
A gift from God will delight the Commander of the Faithful

لتهنئ أمير المؤمنين عطية

1. A gift from God will delight the Commander of the Faithful
Its attainment purified, its essence made good

١. لَتَهنِئ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ عَطِيَّةٌ
مِنَ اللَهِ يَزكو نَيلُها وَيَطيبُ

2. The hand of God was beautiful in granting you victory
And His blessing therein for you is wondrous

٢. يَدُ اللَهِ في فَتحٍ إِلَيكَ جَميلَةٌ
وَإِنعامُهُ فيهِ عَلَيكَ عَجيبُ

3. Your patron, unlike any other patron, is beloved
And your Master - the Manifest Master - is a close kinsman

٣. وَلِيُّكَ دونَ الأَولِياءِ مَحَبَّةً
وَمَولاكَ وَالمَولى الصَريحُ نَسيبُ

4. And your servant, his devotion to you has granted him
Sincerity towards you, whether seen or unseen

٤. وَعَبدُكَ أَحظَتهُ إِلَيكَ نَصيحَةٌ
وَأَرضاكَ مِنهُ مَشهَدٌ وَمَغيبُ

5. The turns of fate assailed him, so he missed the mark
Thus does time err once and hit the mark another time

٥. رَمَتهُ صُروفُ النائِباتِ فَأَخطَأَت
كَذا الدَهرُ يُخطي مَرَّةً وَيُصيبُ

6. Nor did I forget him floating and sinking at times
And appearing to onlookers, then disappearing

٦. وَلَم أَنسَهُ يَطفو وَيَرسُبُ تارَةً
وَيَظهَرُ لِلرائينَ ثُمَّ يَغيبُ

7. He called upon your name, O Mansur, while the waves raged
His call overcame them, and death was near

٧. دَعا بِاِسمِكَ المَنصورِ وَالمَوجُ غامِرٌ
لِدَعوَتِهِ وَالمَوتُ مِنهُ قَريبُ

8. I swear, if he called you while the horses were around him
The noblest stallion would make way for him

٨. وَأُقسِمُ لَو يَدعوكَ وَالخَيلُ حَولَهُ
لَفَرَّجَها عَنهُ أَغَرُّ نَجيبُ

9. Were it not for God's defense, eyes would still weep
And hearts would remain sunk in sorrow

٩. فَلَولا دِفاعُ اللَهِ دامَت عَلى البُكا
عُيونٌ وَلَجَّت في الغَرامِ قُلوبُ

10. He came in desperation, when strength was almost spent
And hopes in him were near disappointment

١٠. فَجاءَ عَلى يَأسٍ وَقَد كادَتِ القُوى
تَقَطَّعُ وَالآمالُ فيهِ تَخيبُ

11. So welcome a joy that followed a sadness
And good news that came after mourning's call

١١. فَيا فَرحَةً جاءَت عَلى إِثرِ تَرحَةٍ
وَبُشرى أَتَت بَعدَ النَعِيِّ تَؤوبُ

12. It stilled the agitation of distress and comforted
Tears that had flowed with no sunset

١٢. ثَنَت مِن تَباريحِ الغَليلِ وَنَهنَهَت
مَدامِعَ ما تَرقا لَهُنَّ غُروبُ

13. You remained, O Commander of the Faithful, and your
Continued existence is goodness for the age and purity

١٣. بَقيتَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ فَإِنَّما
بَقاؤُكَ حُسنٌ لِلزَمانِ وَطيبُ