
Abu Ja'far, the merit of a young man does not lie

أبا جعفر ليس فضل الفتى

1. Abu Ja'far, the merit of a young man does not lie
In his excessive self-pride,

١. أَبا جَعفَرٍ لَيسَ فَضلُ الفَتى
إِذا راحَ في فَرطِ إِعجابِهِ

2. Nor in the elegance of his attire,
Nor in the cleanliness of his clothes.

٢. وَلا في فَراهَةِ بِرذَونِهِ
وَلا في نَظافَةِ أَثوابِهِ

3. Rather, it lies in his noble deeds,
And perilous feats, the most glorious.

٣. وَلَكِنَّهُ في الفِعالِ الكَريـ
ـمِ وَالخَطَرِ الأَشرَفِ النابِهِ

4. I saw you covet acquiring wealth,
Yet ignore the extent of its obligations.

٤. رَأَيتُكَ تَهوى اِقتِناءَ المَديـ
ـحِ وَتَجهَلُ مِقدارَ إيجابِهِ

5. How can you wish to attain it,
Without utilizing its means?

٥. وَكَيفَ تُرَجّي وُصولاً إِلَيـ
ـهِ وَلَم تَتَوَصَّل بِأَسبابِهِ

6. If I were to grant it to you generously,
You would not be its first owner.

٦. لَئِن كُنتُ أَمنَحُهُ الأَكرَميـ
ـنَ فَما أَنتَ أَوَّلُ أَربابِهِ

7. And if you sought it persistently,
You could not compel me to give it to you.

٧. وَإِن أَتَطَلَّب بِهِ نائِلاً
فَلَستَ مَلِيّاً بِإِطلابِهِ

8. And if I gave it away as charity,
The poor would be more deserving of it.

٨. وَإِن أَتَصَدَّق بِهِ حِسبَةً
فَإِنَّ المَساكينَ أَولى بِهِ