1. By my life, if I don the garb of love poetry
And become indifferent to the jealous one's eyes
١. لَعَمري لَئِن أَخلَقتُ ثَوبَ التَغَزُّلِ
وَأَصبَحتُ عَن عَينِ الغَيورِ بِمُعزِلِ
2. And turn away from the dawns of youth playfully
And my ignorance becomes shorter than roaming in vain
٢. وَأَعرَضتُ عَن رَيِّ الصَبوحِ تَبَلُّداً
وَأَقصَرَ جَهلي مِن مَراحِ التَبَطُّلِ
3. Then many chaste maidens who went out for an innocent stroll
Would meet me in sorrow at the most splendid abode
٣. فَرُبَّ مَصوناتٍ بَكَرنَ لِنُزهَةٍ
فَوافَينَ في غُمّى بِأَنزَهِ مَنزِلِ
4. When they converse with curled mustaches
They mix their love talk with the charm of coquetry
٤. إِذا ما تَنازَعنَ الحَديثَ شَوارِباً
مَزَجنَ حُمَيّاها بِحُسنِ التَدَلُّلِ
5. I sang being honored among them, entertained
With whatever I wished of joy and kissing embraced
٥. غَنيتُ وَجيهاً عِندَهُنَّ مُمَتَّعاً
بِما شِئتُ مِن لَهوٍ وَرَشفِ مُقَبَّلِ
6. When the foot of ignorance dances during my rapture
Directed towards the adorned tent
٦. أَوانَ رِكابِ الجَهلِ عِندَ تَطَرُّبي
مُوَجَّهَةٌ نَحوَ الخِباءِ المُجَلَّلِ
7. To the shade of a cool, relaxing meadow
Secluded by domes and palm trees
٧. إِلى ظِلِّ مَمروجٍ بُرودٍ مَقيلُهُ
طَليلِ السَواري بِالقِبابِ مُعَزَّلِ
8. It has palm trees in its courtyard that make me
Yearn greatly for ample shade that moves
٨. لَهُ نَخَلاتٌ بِالفِناءِ تَشوقُنا
كَثيراً إِلى فَيءٍ كَثيرِ التَنَقُّلِ
9. When our siesta passes, we set up camp
Shaded from the south wind and the evening star
٩. إِذا زالَ زُلنا ناصِبينَ كَمَنزِلٍ
يُعَفّيهِ سافٍ مِن جَنوبٍ وَشَمأَلِ
10. With it I triumphed over fate, though fate has tricks
Against every blinded one, relaxed with wine
١٠. نَصَرتُ بِهِ دَهري وَلِلدَهرِ غِرَّةٌ
بِكُلِّ غَوِيٍّ بِالمُدامِ مُعَذَّلِ
11. When gray hair runs through his head
He sadly waves between humbleness and camp
١١. إِذا سارَتِ الصَهباءُ في أُمِّ رَأسِهِ
يُؤَسِّفُ كَفّاً بَينَ دَنٍّ وَمَنزِلِ
12. The one with arched eyebrows makes us rise
Rolling up her sleeves to serve us from the diseased
١٢. هَشيمَةُ ذاتُ الحاجِبَينِ تُعِلَّنا
مُشَمِّرَةً سُقيا لَها مِن مُعَلِّلِ
13. She undoes the seal of comfort in the light of lightning
That flashes while my robes flutter
١٣. تَفُضُّ خِتامَ الراحِ في ضَوءِ بارِقٍ
يَلوحُ حَفافي بارِقٍ مُتَهَلَّلِ
14. Greetings repeatedly even if greetings are few
Upon that one from joy and elaborate beauty
١٤. سَلامُ وَإِن قَلَّ السَلامُ مُضاعَفاً
عَلى ذاكَ مِن لَهوٍ وَشَكلُ مُشَكَّلِ
15. I will mourn what I wasted of my youth
And complain in my old age to all who listen
١٥. سَأَندُبُ ما أَبلَيتُهُ مِن شَبيبَتي
وَأُعوِلُ مِن شَيبي إِلى كُلِّ مُعوَلِ
16. We have, by the grace of God, a blessing from Him
That comes and goes from the hand of the trusting
١٦. عَلَينا بِحَمدِ الِلَّهِ لِلَّهِ نِعمَةٌ
تَروحُ وَتَغدو مِن يَدِ المُتَوَكِّلِ
17. If we renew thanking Him, He renews
For us other blessings with quick bestowal
١٧. إِذا نَحنُ جَدَّدنا لَهُ الشُكرَ جُدِّدَت
لَهُ نِعَمٌ أُخرى بِبَذلٍ مُعَجَّلِ
18. And if we return, His sky returns to us
With better than its constant flow, again and again
١٨. وَإِن نَحنُ عُدنا عاوَدَتنا سَماؤُهُ
بِأَحمَدَ مِن جَدواهُ أَوَّلَ أَوَّلِ
19. So I swear it does not cease to return with bounty
Upon us, and we do not cease to have a generous Benefactor
١٩. فَأُقسِمُ ما يَنفَكُّ بِالفَضلِ عائِداً
عَلَينا وَلا نَنفَكُّ مِن فَضلِ مُفضِلِ
20. The generous one of the Abbasids, you know him
And the adornment of the Abbasids in every gathering
٢٠. جَوادُ بَني العَبّاسِ قَد تَعلَمونَهُ
وَزَينُ بَني العَبّاسِ في كُلِّ مَحفَلِ
21. When asking is renewed, he has an eloquence
Made certain by the unseen, the hope of the hopeful
٢١. لَهُ عِندَ تَجديدِ السُؤالِ طَلاقَةٌ
مُحَقَّقَةٌ بِالغَيبِ ظَنَّ المُؤَمِّلِ
22. As if the gleam of the crown above his forehead
Was upon a moon crowned with the two brightest stars
٢٢. كَأَنَّ وَميضَ التاجِ فَوقَ جَبينِهِ
عَلى قَمَرٍ بِالشِعرَيَينِ مُكَلَّلِ
23. He removed the sanctity of Islam from every doubt
And established obvious, unambiguous justice
٢٣. أَماطَ حِمى الإِسلامِ مِن كُلِّ شُبهَةٍ
وَقامَ بِعَدلٍ واضِحٍ غَيرِ مُشكِلِ