
Your excuse for being away tomorrow and far off,

عذيرك من نأي غدا وبعاد

1. Your excuse for being away tomorrow and far off,
And a lover's journey with no provisions,

١. عَذيرُكَ مِن نَأيٍ غَداً وَبِعادِ
وَسَيرِ مُحِبٍّ لا يَسيرُ بِزادِ

2. For I have in this heart a place,
I have turned away from happiness because of it.

٢. لِعَلوَةَ في هَذا الفُؤادِ مَحَلَّةٌ
تَجانَفتُ عَن سَعدي بِها وَسُعادِ

3. Shall I compose my fetters and be thankful I have attained them,
Whether a little or my shackles are undone?

٣. أَتُحسِنُ إِصفادي فَأَشكُرَ نَيلَها
وَإِن كانَ نَزراً أَو تَحُلُّ صِفادي

4. How can I depart when my heart remains
A captive with her, unfreed by any ransom?

٤. وَكَيفَ رَحيلي وَالفُؤادُ مُخَلَّفٌ
أَسيرٌ لَدَيها لا يُفَكُّ بِفادِ

5. By God, I know not if I should change my mind
From traveling west, or go on without my heart.

٥. فَوَاللَهِ ما أَدري أَأَثني عَزيمَتي
عَنِ الغَربِ أَم أَمضي بِغَيرِ فُؤادِ

6. Our night, and the gentle breeze hurrying it on
With songs of wine for the wine-jug now emptied.

٦. وَلَيلَتَنا وَالراحُ عَجلى تَحُثُّها
فُنونُ غِناءٍ لِلزُجاجَةِ حادِ

7. I tried to recover from the intoxication of seeing her,
I censured myself until morning came to guide me.

٧. تَدارَكَ غَيِّ نَشوَةً مِن لِقائِها
ذَمَمتُ لَها حَتّى الصَباحِ رَشادي

8. And sleep attained no pleasure,
Save my wakefulness in love of her and vigilance.

٨. وَما بَلَغَ النَومُ المُسامِحُ لَذَّةً
سِوى أَرَقي في حُبِّها وَسُهادي

9. At the door of the tavern, and night is muddy,
Its edges darkened with ink's blackness.

٩. عَلى بابِ قِنَّسرينَ وَاللَيلُ لاطِخٌ
جَوانِبَهُ مِن ظُلمَةٍ بِمِدادِ

10. As if the white palaces on its sides
Were dyed gray with descending old age.

١٠. كَأَنَّ القُصورَ البيضَ في جَنَباتِهِ
خَضَبنَ مَشيباً نازِلاً بِسَوادِ

11. As if the sky's rupture changed its color
To worn iron or mourning clothes.

١١. كَأَنَّ اِنخِراقَ الجَوِّ غَيَّرَ لَونَهُ
لَبوسُ حَديدٍ أَو لِباسُ حِدادِ

12. As if the stars hiding in the shadows
Were lamps' wicks or locusts' eyes.

١٢. كَأَنَّ النُجومَ المُستَسِرّاتِ في الدُجى
سِكاكُ دِلاصٍ أَو عُيونُ جَرادِ

13. And no moon but the sinking
Of a drunkard's eyelid closed in slumber.

١٣. وَلا قَمَرٌ إِلّا حُشاشَةُ غائِرِ
كَعَينِ طِماسٍ رَنَّقَت لِرُقادِ

14. We spent the night, and the breeze mixed between us
With soft murmuring of the tambourine.

١٤. فَبِتنا وَباتَت تَمزُجُ الراحَ بَينَنا
بِأَبيَضَ رَقراقِ الرُضابِ بُرادِ

15. We did not part until the cock crowed
And the caller to prayer called out.

١٥. وَلَم نَفتَرِق حَتّى ثَنى الديكُ هاتِفاً
وَقامَ المُنادي بِالصَلاةِ يُنادي

16. Abu Muslim, convey multiplied greetings
And go safely to both encampments, I am departing.

١٦. أَبا مُسلِمٍ إِلقَ السَلامَ مُضاعَفاً
وَرُح سالِمَ القُطرَينِ إِنِّيَ غادِ

17. I will thank you for your overflowing kindness
Shading over me - how could I forget the springtime of my country?

١٧. سَأَشكُرُ نُعماكَ المُرَفرِفَ ظِلُّها
عَلَيَّ وَهَل أَنسى رَبيعَ بِلادي

18. And the outpouring of gifts no onlooker surveyed
Except to say: the outpouring of bounty!

١٨. وَفَيضَ عَطايا ما تَأَمَّلَ ناظِرٌ
إِلَيهِنَّ إِلّا قالَ فَيضُ غَوادِ

19. How many days came to me like messengers
Leading me to rest awhile in your shelter.

١٩. وَكَم جاءَتِ الأَيامُ رَسلاً تَقودُني
إِلى نائِلٍ مِن راحَتَيكَ مُعادِ

20. The plain grows nothing without rain,
And none sustain gratitude save the generous.

٢٠. وَما تُنبِتُ البَطحاءُ مِن غَيرِ وابِلٍ
وَلا يَستَديمُ الشُكرَ غَيرُ جَوادِ