1. A quarter left its full moon radiance,
And the doe-eyed beauties were left to pine for it.
١. رَبعٌ خَلا مِن بَدرِهِ مَغناهُ
وَرَعَت بِهِ عينُ المَها الأَشباهُ
2. It showed ungainly in place of beautiful features
While hearts were joined by the sight of him.
٢. بَدَلاً شَنيئاً مِن مَحاسِنِ صورَةٍ
وَصَلَ القُلوبَ بِناظِرَيها اللَهُ
3. He was the desired of all eyes but fate,
Dealing its blows, dispersed its energies about.
٣. كانَت مُرادَ عُيونِنا فَرَمى الهَوى
رَيبُ الزَمانِ فَشَتَّ صَرفَ قُواهُ
4. And I would sometimes stray into the garden of his beauty
Meeting his gaze while my heart found its comfort.
٤. وَلَرُبَّما أَرتَعتُ رَوضَةَ حُسنِها
طَرفي وَأَعطَيتُ الفُؤادَ مُناهُ
5. Never was the enjoyment of seeing him
Save like a vanishing sweet dream.
٥. ماكانَ عَهدُ وِصالِها لَمّا نَأَت
إِلّا كَحُلمٍ طارَ حُلوُ كَراهُ
6. So one gave up all hope of his returning love
Or reunion, ceasing to mention him.
٦. فَتَناسَ مَن لَم تَرجُ رَجعَةَ وُدِّهِ
وَوَصالِهِ وَتَعَزَّ عَن ذِكراهُ
7. With smooth cheeks, a wide noble nose,
Sharp-tipped ears, level in length.
٧. بِمُجَنَّبٍ رَحبِ الفُروجِ مُشَذَّبٍ
نابي القَذالِ حَديدَةٍ أُذُناهُ
8. Pure white skin as though brightness of his cheek
Dawn had stripped away its veil before him.
٨. ضافي السَبيبِ مُقَلِّصِن لَم تَنخَزِل
مِنهُ القَطاةُ وَلَم يَخُنهُ شَظاهُ
9. He runs, when the steeds dash to the (battle) fray,
Overtaking with his first strides the last.
٩. صافي الأَديمِ كَأَنَّ غُرَّةَ وَجهِهِ
فَلَقُ الصَباحِ انجابَ عَنهُ دُجاهُ
10. He brings you near, by his charm, to a sovereign whose nature is kindness itself;
He brings you near, though you be far, by his good pleasure.
١٠. يَجري إِذا جَرَتِ الجِيادُ عَلى الوَنى
فَيَبُذُّ أولى جَريِها أُخراهُ
11. If it were said, who has gained generosity and munificence
On the day of glory, it would be said: that this was the prince.
١١. يُدنيكَ مِن مَلِكٍ أَغَرَّ سَمَيدَعٍ
يُدنيكَ مِن أَقصى مِناكَ رِضاهُ
12. The prince, prince of glory, matchless,
Possessing all generosity in his nature.
١٢. لَو قيلَ مَن حازَ السَماحَةَ وَالنَدى
يَومَ الفَخارِ لَقيلَ ذاكَ الشاهُ
13. The heaving bitter sea cannot give him
A sea overflowing with his arrows' flights.
١٣. الشاهُ شاهُ المَجدِ غَيرَ مُدافَعٍ
حازَ المَكارِمَ كُلَّها بُرداهُ
14. One day with hands more generous than the hiding-places of his palms -
According to his two conditions with what his hands contain
١٤. ما البَحرُ مُلتَطِمُ العُبابِ يُمِدُّهُ
بَحرٌ يَفيضُ بِسَيبِهِ عَبراهُ
15. Never did a pouring rain cloud pour down
Upon the people of the land but (he was) like some of its pouring.
١٥. يَوماً بِأَسمَحَ مِن أَسِرَّةِ كَفِّهِ
في حالَتَيهِ بِما حَوَتهُ يَداهُ
16. When Usama, as he protected his tribe,
With his young lions behind their leader,
١٦. كَلّا وَلا غَيثٌ تَهَلَّلَ مُزنُهُ
بِحَيا الوَرى إِلّا كَبَعضِ نَداهُ
17. Faced perils more terrible in the fight,
While death burned hot increasing its flames
١٧. وَلَما أُسامَةُ وَهوَ يَحمي غيلَهُ
وَوَراءَهُ مَعَ عُرسِهي شِبلاهُ
18. O pillar of glory whose deeds
Founded the buttresses of its structure!
١٨. بِأَشَدَّ مِنهُ في الزَعازِعِ مُقدِماً
وَالمَوتُ مُحتَدِمٌ يَشُبُّ لَظاهُ
19. Its pinnacle, its crown-star, its system,
The place of the pole of its tents.
١٩. يا كاهِلَ المَجدِ الَّذي بِفَعالِهِ
أَرسى قَواعِدَ طَودِهِ رُكناهُ
20. No nobility but on whom some favor was conferred
Which was revealed to it on the day of glory.
٢٠. وَسَنامَ مَفخَرِهِ وَشَمسَةَ تاجِهِ
وَنِظامَهُ وَمَكانَ قُطبِ رَحاهُ
21. But for you, so cleave to one tried and true to his allegiance
Whose path no swerves of it deceived him;
٢١. لَم يَبقَ حُرٌّ لَم تَسِمهُ نِعمَةٌ
جُلِيَت لَها يَومَ الفَخارِ حُلاهُ
22. Or honored, of ample nostrils, swimming
To meet him on the day of the encounter.
٢٢. إِلّا وَلِيَّكَ فَاِعتَبِدهُ بِشاحِجٍ
لِطَريقِهِ لَم يَحوِهِ شَطَناهُ
23. To you belong the ancient, the abundant glory,
Its mountain-passes, its fields, and its sands.
٢٣. أَو مُقرَبٍ رَحبِ المَناخِرِ سابِحٍ
يَشجى بِهِ يَومَ اللِقاءِ عِداهُ
24. Still you remain for the noblest an impregnable refuge
Where the most honorable seek the protection of your hand.
٢٤. لَكَ هامَةُ المَجدِ التَليدِ وَهَضبُهُ
وَشِعابُهُ وَنُجودُهُ وَرُباهُ
٢٥. مازِلتَ لِلأَحرارِ أَحرَزَ مَلجَإٍ
يَحتَلُّ مِنكَ الأَكرَمونَ ذُراهُ