1. What eyes are these of the charming gazelle
With fascinated glances to enchant and lure
١. ما بِعَيني هَذا الغَزالِ الغَريرِ
مِن فُتونٍ مُستَجلَبٍ مِن فُتورِ
2. Love between us is now well established
Making the days seem short and play unending
٢. إِستَوى الحُبُّ بَينَنا فَغَدا الدَه
رُ قَصيراً وَاللَهوُ غَيرَ قَصيرِ
3. Are they date palms in solace or ships
Sailing by or tents of nomads secure
٣. أَنَخيلٌ بِعالِجٍ أَم سَفينٌ
عائِماتٌ أَم أُلَياتُ خُدورِ
4. They approached after intention and settled
After besieging a fort and traveling far
٤. قَرُبوا بَعدَ نِيَّةٍ وَاِطمَأَنّوا
بَعدَ إِدمانِ قُلعَةٍ وَمَسيرِ
5. For hearts to be close, their closeness indeed
Invites a coming together of homes
٥. لِتَداني القُلوبِ إِنَّ تَداني
هِنَّ داعٍ إِلى تَداني الدورِ
6. No lovers are lesser in chances of meeting
Than the ardent lover who is spurned
٦. لَيسَ في العاشِقينَ أَنقَصُ حَظّاً
في التَصابي مِن عاشِقٍ مَهجورِ
7. Time was too weak to subdue our love
As time cannot command each state
٧. ضَعُفَ الدَهرُ عَن هَوانا وَما الدَه
رُ عَلى كُلِّ دَولَةٍ بِقَديرِ
8. The night of al-Kathib went well for me
Bringing intimacy and jealousy for the jealous
٨. حَسُنَت لَيلَةُ الكَثيبِ فَكانَت
لِيَ أُنساً وَوَحشَةً لِلغَيورِ
9. The full moon nearly erred or did
When faced with those luminous faces
٩. ضَلَّ بَدرُ السَماءِ أَو كادَ لَمّا
واجَهَتهُ وُجوهُ تِلكَ البُدورِ
10. Who gaze with conquering eyes
Like the glances of wild deer-eyed houri
١٠. اللَواتي يَنظُرنَ بِالنَظَرِ الفا
تِرِ مِن أَعيُنِ الظِباءِ الحورِ
11. Smiling from behind the veils
Against the cold of chaste mouths
١١. يَتَبَسَّمنَ مِن وَراءِ شُفوفِ ال
رَيطِ عَن بَردِ أُقحُوانِ الثُغورِ
12. And stealing secretive glances
Though the watcher is near at hand
١٢. وَيُسارِقنَ وَالرَقيبُ قَريبٌ
لَحَظاتٍ يُعلِنَّ سِرَّ الضَميرِ
13. Praise and thanks have preoccupied all
Distracting all creation from the prince
١٣. شَغَلَ الحَمدَ وَالثَناءَ جَميعاً
عَن جَميعِ الوَرى نَوالُ الأَميرِ
14. When he is graced with beauty and generosity
The abundant seems little and slight
١٤. وَإِذا ما اِستَهَلّى بِالحَسَنِ الجو
دُ فَإِنَّ الكَثيرَ غَيرُ كَثيرِ
15. A king in whom is found in every state
Generosity exceeding all bounds
١٥. مَلِكٌ عِندَهُ عَلى كُلِّ حالٍ
كَرَمٌ زائِدٌ عَلى التَقديرِ
16. As if we find through his promise evermore
Meadows and streams amidst gardens
١٦. فَكَأَنّا مِن وَعدِهِ وَجَداهُ
أَبَداً بَينَ رَوضَةٍ وَغَديرِ
17. The consensus builder, nothing escapes him
Where truth lies in governance and reform
١٧. جامِعُ الرَأيِ لَيسَ يَخفى عَلَيهِ
أَينَ وَجهُ الصَوابِ في التَدبيرِ
18. Troubles avoid him when he steers them
With his triumphant wisdom and insight
١٨. تَتَفادى الخُطوبُ مِنهُ إِذا ما
كَرَّ فيها بِرَأيِهِ المَنصورِ
19. He conquered time, early and late
With proof from him, first and last
١٩. قَهَرَ الدَهرَ أَوَّلاً وَأَخيراً
بِحِجىً مِنهُ أَوَّلٍ وَأَخيرِ
20. So for every matter that comes his way
Problematic, with clues from matters
٢٠. فَلَهُ كُلَّما أَتَتهُ أُمورٌ
مُشكِلاتٌ دَلائِلٌ مِن أُمورِ
21. A Chosroes whom he clothes with splendor
Filling the court with brilliance and light
٢١. كِسرَوِيٌّ عَلَيهِ مِنهُ جَلالٌ
يَملَأُ البَهوَ مِن بَهاءٍ وَنورِ
22. You see in his aura the joy of kings
When the breast of authority fulfills him
٢٢. وَتَرى في رُوائِهِ بَهجَةَ المُل
كِ إِذا ما اِستَوفاهُ صَدرُ السَريرِ
23. And when he gestures, the youths of musk disperse
And the hall is emptied of camphor
٢٣. وَإِذا ما أَشارَ هَبَّت صَبا المِس
كِ وَخِلتَ الإيوانَ مِن كافورِ
24. He utters eloquent wisdom
Like scattered pearls in speech
٢٤. يُطلِقُ الحِكمَةَ البَليغَةَ في عُر
ضِ حَديثٍ كَاللُؤلُؤِ المَنثورِ
25. Oh son of Sahl, though not yet fully aware
Of the lofty buildings of days gone by
٢٥. يا اِبنَ سَهلٍ وَأَنتَ غَيرُ مُفيقٍ
مِن بِناءِ العَلياءِ أُخرى الدُهورِ
26. The festival has a right over
Every elder knight and youth
٢٦. إِنَّ لِلمَهرَجانِ حَقّاً عَلى
كُلِّ كَبيرٍ مِن فارِسٍ وَصَغيرِ
27. The feast of your forefathers, kings of crown
The people of piety and people of good
٢٧. عيدُ آبائِكَ المُلوكِ ذَوي التي
جانِ أَهلِ النُهى وَأَهلِ الخيرِ
28. Of Qubadh, Yazdegerd, Firuz
And Khosrow before them and Ardashir
٢٨. مِن قُباذٍ وَيَزدَجِردَ وَفَيرو
زٍ وَكِسرى وَقَبلَهُم أَردَشيرِ
29. See him in the arena of kingship
Approaching in brocade and silk
٢٩. شاهِدوهُ في حَلبَةِ المُلكِ يَغدو
نَ عَلَيهِ في سُندُسٍ وَحَريرِ
30. Revere him and honor him as is deserved
With the excellence of reverence and esteem
٣٠. عَظَّموهُ وَوَقَّروهُ وَمَحقو
قٌ بِفَضلِ التَعظيمِ وَالتَوقيرِ
31. A day in which is found from each month
A disposition, encompassing all months
٣١. هُوَ يَومٌ وَفيهِ مِن كُلِّ شَهرٍ
خُلُقٌ فَهُوَ جامِعٌ لِلشُهورِ
32. The Pleiades have receded far in virtue
No fire remains for the kindling sticks
٣٢. بَعُدَت فيهِ الشِعرى مِنَ الجَوِّ في ال
حُكمِ فَلا موقِدٌ لِنارِ الهَجيرِ
33. As if the best of days were chosen for it
By the one with the grand festival
٣٣. وَكَأَنَّ الأَيّامَ أوثِرَ بِالحُس
نِ عَلَيها ذو المِهرَجانِ الكَبيرِ