
The valleys were watered from early dawn and the fourth hour,

سقيت الغوادي من طلول وأربع

1. The valleys were watered from early dawn and the fourth hour,
And I was greeted from a house for Asma in Balqa.

١. سُقيتِ الغَوادي مِن طُلولٍ وَأَربُعِ
وَحُيِّتِ مِن دارٍ لِأَسماءَ بَلقَع

2. Though I am not one whom Asma hopes will return
Successfully, nor does putting off Asma convince me.

٢. وَإِن كُنتُ لا مَوعودُ أَسماءَ راجِعي
بِنُجحٍ وَلا تَسويفُ أَسماءَ مُقنِعي

3. Neither my pouring forth tears that flowed before her,
Nor my abundant yearning brings me back together with her.

٣. وَلا نافِعي سَكبُ الدُموعِ الَّتي جَرَت
لَدَيها وَلا فَرطُ الحَنينِ المُرَجَّعِ

4. So there is no union unless her image comes upon us
Beneath a canopy of the darkest night.

٤. فَلا وَصلَ إِلّا أَن يُطيفَ خَيالُها
بِنا تَحتَ جُؤشوشٍ مِنَ اللَيلِ أَسفَعِ

5. She blamed me after cordiality, then permitted
A union I seek seriously but she refuses.

٥. أَلَمَّت بِنا بَعدَ الهُدُوِّ فَسامَحَت
بِوَصلٍ مَتى نَطلُبهُ في الجِدِّ تَمنَعِ

6. She did not move until the night passed and went away,
And the caller to dawn, adorned with light, hastened her.

٦. وَما بَرَحَت حَطّى مَضى اللَيلُ فَانقَضى
وَأَعجَلَها داعي الصَباحِ المُلَمَّعِ

7. She turned away as if parting convulsed her being
When she turned from my pride and ribs.

٧. فَوَلَّت كَأَنَّ البَينَ يَخلُجُ شَخصَها
أَوانَ تَوَلَّت مِن حَشايَ وَأَضلُعي

8. How often there is a meeting not hoped for and a separation
From Asma not feared nor expected.

٨. وَرُبَّ لِقاءٍ لَم يُؤَمَّل وَفُرقَةٍ
لِأَسماءَ لَم تُحذَر وَلَم تُتَوَقَّعِ

9. Do you see me cease every night
When the Pleiades return to my resting place,

٩. أَرانِيَ لا أَنفَكُّ في كُلِّ لَيلَةٍ
تُعاوِدُ فيها المالِكِيَّةُ مَضجَعي

10. Lying down close by an intimate companion
Yet more lovelorn for a beloved who has bid farewell?

١٠. أُسَدُّ بِقُربٍ مِن مُلِمٍّ مُسَلِّمِ
وَأَشجى بِبَينٍ مِن حَبيبٍ مُوَدِّعِ

11. So what will happen to us after resolve is separation
Agitated by dreams of fate and gathering.

١١. فَكائِن لَنا بَعدَ النَوى مِن تَفَرُّقٍ
تُزَجّيهِ أَحلامُ الكَرى وَتَجَمُّعِ

12. And a torment that follows upon torment
And tears pouring after tears.

١٢. وَمِن لَوعَةٍ تَعتادُ في إِثرِ لَوعَةٍ
وَمِن أَدمُعٍ تَرفَضُّ في إِثرِ أَدمُعِ

13. Why can't the people of the sanctuary reward my flowing tears
And my longing for the people of sanctity and my aspiration?

١٣. فَهَلّا جَزى أَهلُ الحِمى فَيضَ عَبرَتي
وَشَوقي إِلى أَهلِ الحِمى وَتَطَلُّعي

14. Soon it will carry my concerns on its neighing
To every magnificent, glorious, splendid knight.

١٤. سَيَحمِلُ هَمّي عَن قَريبِن وَهِمَّتي
قَرا كُلِّ ذَيّالٍ جُلالٍ جَلَنفَعِ

15. It will raid the open deserts on legs
Quick to the open desert and forearms.

١٥. يُناهِبنَ أَجوازَ الفَيافي بِأَرجُلٍ
عِجالٍ إِلى طَيِّ الفَيافي وَأَذرُعِ

16. When you attain victory by the grace of Chosroes, do not waver
In distress nor panic without a refuge.

١٦. مَتى تَبلُغُ الفَتحَ بنَ خاقانَ لا تُنَح
بِضَنكٍ وَلا تَفزَع إِلى غَيرِ مَفزَعِ

