land and country

١٦. وَما تَزالُ أَواخي المُلكِ ثابِتَةً
مِنهُم بِكُلِّ رَحيبِ الباعِ وَالبَلَدِ

17. With the advice of one who makes effort, his determination succeeded
Or the resolve of one focused, or the firmness of one who braces

١٧. بِنُصحِ مُجتَهِدٍ صَحَّت عَزيمَتُهُ
أَو عَزمِ مُنجَرِدٍ أَو حَزمِ مُتَّئِدِ

18. So God will protect the servant of God, indeed he possesses
Virtues that suffice even if only some are commissioned

١٨. فَاللَهُ يَكلَأُ عَبدَ اللَهِ إِنَّ لَهُ
مَكارِماً مَن يُخَوَّل بَعضَها يَسُدِ

19. An ocean - when the waves of its abundance are summoned -
Overflows, and a rain - when sought - brings rain

١٩. بَحرٌ مَتى تُستَمَح أَمواجُ جَمَّتِهِ
تَفِض وَغَيثٌ مَتى ما يُستَجَد يَجُدِ

20. The arena of writers showed joy when they flowed
Beyond precedent, uniquely possessing the merits of precedence

٢٠. تَفَرَّجَت حَلبَةُ الكُتّابِ حينَ جَرَوا
عَن سابِقٍ بِخِصالِ السَبقِ مُنفَرِدِ

21. If they commit injustice, his dealings with it aim
To make things right, while if they exceed in authority he shows restraint

٢١. إِن يُعمِلوا الجَورَ يَقصِد في تَصَرُّفِهِ
أَو يُسرِفوا في فُنونِ الأَمرِ يَقتَصِدِ

22. He fulfilled the trust, his competence
Did not fall short of it, nor was he dependent on anyone for it

٢٢. أَدّى الأَمانَةَ لَم تَعجَز كِفايَتُهُ
عَنها وَلَم يَستَنِم فيها إِلى أَحَدِ

23. Handling the peripheries of authority, prostecting them
With the heedful opinion of one firmly centered around it

٢٣. مُشارِفاً لِأَقاصي الأَمرِ يَكلَأُها
بِرَأيِ مُحتَفِلٍ لِلأَمرِ مُحتَشِدِ

24. Indeed, politics came into the hands of one vigilant
And successful towards the path of truth, reliable

٢٤. إِنَّ السِياسَةَ قَد آلَت إِلى يَقِظٍ
مُوَفَّقٍ لِسَبيلِ الحَقِّ مُعتَمَدِ

25. He did not tilt it with the lies of assumptions nor
Incline towards attaining it when absent from it

٢٥. لَم يَرجُها بِأَكاذيبِ الظُنونِ وَلَم
يَمتُت إِلى نَيلِها إِذ مُتَّ مِن بُعُدِ

26. He found guidance like his father in an approach
Matching it in extent and moving with it towards perpetuity

٢٦. أَلفى أَباهُ عَلى نَهجٍ فَطاوَلَهُ
عَلى السَواءِ وَجاراهُ إِلى الأَمَدِ

27. With an unprecedented way or nature
Attaining the unvisited without any pillar or support

٢٧. بِمَذهَبٍ غَيرِ مَدخولٍ وَلا طَبِعٍ
وَنائِلٍ غَيرِ مَنزورٍ وَلا ثَمَدِ

28. Authority has revolved around a pole
Of steadfast opinion, seeking support unto a backbone

٢٨. تِلكَ الخِلافَةُ قَد دارَت عَلى قُطُبٍ
مِن رَأيِهِ الثَبتِ وَاِستَذرَت إِلى سَنَدِ

29. The enmity towards it is feared without its realm
As the enmity and fear towards a lion is feared

٢٩. تُهابُ عَدوَتُهُ مِن دونِ حَوزَتِها
كَما تُهابُ وَتُخشى عَدوَةُ الأَسَدِ

30. He repels any hand outstretched to diminish it
Scraped by the sharp edge or severed at the bone

٣٠. يَرُدُّ أَيَّ يَدٍ مُدَّت لِتَنقُصَها
مَجذوذَةَ الزَندِ أَو مَهذوذَةَ العَضُدِ

31. Abu Salih has submitted to acts of grace so you
Have revived them while nearing death and demise

٣١. إِسلَم أَبا صالِحٍ لِلمَكرُماتِ فَقَد
أَحيَيتَها وَهيَ مِن مَوتٍ عَلى صَدَدِ

32. Your crafts have encompassed the hopeful and awakened
Hopes for those who did not strive nor seek

٣٢. عَمَّت صَنائِعُكَ الراجينَ وَاِبتَعَثَت
آمالَ مَن لَم يَرُم سَعياً وَلَم يُرِدِ

33. Your governance returned the world to order, and properly it has,
It would not have succeeded if not for you, nor continued

٣٣. وَرَدَّ تَدبيرُكَ الدُنيا وَقَد صَلُحَت
عَفواً وَلَولاكَ لَم تَصلُح وَلَم تَكَدِ

34. There is no defect in the caliphate for him to mend
No weakness in the conduit of the kingdom to repair

٣٤. ما في الخِلافَةِ مِن وَهيٍ فَيُجبِرَهُ
آسٍ وَلا في قَناةِ المُلكِ مِن أَوَدِ

35. Nor do stars in the spring night pour
Rain more delightful than your renewing days

٣٥. وَلا الكَواكِبُ في لَيلِ الرَبيعِ تَلَت
غَيثاً بِأَبهَجَ مِن أَيّامِكَ الجُدُدِ