
She passed resolutely, neither hesitating nor wavering,

مرت على عزمها ولم تقف

1. She passed resolutely, neither hesitating nor wavering,
Alas! Her face does not turn to one who gazes,

١. مَرَّت عَلى عَزمِها وَلَم تَقِف
مُبدِيَةً لِلشَنانِ وَالشَنَفِ

2. Nor does her compassion extend to one who implores.
O Abu Ali, you are most dear to me because of what

٢. أَيهاتَ ما وَجهُها بِمُلتَفِتٍ
فَإِسلُ وَلا عِطفُها بِمُنعَطِفِ

3. The maiden with flowing tresses has done to you.
Why do you blame the singing girls? While you

٣. أَبا عَلِيٍّ أَعزِز عَلَيَّ بِما
أَتَتهُ ذاتُ الرِعاثِ النُطَفِ

4. Are righteous towards the singers.
No fresh branch adorned with blossoms in the morning

٤. ما لِلغَواني فَوارِكاً شُمُساً
وَأَنتَ بَرٌّ بِالغانِياتِ حَفي

5. Was fairer in waving and bending than you.
Sweeter and more luscious in melody than Ma'bad's lute,

٥. وَما نَكَرنَ الغَداةَ مِن غُصُنٍ
يَحسُنُ في الإِنثِناءِ وَالقَصَفِ

6. And Ibn Surayj and the descending scales.
You may say verses by which to seduce

٦. أَحلى وَأَشهى مِن مَعبِدٍ نَغَماً
وَإِبنُ سُرَيجٍ وَنازِلِ النَجَفِ

7. A wanton behind the door or screen.
And the message of love may be conveyed on your behalf

٧. وَقَد تَقولُ الأَبياتِ تُصبي بِها ال
غادَةَ خَلفَ الأَبوابِ وَالسُجُفِ

8. So she comes to you like a pearl obtained with effort.
May God destroy her! How she broke her vow

٨. وَقَد تُؤَدّى عَنكَ الرِسالَةُ في الحُب
بِ فَتَأتي كَدُرَّةُ الصَدَفِ

9. And came at night, contrary to the promise.
You relied on her gifts but did not fear

٩. قاتَلَها اللَهُ كَيفَ ضَيَّعتِ ال
عَهدَ وَجاءَت بِاللَّي وَالخُلُفِ

10. The evils that could come from pleasure.
She saw the face of the one to whom she wrote,

١٠. رَكِنتَ فيها إِلى الهَدايا وَلَم
تَحذَر عَلَيها جَرائِرَ التُحَفِ

11. So she turned from you in the worst way.
You should have known the secret in her obstinate breast

١١. وَقَد رَأَت وَجهَ مَن تُراسِلُهُ
فَاِنحَرَفَت عَنكَ شَرَّ مُنحَرَفِ

12. With the wisdom and discernment you were given.
Are you not a brilliant Indian sword in appearance

١٢. قَد كانَ حَقّاً عَلَيكَ أَن تَعرِفَ ال
مَكنونَ مِن سِرِّ صَدرِها الكَلِفِ

13. But your thoughts are deficient and inadequate?
You sought all knowledge and excelled

١٣. بِما تَعاطَيتَ في الغُيوبِ وَما
أوتيتَ مِن حِكمَةٍ وَمِن لَطَفِ

14. In preserving the sayings of the ancestors.
What Hipparchus concluded about the firmament

١٤. أَلَستَ بِالسِندَ هِندِ ذا بَصَرٍ
إِلّا تَفُق حاسِبيهِ تَنتَصِفِ

15. And Ptolemy made clear or obscure to you.
So how did you err, my brother, and not depend

١٥. وَقَد بَحثتَ العُلومَ أَجمَعَ وَاِستَظ
هَرتَ حِفظاً مَقالَةَ السَلَفِ

16. On what you had transcribed in the scriptures?