17. An ally of help when his torrents overflow
And one noble only when asked gives generously.

١٧. حَليفُ نَداً إِن سيلَ فاضَت حِياضُهُ
وَذو كَرَمٍ إِلّا يُسَل يَتَبَرَّعِ

18. His favors are hoped for and his bounty sought
By one emaciated or another well-fed.

١٨. تُؤَمَّلُ نُعماهُ وَيُرجى نَوالُهُ
لِعانٍ ضَريكٍ أَو لِعافٍ مُدَقَّعِ

19. And the onlookers seek from him when there appears
The splendor of full moons from the veil of kingship rising.

١٩. وَيَبتَدِرُ الراءونَ مِنهُ إِذا بَدا
سَنا قَمَرٍ مِن سُدَّةِ المُلكُ مُطلَعي

20. When he walks between ranks, the heads of men
Bow down before the tall and towering.

٢٠. إِذا ما مَشى بَينَ الصُفوفِ تَقاصَرَت
رُؤوسُ الرِجالِ عَن طِوالٍ سَميدَعِ

21. They stand from afar when they catch sight of him
For the shining full moons of majesty most radiant.

٢١. يَقومونَ مِن بُعدٍ إِذا بَصُروا بِهِ
لِأَبلَجَ مَوفورِ الجَلالَةِ أَروَعِ

22. And they call him in plural and singular
When they approach the door of the lofty porch.

٢٢. وَيَدعونَ بِالأَسماءِ مَثنىً وَمَوحَداً
إِذا حَضَروا بابَ الرُواقِ المُرَفَّعِ

23. When movement of glances stops from everything else
And voices hush from all hearing,

٢٣. إِذا سارَ كُفَّ اللَحظُ عَن كُلِّ مَنظَرٍ
سِواهُ وَغُضَّ الصَوتُ عَن كُلِّ مَسمَعِ

24. You see only the outpouring of upturned eyes
To him or fingers pointing to him.

٢٤. فَلَستَ تَرى إِلّا إِفاضَةَ شاخِصٍ
إِلَيهِ بِعَينٍ أَو مُشيرٍ بِإِصبَعِ

25. Heeding the times of glory when an honor befits him
At which he rushes so it may be placed before him.

٢٥. مُراعٍ لِأَوقاتِ المَعالي مَتى يَلُح
لَهُ شَرَفٌ يوجَف إِلَيهِ فَيوضِعِ

26. Forgiving of sinners until he returns them
To himself, otherwise he pardons, seizes and hurries.

٢٦. عَفُوٌّ عَنِ الجانينَ حَتّى يَرُدُّهُم
إِلَيهِ وَإِلّا يَعفُ يَأخُذ فَيُسرِعِ

27. Knowledgeable of the course of nights as if
He suffers the turns of fate since ancient Tubba.

٢٧. عَليمٌ بِتَصريفِ اللَيالي كَأَنَّهُ
يُعاني صُروفَ الدَهرِ مِن عَهدِ تُبَّعِ

28. Forbearing, so if an ignorant one vents his spite,
He passes the night with his head at the asp's path.

٢٨. حَليمٌ فَإِن يُبلَ الجَهولُ بِحِقدِهِ
يَبِت جارَ رَأسِ الحَيَّةِ المُتَطَلِّعِ

29. He neither starts war nor starts it with him
Dignified, slow to anger, hastily advancing.

٢٩. وَلا يَبتَدي بِالحَربِ أَو يُبتَدي بِها
وَقورُ الأَناةِ أَريَحِيُّ التَسَرُّعِ

30. He has despaired enemies with his twisted grimace
When he frowns with his palms, he cuts them off.

٣٠. وَقَد آيَسَ الأَعداءَ مَحكُ مُضاجيرٍ
لَجوجٍ مَتى يَحزُز بِكَفَّيهِ يَقطَعِ

31. Seeking the farthest extent of command until he attains it
And tempted by the limits of truths, obsessed.

٣١. طَلوبٌ لِأَقصى الأَمرِ حَتّى يَنالُهُ
وَمُغرىً بِغاياتِ الحَقائِقِ مولَعِ

32. And I said to one deluded with him, the hopes
Of the opportune moment in other than hopes have faded for him.

٣٢. وَقُلتُ لِمَغرورٍ بِهِ حانَ وَاِرتَمَت
بِهِ مُطمِعاتُ الحَينِ في غَيرِ مَطمَعِ

