
For Alaa, son of Sa’eed, I have praise

للعلاء ابن صاعد في مدح

1. For Alaa, son of Sa’eed, I have praise
And commendation beyond measure.

١. لِلعَلاءِ اِبنِ صاعِدٍ فِيَّ مَدحٌ
وَثَناءٌ مُجاوِزُ المِقدارِ

2. Generous with all he has, careful with each
Dirham and dinar that he can treasure.

٢. باذِلٌ بِشرَهُ ضَنينٌ بِما يَح
ويهِ مِن دِرهَمٍ وَمِن دينارِ

3. I visited him reluctantly, for I
Was not one to visit the great Alaa.

٣. زُرتُهُ مُكرَهاً عَلَيهِ وَما كُن
تُ لِمِثلِ العَلاءِ بِالزُوّارِ

4. Yet we left with praise and commendation
As we rode through the night sky afar.

٤. فَحَصَلنا عَلى ثَناءٍ وَمَدحٍ
وَاِنصِرافٍ بِاللَيلِ في الطَيّارِ