And how did the Quran point out to you

١٦. ما اِقتَصَّ واليسُ في الفَضاءِ وَجا
بانُ وَما سَيَّرا مِنَ النُتَفِ

17. What was implicit and what was explicit?
Why did you not take omens from the celestial birds

١٧. وَما حَكاهُ ذُروثُيوسُ وَبَطلَم
يوسُ مِن واضِحٍ لَكُم وَخفي

18. Or deduce from the moon's halo or study the shoulder blades?
You took her along though parting was imminent

١٨. فَكَيفَ أَخطَأتَ أَي أُخَيَّ وَلَم
تَركَن إِلى ما سَطَّرَتَ في الصُحُفِ

19. For one of you two riders or passengers.
And you went though misfortunes foretold

١٩. وَكَيفَ مادَلَّكَ القِرانُ عَلى
مافيهِ مِن ذاهِبٍ وَمُؤتَنَفِ

20. The state of the two travellers to differ.
Did you not see the stars that you two

٢٠. هَلّا زَجَرتَ الطَيرَ العُلى أَو تَعَي
يَفتَ المَها أَو نَظَرتَ في الكَتِفِ

21. Were in a fixed and divergent configuration?
Nor did you observe Mars envying

٢١. حَمَلتَها وَالفِراقُ مُحتَشِدٌ
لِراكِبٍ مِنكُما وَمُرتَدِفِ

22. Venus, aspiring to her rank and prominence.
Informing that a visiting woman would secretly

٢٢. وَرُحتُما وَالنُحوسُ تُنبِئُ عَن
حالٍ مِنَ الرائِحينَ مُختَلِفِ

23. Console a spurned lover in his anguish.
How did you overlook this when you were focused

٢٣. أَما أَرَتكَ النُجومُ أَنَّكُما
في حالَتَي ثابِتٍ وَمُنصَرِفِ

24. On calendars and astronomy, constantly vigilant?
Did you falter in this craft or grow weary of it

٢٤. وَما رَأَيتَ المِرّيخَ قَد حاسَدَ ال
زُهرَةَ في الحَدِّ مِنهُ وَالشَرَفِ

25. Or cast it aside as delusion?
You never left the vestibule without her anklet chiming too.

٢٥. تُخبِرُ عَن ذاكَ أَنَّ زائِرَةً
تَشفي مَزوراً مِن لاعِجِ الدَنَفِ

26. So where is the youth's oath and his promise?
And where is the old woman's advice "Do not fear"?

٢٦. مِن أَينَ أَغفَلتَ ذا وَأَنتَ عَلى ال
تَقويمِ وَالزيجِ جِدُّ مُعتَكِفِ

27. How the people betray their vows!
How bold they are in taking false oaths!

٢٧. رَذُلتَ في هَذِهِ الصِناعَةِ أَم
أَكدَيتَ أَم رُمتَها مَعَ الخَرَفِ

28. You did not exercise judgment in drawing her close
One who does not reciprocate affection and kindness.

٢٨. لَم تَخطُ بابَ الدِهليزِ مُنصَرِفاً
إِلّا وَخَلخالُها مَعَ الشُنُفِ

29. Oh you who have wasted knowledge! How can it be possessed
By the arrogant, vain and impudent among you?

٢٩. فَأَينَ حِلفُ الفَتى وَذِمَّتُهُ
وَأَينَ قَولُ العَجوزِ لاتَخَفِ

30. You lead her astray to a king
Whose build and stature appeal to her.

٣٠. ما أَخوَنَ الناسَ لِلعُهودِ وَما
أَشَدَّ إِقدامَهُم عَلى الحَلفِ

31. She inclines to the like of him when she looks
From you to a carcass of carcasses.

٣١. لَم تُصبِ الرَأيَ في إِزارَتِها
مَن لايُجازي بِالوُدِّ وَاللَطَفِ

32. It pains me that she should be mistreated