33. You have neglected seeking pardon though pardon turns away
Since peace remains and strength is not yet cut off.

٣٣. تَرَكتَ اِقتِبالَ العَفوِ وَالعَفوُ مُعرِضٌ
إِذِ السِلمُ باقٍ وَالقُوى لَم تَقَطَّعِ

34. Have you now tried acceptance after the resolve
Of an angry one intent on evil has passed?

٣٤. أَفَالآنَ حاوَلتَ الرِضا بَعدَما مَضَت
عَزيمَةُ غَضبانٍ عَلى الشَرِّ مُجمِعِ

35. When resolve appears from him, he does not stand still
And if the matter goes beyond him, he does not pursue.

٣٥. إِذا بَدَرَت مِنهُ العَزيمَةُ لَم يَقِف
وَإِن جازَ عَنهُ الأَمرُ لَم يَتَتَبَّعِ

36. Charging the enemies from every direction,
Roaring if they roar in his face, unafraid.

٣٦. هَجومٌ عَلى الأَعداءِ مِن كُلِّ وِجهَةٍ
رِذا هَجهَجوا في وَجهِهِ لَم يُرَوَّعِ

37. Trustworthy of the Abbasids in the secret of their affair
And their equipment for the defiant apostate.

٣٧. أَمينُ بَني العَبّاسِ في سِرِّ أَمرِهِم
وَعُدَّتُهُم لِلخالِعِ المُتَمَنِّعِ

38. He is not lowly among them nor
A sycophant or pretender among them.

٣٨. فَما هُوَ بِالسَهلِ الشَكيمَةِ دونَهُم
وَلا فيهِمِ بِالمُدهِنِ المُتَصَنِّعِ

39. And the hatred of the governor of scoundrels pleases you
As does his daring in the snarled and tangled.

٣٩. وَيُرضيكَ مِن والي الأَعِنَّةِ كَرُّهُ
وَإِقدامُهُ في المَأزِقِ المُتَشَنِّعِ

40. He has the praised effect in every stance
And the decisive word in every position.

٤٠. لَهُ الأَثَرُ المَحمودُ في كُلِّ مَوقِفٍ
وَفَصلُ الخِطابِ الثَبتُ في كُلِّ مَوضِعِ

41. Goodness to you, I will follow you so be
Forewarned about me, and I am saying to you, so listen.

٤١. لَكَ الخَيرُ إِنّي لاحِقٌ بِكَ فَاتَئِد
عَلَيَّ وَإِنّي قائِلٌ لَكَ فَاسمَعِ

42. My position from your favors is not delayed
And my share from your endeavors not wasted.

٤٢. مَكانِيَ مِن نُعماكَ غَيرُ مُؤَخَّرٍ
وَحَظِّيَ مِن جَدواكَ غَيرُ مُضَيَّعِ

43. And even if you have raised me to the honor of elevation
And freed me from the disgrace of low horizons,

٤٣. وَإِنّي وَإِن بَلَّغتَني شَرَفَ العُلا
وَأَعتَقتَ مِن ذُلِّ المَطالِعِ أَخدَعي

44. I am not sullen about what you have brought
To me nor misplaced in other than my position.

٤٤. فَما أَنا بِالمَغضوضِ فيما أَتَيتَهُ
إِلَيَّ وَلا المَوضوعِ في غَيرِ مَوضِعي

45. And a group of failing and falsely laying claim
To what was not said have competed with me.

٤٥. وَقَد نافَسَتني عُصبَةٌ مِن مُقَصِّرٍ
وَمُنتَحِلٍ مالَم يَقُلهُ وَمُدَّعِ

46. When we vie for a goal, I come first
And they follow in the tracks of my misfortune and shade.

٤٦. إِذا ما اِبتَدَرنا غايَةً جِئتُ سابِقاً
وَجاءوا عَلى آثَرِ حَسري وَظُلَّعِ

47. Do not liken me to a group who did not hope
To catch up to me nor race with me to any goal.

٤٧. فَلا تُلحِقَن بي مَعشَراً لَم يُؤَمِّلوا
لَحاقي وَلَم يَجروا إِلى أَمَدٍ مَعي