1. God is your companion in your travels
Whether towards your north or your south
١. اللَهُ جارُكَ في اِنطِلاقِك
تِلقاءَ شامِكَ أَو عِراقِك
2. Do not blame me for leaving one night
Without seeing you before I set out
٢. لا تَعذُلَنّي في مَسي
ري يَومَ سِرتُ وَلَم أُلاقِك
3. I feared encounters
That would make separation spill over with sadness
٣. إِنّي خَشيتُ مَواقِفاً
لِلبَينِ تَسفَحُ غَربَ ماقِك
4. And I knew our tears
Would suffice for my longing and your longing
٤. وَعَلِمتُ أَنَّ بُكاءَنا
حَسبَ اِشتِياقي وَاِشتِياقِك
5. And I remembered what intimacy feels
Leave out of your embrace and hug
٥. وَذَكَرتُ ما يَجِدُ المُوَد
دِعُ عِندَ ضَمِّكَ وَاِعتِناقِك
6. So I left that as pretense
And went out fleeing from your separation
٦. فَتَرَكتُ ذاكَ تَعَمُّفاً
وَخَرَجتُ أَهرُبُ مِن فِراقِك