And anguished by him in the choicest garden.

٣٢. ياضَيعَةَ العِلمِ كَيفَ يُرزَقُهُ
ذو الخُرقِ مِنكُم وَالعُجبِ وَالصَلَفِ

33. They told her about your shaykh standing vigil
In the bathhouse, so she lamented in sorrow,

٣٣. تَقودُها ضَلَّةً إِلى مَلِكٍ
يَروقُها بِالقَوامِ وَالهَيَفِ

34. And informed her that his nickname is
Abu Qumash, the fungus and truffle peddler,

٣٤. تَصبو إِلى مِثلِهِ إِذا نَظَرَت
مِنكَ إِلى جيفَةٍ مِنَ الجِيَفِ

35. And talked to her about his cheap cloak and turban
So she nearly died laughing.

٣٥. يَسُؤني أَن تُساءَ فيها وَأَن
تُفجَعَ مِنها بِالرَوضَةِ الأُنُفِ

36. You perceived that in her obvious disdain
And contempt for you and your gift.

٣٦. قَد خَبَّروها قِيامَ شَيخِكَ في الحَم
مامِ فَاِستَعبَرَت مِنَ الأَسَفِ

37. And her disinterest in gifts from you,
So she only accepts reluctantly and angrily.

٣٧. وَأَعلَموها بِأَنَّ كُنيَتَهُ
أَبو قُماشِ الحُشوشِ وَالكُنُفِ

38. You know you are unkempt in appearance
With prominent unruly hair.

٣٨. وَحَدَّثوها بِالدَستَبانِ وَبِالصَن
نِ فَكادَت تُشفى عَلى التَلَفِ

39. And old age has made clear your demise
In a sagging cheek chewing its food with difficulty.

٣٩. وَقَد تَبَيَّنتَ ذاكَ في الكَمَدِ ال
بادي عَلَيها وَالواكِفِ الذَرِفِ

40. A face that cuts the sight of all creation,
With a long nose precisely formed.

٤٠. وَزُهدِها في الدُنُوِّ مِنكَ فَما
تُعطيكَ إِلّا بِالتَعسِ وَالعُنُفِ

41. And spittle beneath double chin that has dripped
From a destructive, ruinous mouth.

٤١. أَنتَ كَما قَد عَلِمتَ مُضطَرِبُ ال
هَيأَةِ وَالقَدُّ ظاهِرُ الجَلَفِ

42. As if there is a bite in his mouth that has
Tied his tongue so it curves to the side.

٤٢. وَالسِنُّ قَد بَيَّنَت فَناءَكَ في
شِدقٍ عَلى ماضِغَيكَ مُنخَسِفِ

43. Haughtiness and vulgarity have joined forces
In his swaying, tilting gait.

٤٣. وَجهٌ لِعَينُ القِسمَينِ يَقطَعُهُ
أَنفٌ طَويلٌ مُحَدَّدُ الطَرَفِ

44. The darkness of his dye has spread over
The bending of a goat made vile.

٤٤. وَرُتَّةٌ تَحتَ غُنَّةٍ قَذُرَت
مِن هالِكِ الراءِ دامِرِ الأَلِفِ

45. Shaking his head makes him imagine
He has risen from a sneeze with prestige.

٤٥. كَأَنَّ في فيهِ لُقمَةً عَقَلَت
لِسانَهُ فَاِلتَوى عَلى جَنَفِ

46. An appalling dimwittedness in the eyes
Left far behind even Abu Khalaf.

٤٦. تَناصَرَ النوكُ وَالرَكاكَةُ
في مُخَبَّلِ الإِنحِناءِ وَالحَنَفِ

47. You hope to attain the moon in this state!
By my life, this is the utmost frivolity.

٤٧. وَأَعرَضَت ظُلمَةُ الخِضابِ عَلى
عُثنونِ تَيسٍ بِاللُؤمِ مُنعَقِفِ

٤٨. مُحَرِّكُ رَأسَهُ تَوَهَّمُهُ
قَد قامَ مِن عَطسَةٍ عَلى شَرَفِ

٤٩. سَماجَةٌ في العُيونِ فاحِشَةٌ
خُلِفتَ في قُبحِها أَبا خَلَفِ

٥٠. تَرومُ وَصلَ المَها وَأَنتَ كَذا
هَذا لَعَمري ضَربٌ مِنَ السَرَفِ