1. My sorrow has increased, and my anguish intensified,
Since the day my beloved bid me adieu at the abode.
١. قَد زادَ في كَمَدي وَأَضرَمَ لَوعَتي
مَثوى حَبيبٍ يَومَ بانَ وَدِعبِلِ
2. Remaining are the compositions of Al-Khath'ami and his style,
Made up of all that confounds the mind and impedes composition.
٢. وَبَقاءُ ضَربِ الخَثعَمِيِّ وَصِنفِهِ
مِن كُلِّ مَكدودِ القَريحَةِ مُجبِلِ
3. Those seeking the most intricate of meanings delight in,
Cultivating eloquence and the obscure style.
٣. أَهلُ المَعاني المُستَحيلَةِ رِن هُمُ
طَلَبوا البَراعَةَ وَالكَلامِ المُقفَلِ
4. My brothers, the skies will never cease imagining,
To envelope you with rain clouds from Muzen's land.
٤. أَخَوَيَّ لا تَزَلِ السَماءُ مُخيلَةً
تَغشاكُما بِسَماءِ مُزنٍ مُسبِلِ
5. A ruin by the marshes is too far for,
The blink of an eye, or the batting of lashes and Mosul.
٥. جَدَثٌ عَلى الأَهوازِ يَبعُدُ دونَهُ
مَسرى النَعِيِّ وَرَمَّةٌ بِالمَوصِلِ