
The time of my going to the graves has come

أظلوم حان إلى القبور ذهابي

1. The time of my going to the graves has come
And I am decayed before death in my clothes

١. أَظَلومُ حانَ إِلى القُبورِ ذَهابي
وَبَليتُ قَبلَ المَوتِ في أَثوابي

2. So upon you my dwelling peace, for I
Will shortly be gone, know this for why

٢. فَعَلَيكِ ياسَكَني السَلامُ فَإِنَّني
عَمّا قَليلٍ فَاِعلَمِنَّ لِما بي

3. You made me drink the cups of death with love
When will I see you show mercy for my youth

٣. جَرَّعتِني غُصَصَ المَنِيَّةِ بِالهَوى
فَمَتى تَرَينَكِ تَرحَمينَ شَبابي

4. Glory to Him who, if He willed, made us equal
But was unjust to me, so you prolonged my torment

٤. سُبحانَ مَن لَو شاءَ ساوى بَينَنا
فَأَدالَ مِنكِ فَقَد أَطَلتِ عَذابي