1. O brother of Al-Harith bin Ka'b bin 'Umar
Do you fast months or just days?
١. يا أَخا الحارِثِ بنِ كَعبِ بنِ عَمرٍ
أَشُهوراً تَصومُ أَم أَيّاما
2. This blessed month has been so long
That we feared it would be binding
٢. طالَ هَذا الشَهرُ المُبارَكُ حَتّى
قَد خَشينا بِأَن يَكونَ لِزاما
3. They titled it the seal of beauty
Though if they were fair it would be a cup
٣. لَقَّبوهُ بِخاتِمٍ حَسنُ الأَم
رِ وَلَو أَنصَفوا لَكانَ لِجاما
4. How many healthy claimed illness in it
And how many sick, their nights standing in prayer
٤. كَم صَحيحٍ قَدِ اِدَّعى السُقمَ فيهِ
وَعَليلٍ لَيلَهُ يَنيكُ قِياما
5. Staying sitting to pray by day
And spending their nights standing in devotion
٥. ظَلَّ في يَومِهِ يُصَلّي قُعوداً
وَسَرى لَيلَهُ يَنيكُ قِياما
6. And better to me than safety
Is an illness for the youth permitting the unlawful
٦. وَلَخَيرٌ مِنَ السَلامَةِ عِندي
عِلَّةٌ لِلفَتى تُحِلُّ الحَراما
7. Twenty seven days have passed
Where we only visit pleasures occasionally
٧. قَد مَضَت سَبعَةٌ وَعُشرونَ يَوماً
ما نَزورُ اللَذّاتِ إِلّا لِماما
8. The roses wouldn't reproach us if they stayed
Or saw us fasting and fasting
٨. ما عَلى الوَردِ لَو أَقامَ عَلَينا
أَو يَرانا مِنَ الصِيامِ صِياما
9. They'd pass by us distractedly as though we'd met
Beyond them only frivolity or drinking wine
٩. جازَنا مُعرِضاً كَأَنّا لَقينا
دونَهُ اللَهوَ أَو شَرِبنا المُداما
10. God has taken vengeance on you for a friend
You didn't leave him until he became disgraced
١٠. أَخَذَ اللَهُ مِنكَ ثَأرَ خَلِيٍّ
لَم تَدَعهُ حَتّى غَدا مُستَهاما
11. You wronged him with the love of Su'ad
And the noble passions wrong even the noble
١١. أَنتَ أَعدَيتَهُ بِحوبِّ سُعادٍ
وَكَريمُ الأَهواءِ يُعدي الكِراما
12. We loved as you loved though our love and your love
Would have remained had you remained faithful
١٢. قَد عَشِقنا كَما عَشِقتَ وَما دُم
تَ وَدُمنا وَالحُبُّ لَو دُمتَ داما
13. Break your fast prosperously, I consider
Breaking the fast in separation from one I love a sin
١٣. أَفطِروا راشِدينَ إِنّي أَعُدُّ ال
فِطرَ في هَجرِ مَن أُحِبُّ أَثاما
14. I see this whole lifetime as one Ramadan
Or my breaking the fast will be lovesickness
١٤. وَأَرى الدَهرَ كُلَّهُ رَمَضاناً
واحِداً أَو يَكونَ فِطري غَراما