
The clouds poured down upon your triumphs,

أبر على الألواء نائلك الغمر

1. The clouds poured down upon your triumphs,
And you built with pride that which no pride can parallel,

١. أَبَرَّ عَلى الأَلواءِ نائِلُكَ الغَمرُ
وَبِنتَ بِفَخرٍ ما يُشاكِلُهُ فَخرُ

2. You are God's trustee in the position which
God refused to elevate to its level any position,

٢. وَأَنتَ أَمينَ اللَهِ في المَوضِعِ الَّذي
أَبى اللَهُ أَن يَسمو إِلى قَدرِهِ قَدرُ

3. The world was beautified by your justice, so it became verdant,
And its horizons are white and its sides are green,

٣. تَحَسَّنَتِ الدُنيا بِعَدلِكَ فَاِغتَدَت
وَآفاقُها بيضٌ وَأَكنافُها خُضرُ

4. Congratulations to the people of Syria, for you are marching
Towards them like rain pouring forth followed by rain,

٤. هَنيئاً لِأَهلِ الشامِ أَنَّكَ سائِرٌ
إِلَيهِم مَسيرَ القَطرِ يَتبَعُهُ القَطرُ

5. You overflow upon them as the clouds overflowed,
And you rise among them as the full moon rises,

٥. تَفيضُ كَما فاضَ الغَمامُ عَلَيهِم
وَتَطلُعُ فيهِم مِثلَما يَطلُعُ البَدرُ

6. And they will not lack goodness while you are among them,
With your generosity and the sea as their neighbors,

٦. وَلَن يَعدَموا حُسناً إِذا كُنتَ فيهِمِ
وَكانَ لَهُم جارَينِ جودُكَ وَالبَحرُ

7. The month has passed commended, and if a herald were to speak
He would praise the days you made this month,

٧. مَضى الشَهرُ مَحموداً وَلَو قالَ مُخبِراً
لَأَثنى بِما أَولَيتَ أَيّامَهُ الشَهرُ

8. You are protected by your piety and devotion with which
You came, so neither nonsense nor estrangement are found in you,

٨. عُصِمتَ بِتَقوى اللَهِ وَالوَرَعِ الَّذي
أَتَيتَ فَلا لَغوٌ لَدَيكَ وَلا هُجرُ

9. You did good work ahead of you, for which the reward is stored,
And everything good you put forth is stored away,

٩. وَقَدَّمتَ سَعياً صالِحاً لَكَ ذُخرُهُ
وَكُلُّ الَّذي قَدَّمتَ مِن صالِحٍ ذُخرُ

10. And the new year comes to you observing the fast,
So with good fortune and faith this new year meets you,

١٠. وَحالَ عَلَيكَ الحَولُ بِالفِطرِ مُقبِلاً
فَبِاليُمنِ وَالإيمانِ قابَلَكَ الفِطرُ

11. By my life, you visited the praying place thronged
With banners waving amidst its victory,

١١. لَعَمري لَقَد زُرتَ المُصَلّى بِجَحفَلٍ
يُرَفرِفُ في أَثناءِ راياتِهِ النَصرُ

12. The mountains of Hadid, beneath which people were in turmoil
And which had much milling about and a numerous throng,

١٢. جِبالُ حَضيدٍ تَحتَها الناسُ في الوَغى
وَفيها الضِرابُ الهَبرُ وَالعَدَدُ الدَثرُ

13. You proceeded with conquering dominion and caliphate,
And you have no vanity or arrogance between the two,

١٣. وَسِرتَ بِمُلكٍ قاهِرٍ وَخِلافَةٍ
وَما بِكَ زَهوٌ بَينَ ذَينِ وَلا كِبرُ

14. Upon you are the clothes and dignity of the Chosen One,
And you are most deserving of them when matters are probed,

١٤. عَلَيكَ ثِيابُ المُصطَفى وَوَقارُهُ
وَأَنتَ بِهِ أَولى إِذا حَصحَصَ الأَمرُ

15. His turban, his sword, his cloak,
His noble traits, his guidance, and his pulpit,

١٥. عِمامَتُهُ وَسَيفُهُ وَرِداؤُهُ
وَسيماهُ وَالهَديُ المُشاكِلُ وَالنَجرُ

16. And when you ascended the pulpit it shook and was wrapped
In splendor and radiance like the rising dawn,

١٦. وَلَمّا صَعَدتَ المِنبَرَ اِهتَزَّ وَاِكتَسى
ضِياءً وَإِشراقاً كَما سَطَعَ الفَجرُ

17. You took a position that God knows is the position
Of an imam, whose disobedience is unbelief,

١٧. فَقُمتَ مَقاماً يَعلَمُ اللَهُ أَنَّهُ
مَقامُ إِمامٍ تَركُ طاعَتِهِ كُفرُ

18. And you reminded us until you softened our hearts
With eloquent preaching that softens even rock,

١٨. وَذَكَّرتَنا حَتّى أَلَنتَ قُلوبَنا
بِمَوعِظَةٍ فَصلٍ يَلينُ لَها الصَخرُ

19. You dazzled the minds of the listeners with a sermon
That is scattered blossoms and strewn pearls,

١٩. بَهَرتَ عُقولَ السامِعينَ بِخُطبَةٍ
هِيَ الزَهَرُ المَبثوثُ وَاللُؤلُؤُ النَثرُ

20. So al-Mansur did not neglect aiding you through it
Nor did al-Sajjad betray you in it, nor the virtuous scholar,

٢٠. فَما تَرَكَ المَنصورُ نَصرَكَ عِندَها
وَلا خانَكَ السَجادُ فيها وَلا الحَبرُ

21. You were rewarded with the reward of the beneficent
For guidance, and blessings and long life were completed for you,

٢١. جُزيتَ جَزاءَ المُحسِنينَ عَنِ الهُدى
وَتَمَّت لَكَ النُعمى وَطالَ بِكَ العُمرُ

22. Our desire is for you to complete life in safety
And remain for days as long as time remains,

٢٢. إِرادَتُنا أَن تُكمِلَ العَيشَ سالِماً
وَتَبقى عَلى الأَيّامِ ما بَقِيَ الدَهرُ

23. May God complete for you every wish,
For us and for us is praise to God and gratitude.

٢٣. عَلى اللَهِ إِتمامُ المُنى فيكَ كُلِّها
لَنا وَعَلَينا الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ وَالشُكرُ