
If you hope for the kindness of servants of God, you will not be disappointed,

إن ترج طول عبيد الله لا تخب

1. If you hope for the kindness of servants of God, you will not be disappointed,
Or if you aim for some of their youthfulness, you will succeed.

١. إِن تَرجُ طولَ عُبَيدِ اللَهِ لا تَخِبِ
أَو تَرمِ في غَرَضٍ مِن سَيبِهِ تَصِبِ

2. You will not find anyone whose efforts are equal
To those which have continued, not ceasing for a moment.

٢. لَم تَلقَ مِثلَ مَساعيهِ الَّتي اِتَّصَلَت
وَما تَقَيَّلَ مِنها عَن أَبٍ فَأَبِ

3. An opinion, a cross upon the days, which he follows,
A manner which, whenever it interferes with our life, is good.

٣. رَأيٌ صَليبٌ عَلى الأَيّامِ يَتبَعُهُ
ظَرفٌ مَتى يَعتَرِض في عَيشِنا يَطِبِ

4. That brother of yours, I would sacrifice myself for him if he feels any sorrow,
With my soul, from that which he desires, and with vigor.

٤. ذاكُم أَخٌ أَفتَديهِ إِن يُحِسَّ أَسىً
بِالنَفسِ مِمّا تَوَقّاهُ وَبِالنَشَبِ

5. If he is from a noble Persian family in their abode of generosity,
While I am from Tayyi’ in the house of pedigree.

٥. إِن كانَ مِن فارِسٍ في بَيتِ سُؤدُدِها
وَكُنتُ مِن طَيِّئٍ في البَيتِ ذي الحَسَبِ

6. The differing of our positions does not harm us, and we have indeed
Become relatives in manners and in politeness.

٦. فَلَم يَضِرنا تَنائي المَنصِبَينِ وَقَد
رُحنا نَسيبَينِ في خُلقٍ وَفي أَدَبِ

7. When manners become similar and draw near,
The distance between non-Arab and Arab shrinks.

٧. إِذا تَشاكَلَتِ الأَخلاقُ وَاِقتَرَبَت
دَنَت مَسافَةُ بَينَ العَجمِ وَالعَرَبِ

8. Convert to Islam while you are still veiled in blessings,
And live a praiseworthy life throughout the days and eras.

٨. إِسلَم وَلا زِلتَ في سِترٍ مِنَ النُوَبِ
وَعِش حَميداً عَلى الأَيّامِ وَالحِقَبِ

9. And let being cleared of what you used to suffer make you happy,
For the reward comes after that complaint and difficulty.

٩. وَليَهنِكَ البُرءُ مِمّا كُنتَ تَألَمُهُ
فَالأَجرُ في عُقبِ ذاكَ الشَكوِ وَالوَصَبِ

10. You have become lonely since you went away from a people who were your friends
When you visited them, so visit and do not go away.

١٠. أَوحَشتَ مُذ غِبتَ قَوماً كُنتَ أُنسَهُمُ
إِذا شَهِدتَهُمُ فَاِشهَد وَلا تَغِبِ

11. Unless you are a king who is greeted,
For you are the son of noble, eminent kings.

١١. إِلّا تَكُن مَلِكاً تُثنى تَحِيَّتُهُ
فَإِنَّكَ اِبنُ مُلوكٍ سادَةٍ نُجُبِ

12. And if you have turned away seeking to be rid of sickness,
Then you have shed blood that cures from dog-bite.

١٢. وَإِن فَصَدتَ اِبتِغاءَ البُرءِ مِن سَقَمٍ
فَقَد أَرَقتَ دَماً يَشفي مِنَ الكَلَبِ