1. Things became expensive even trash
in this siege
١. غَلَتِ الأَشياءُ حَتّى الكَش
خُ في هَذا الحِصارِ
2. My acquaintance with the son of Hammad
was due to his excessive generosity
٢. كانَ عَهدي بِاِبنِ حَمّا
دٍ لِإِفراطِ البَوارِ
3. And he would go out seeking livelihood in the attire of businessmen
Content with it, not complaining of meagerness
٣. وَهوَ يَغدو يَطلُبُ الأَع
مالَ في زِيِّ التِجّارِ
4. When Egypt became filled
with masters of slave girls
٤. راضِياً مِنها وَما يَق
نَعُ مِنها بِالصِغارِ
5. Then they disappeared, so it took charge
in confusion and power
٥. حينَ صارَ المِصرُ مَش
حوناً بِأَربابِ الجَواري
6. And when generosity became scarce descend
upon the governance of the deceitful
٦. ثُمَّ غابوا فَتَوَلّا
ها بِتيهٍ وَاقتِدارِ
٧. وَإِذا عَزَّ الكِرا فَاِن
زِل عَلى حُكمِ المُكاري