
O son of Hamdun son of Isma

يا ابن حمدون بن إسما

1. O son of Hamdun son of Isma
Nobility and generosity are your creed

١. يا اِبنَ حَمدونَ بنِ إِسما
عيلَ وَالجودُ عَقيدُك

2. And sublime is what your fathers built
With their steps and ancestors

٢. وَالعُلا ما شادَ آبا
ؤُكَ قِدماً وَجُدودُك

3. And the carpenter of glory is a spring
Cut from its two branches is your rod

٣. وَنَجارُ المَجدِ نَبعٌ
شُقَّ مِن فَرعَيهِ عودُك

4. Greatened in your bounty the bless-
ings and Allah increases you

٤. عَظُمَت في فَضلِكَ النِع
مَةُ وَاللَهُ يَزيدُك

5. No equal the efforts of your efforts
Nor rise above your envious

٥. لا زَكا سَعيُ مُساعي
كَ وَلاّستَعلى حَسودُك

6. Can a people equate with you
When their clients are your servants

٦. أَيُسَوّي بِكَ قَومٌ
وَمَواليهم عَبيدُك