
We reproach though we're apart, yet no response

نبر على تباعدنا فنجفى

1. We reproach though we're apart, yet no response
We write in time, but get no answer back

١. نَبَرُّ عَلى تَباعُدِنا فَنُجفى
وَنَكتُبُ في الزَمانِ فَلا نُجابُ

2. I was blamed for loving Hasan ibn 'Amr
Though blaming the one with the drums is of no use

٢. لَقَد عوتِبتُ في الحَسَنِ بنِ عَمرٍو
وَذاتِ الطَبلِ لَو نَفَعَ العِتابُ

3. The rhymes know not who is happy or sad
Nor does 'Amr, so he won't shorten or shy

٣. وَما تَدري القَوافي مَن سَعيدٌ
وَلا عَمرٌو فَتُقصِرُ أَو تُهابُ

4. May God grant you well, O son of Abi Qumash
Though the clouds won't water your meadow

٤. لَحاكَ اللَهُ يا اِبنَ أَبي قُماشٍ
وَلا أَسقى مَحَلَّتَكَ السَحابُ

5. There is in you despicable manners
Whether you act nobly or dogs snap at you

٥. فَكائِن فيكَ مِن خُلُقٍ لَئيمٍ
تَكَرَّمُ أَو تَعاطاهُ الكِلابُ

6. It's enough that you have every vice
We know them, so stop your pretense of shame

٦. بِحَسبِكَ أَنَّ عِندَكَ كُلَّ عَيبٍ
عَلِمناهُ فَوابِكَ ما تُعابُ