1. My informer, with a flash like lightning,
Brought news of a caravan that journeyed on,
١. مُخبِرَتي بُرقَةُ أَحواجِ
عَن ظُعُنٍ سارَت وَأَحداجِ
2. Urged by the winds that drove them to their goal;
Was it their camels' will, or fate's strong pull?
٢. طَوعَ رَواحٍ وَجَّهوا لِلنَوى
عيرَهُمُ أَم طَوعُ إِدلاجِ
3. The rain clouds watered their abandoned camp
With rain, and with their blood that I had spilled;
٣. أَسقى السَحابُ الغُرُّ أَطلالَهُم
رَيّاً وَلَو مِن دَمِ أَوداجي
4. I shall escape from love, for he escapes
Who is not trapped and snared by love's strong net.
٤. أُنجُ مِنَ الحُبِّ فَإِنَّ الَّذي
لَم يُردِهِ الحُبُّ هُوَ الناجي
5. I guaranteed that he of the two swords,
Isaac ibn Kundaj, would sheathe his blade,
٥. ضَمِنتُ أَن يَشغَلَ سَيفَيهِ ذو ال
سَيفَينِ إِسحاقُ بنُ كُنداجِ
6. And that the crown would shine at the first light
Of dawn, with its ancient rising glow.
٦. وَأَن يُضيءَ التاجُ في غُرَّةٍ
قَديمَةِ الإِشراقِ في التاجِ
7. Secure in kingship, following a course
Laid down by him, and by tradition too,
٧. مَرَدَّدٌ في المُلكِ جارٍ عَلى
طَريقَةٍ مِنهُ وَمِنهاجِ
8. The turbans of the chiefs, on one well-bred
For war, not show, like swords sans ornament.
٨. غَدا الوِشاحانِ عَلى مُرهَفٍ
كَالسَيفِ ضَربٍ غَيرِ هِلباجِ
9. No braggart in prosperity is he,
Nor heavy-handed when his power grows great,
٩. لَيسَ بِمُختالٍ لَدى نِعمَةٍ
وَلا عَظيمِ الكِبرِ فَجفاجِ
10. A sea where hopes can float on ships that sail
Safely across, not foundering in its depths.
١٠. بَحرٌ تَرى الآمالَ تَطفو عَلى
غَوارِبٍ مِنهُ وَأَثباجِ
11. Our fortress that protects us will not leave
Throughout time, and in its shelter hide
١١. لاتَبرَحُ الدَهرَ لَنا مَعقِلاً
يَأمَنُ في أَكنافِهِ اللاجي
12. The refugee; your enviers' faces blackened
In grief, or else dyed black when you prevailed.
١٢. وُجوهُ حُسّادِكَ مُسوَدَّةٌ
أَم صُبِغَت بَعدِيَ بِالزاجِ
13. Not one among them, but is sick at heart
With rage, choked up, despairing utterly,
١٣. ما مِنهُمُ إِلّا مَريضُ الحَشا
بِغَيظِهِ مُختَنِقٌ شاجِ
14. You rank above them in the stars, while they
Cluster below you, regiment on regiment.
١٤. مَرتَبَةٌ في النَجمِ تَعلو عَلى
مَراتِبٍ مِنهُم وَأَفواجِ
15. Had they performed your deeds, they would have gained
More than the hopeful dreamer dreams he'll gain;
١٥. لَو فَعَلوا فِعلَكَ لَاستَوجَبوا
أَكثَرَ ما يَأمُلُهُ الراجي
16. Without you, people would have fallen into civil strife,
With warring factions and tumultuous waves.
١٦. لَولاكَ خاضَ الناسُ في فِتنَةٍ
تَرمي بِدُفّاعٍ وَأَمواجِ
17. You drove out those who opened up its door
With the sword, in deadly, violent attack;
١٧. أَرتَجتَ لَمّا فَتَحوا بابَها
بِالسَيفِ صَلتاً أَيَّ إِرتاجِ
18. And Ali fulfilled his promises to you,
Not failing you by shirking from his pact.
١٨. وَفى عَليٌّ بِمَواعيدِهِ
وَلَم يُنَقِّصها بِإِخداجِ
19. Blessed is he whose wisdom can appease
When matters are confused and doubts arise;
١٩. مُبارَكُ الصُحبَةِ يُرضيكَ في
رَأيٍ لِضيقِ الأَمرِ فَرّاجِ
20. Your sword is burnished by his shrewd resolve
When darkness overwhelms the dreadful scene.
٢٠. سَيفُكَ يُستَضوى بِتَدبيرِهِ
في ظُلُماتِ الحادِثِ الداجي
21. A master ransoms you, a slave ransoms him,
As you command, whenever you say "Act!"
٢١. يَفديكَ مِن مَولىً وَتَفديهِ مِن
عَبدٍ لِما تَأمُرُ مُنعاجِ