
With your virtue raise the eminent edifice

شيد بفضلك مشرف البنيان

1. With your virtue raise the eminent edifice
Nothing remains but the seal of benevolence

١. شَيِّد بِفَضلِكَ مُشرِفَ البُنيانِ
لَم يَبقَ إِلّا خاتِمُ الإِحسانِ

2. Repay the favor to the son of gratitude is his nature
He who You have appointed spreads it at all times

٢. رُدَّ الصَنيعَةَ في ابنِ شُكرٍ طَبعُهُ
نَشرُ الَّذي توليهِ كُلَّ أَوانِ

3. As for my tongue in accounting it is one
And in you it takes the place of a thousand tongues

٣. أَمّا لِساني في الحِسابِ فَواحِدٌ
وَيَقومُ فيكَ مَقامَ أَلفِ لِسانِ

4. Do not estrange me from you, the relation of those who are
Your nation's caliphs, the Bani Shayban

٤. لاتُبعِدَنّي مِنكَ نِسبَةُ مَن هُمُ
خُلَفاءُ قَومِكَ مِن بَني شَيبانِ

5. My lineage, by my life, among Rabi'a is a badge of honor
In it I have a heart that loves Yemen

٥. نَسَبي لَعَمري في رَبيعَةَ غُرَّةٌ
فيها وَلي قَلبٌ هَواهُ يَماني

6. Yemen has taken all the glories
Below the people of pride, below Nu'man

٦. ذَهَبَت يَمانٌ بِالمَفاخِرِ كُلِّها
بِكَ دونَ أَهلِ الفَخرِ بِالنُعمانِ

7. The God has mixed with the palm of your hand the dew
Two seas meeting in benevolence

٧. مَرَجَ الإِلَهُ بِسَيبِ كَفِّكَ لِلنَدى
بَحرَينِ بِالمَعروفِ يَلتَقِيانِ

8. This overflows with silver and worn out rags
And that overflows with the most precious coral

٨. هَذا يَفيضُ بِفِضَّةٍ وَبِعَسجَدٍ
وَيَفيضُ ذاكَ بِفاخِرِ المَرجانِ

9. And God has perfected for you all praise
Completing for you all humaneness of man

٩. وَاللَهُ أَكسَبَكَ المَحامِدَ مُكمِلاً
لَكَ كُلَّ إِنسانِيَّةِ الإِنسانِ

10. He raised the sky and glorified your pride before
Laying down the earth and scales

١٠. رَفَعَ السَماءَ وَمَجدَ فَخرِكَ قَبلَ أَن
يَبدا بِوَضعِ الأَرضِ وَالميزانِ

11. Since a while back I lost my father, so you made for me
After that a father who attends to my affairs

١١. فارَقتُ مُذ زَمَنٍ أَبي فَجَعَلتَ لي
مِن بَعدِ ذاكَ أَباً يَقومُ بِشاني

12. I compose poetry and create its worth
Among people, so what is my mother in steeds

١٢. أَتَصونُ لي شِعراً وَأُخلِقُ قَدرَهُ
في الناسِ ماأُمّي إِذاً بِحَصانِ

13. However much you debase the pearl, you honor it
So cut off your gifts, for it is my incisors

١٣. مَهما أَهَنتَ الدُرَّ ما أَكرَمتَهُ
فَاِقطَع نَوالَكَ فَهوَ قَطعُ بَناني

14. This fortress does not protect me with a pickaxe
I resort to it while you are the fortress of my wishes

١٤. ماحِصنُ هَذا الحِصنُ لي بِمُعَوِّلِ
أَلجا إِلَيهِ وَأَنتَ حِصنُ أَماني

15. I have come to bid farewell, and I say: Had I not
Come for your grace, it would have come to me

١٥. إِنّي أَتَيتُ مُوَدِّعاً وَأَقولُ لَو
لَم آتِ فَضلَكَ طالِباً لَأَتاني

16. And when I seek you again, another
Is more worthy and farther from the intimacy of the young

١٦. وَإِذا انتَجَعتُكَ بِالرُجوعِ فَغَيرُهُ
أَولى وَأَبعَدُ مِن جَوى الحَدَثانِ

17. So strengthen, Abu Al-'Abbas, your palm with elevation
Indeed, elevation is the most honorable of crowns

١٧. فَاشدُد أَبا العَبّاسِ كَفَّكَ بِالعُلا
إِنَّ العُلا مِن أَشرَفِ التيجانِ