
The soft bleat of that gazelle or its cooing,

رنو ذاك الغزال أو غيده

1. The soft bleat of that gazelle or its cooing,
The passionate one is infatuated with what he finds.

١. رُنُوُّ ذاكَ الغَزالُ أَو غَيدُه
مولِعُ ذي الوَجدِ بِالَّذي يَجِدُه

2. If the eyes of the wild deer captivate,
The mind of the lover, or fuel his ardour.

٢. عِندَكَ عَقلُ المُحِبِّ إِن فَتَكَت
بِهِ عُيونُ الظِباءِ أَو قَوَدُه

3. A tear, when I say halt its carrier,
The estrangement of the beloved drives it or his distance.

٣. دَمعٌ إِذا قُلتُ كَفَّ هامِلُهُ
أَجراهُ هَجرُ الحَبيبُ أَو بُعُدُه

4. Passion cannot lead to devotion,
One whose delirium you do not see guides him.

٤. وَلا يُؤَدّي إِلى الحِسانِ هَوىً
مَن لا تَرى أَنَّ غَيَّهُ رَشَدُه

5. O brother, youth persisted with it,
The passing of nights, so its cold overwhelmed him.

٥. أُخَيَّ إِنَّ الصِبا اِستَمَرَّ بِهِ
سَيرُ اللَيالي فَأَنهَجَت بُرُدُه

6. The beautiful one shuns me, distancing herself,
When I have neither her proximity nor her affection.

٦. تَصُدُّ عَنّي الحَسناءُ مُبعِدَةً
إِذ أَنا لا قُربُهُ وَلا صَدَدُه

7. Grey hair over the temples whose multitude,
Troubles me when I enumerate it.

٧. شَيبٌ عَلى المَفرِقَينِ بارِضُهُ
يَكثُرُني أَن أَبينَهُ عَدَدُه

8. Youth unjustly seeks from me,
Far, at fifty, where it cannot find it.

٨. تَطلُبُ عِندي الشَبابَ ظالِمَةٌ
بُعَيدَ خَمسينَ حَيثُ لا تَجِدُه

9. No wonder if you were bored with our companionship,
When its pursuer from you misses it.

٩. لا عَجَبٌ إِن مَلِلتِ خُلَّتَنا
فَاِفتَقَدَ الوَصلِ مِنكِ مُفتَقِدُه

10. Whoever transcends indulging time,
His purpose from doctrine strengthens him.

١٠. مَن يَتَجاوَز عَن مُطاوَلَةِ العَي
شِ تَقَعقَع مِن مَلَّةٍ عَمَدُه

11. The Caliph of Allah has returned with,
The beauty of the world and its splendor hoping for its shackles.

١١. عادَ بِحُسنِ الدُنيا وَبَهجَتِها
خَليفَةُ اللَهِ مُرتَجي صَفَدُه

12. With hands torn by generosity, abounding in,
Power without equals enjoying its feast.

١٢. مُنخَرِقُ الكَفِّ بِالعَطاءِ مَكي
ثُ السَطوِ دونَ الجانينَ مُتَّئِدُه

13. A mouth into which delegations descend,
His country is not too narrow for them.

١٣. فَخمٌ إِذا حَطَّتِ الوُفودُ إِلى
فِنائِهِ لَم يَضِق بِها بَلَدُه

14. A refuge for the people of Islam wherever,
Its aid continuous behind them supports them.

١٤. رِدءُ لِأَهلِ الإِسلامِ أَينَ عَنَوا
مُتَّصِلٌ مِن وَرائِهِم مَدَدُه

15. His eye worries over them and trembles from,
Any harm that might afflict their livers.

١٥. تَكلَؤُهُم عَينُهُ وَتَرجُفُ مِن
نَقيصَةٍ أَن تَنالَهُم كَبِدُه

16. As if he were a father feeling compassion for,
His prodigal sons while they are his children.

١٦. كَأَنَّهُ والِدٌ يَرِفُّ بِهِ
مُفرِطُ إِشفاقِهِ وَهُم وَلَدُه

17. Time has disputed with him over his few,
And time is evident in its hostility.

١٧. قَد خَصَمَ الدَهرُ مِن مِقِلِّهِم
بِالجودِ وَالدَهرُ بَيِّنٌ لِدَدُه

18. Relying on Allah in them, charging,
Against its swords so it supports him.

١٨. مُعتَمِدٌ فيهِمِ عَلى اللَهِ تَنقا
دُ إِلى سَيبِهِ فَتَعتَمِدُه

19. Do not let his wrath approach you, for it has,
A quagmire that engulfs whoever desires it.

١٩. لا تَقرَبَن سُخطُهُ فَإِنَّ لَهُ
مُستَنقَعاً يَجتَويهِ مَن يَرِدُه

20. Victorious, scarce does any joy spread,
From horizons except with good news its cold reaches him.

٢٠. مُظَفَّرٌ ما تَكادُ تَسري مِنَ الآ
فاقِ إِلّا بِمُفرِحٍ بُرُدُه

21. Cavalry charges when he unleashes them,
On the ends of time, its support approaches.

٢١. أَرسالُ خَيلٍ إِذا أَطَلَّ بِها
عَلى أَقاصي دَهرٍ دَنا أَمَدُه

22. If its swords are raised against the enemy,
The passage of time fulfills what it promises him.

٢٢. إِن رُفِعَت لِلعِدى قَساطِلُها
أَنجَزَ صَرفُ الزَمانِ ما يَعِدُه

23. He attacked the horde of evildoers celebrating,
With the morning draught while dawn kindles its flames.

٢٣. واقَعنَ جَمعَ الشُراةِ مُحتَفِلاً
بِالزابِ وَالصُبحُ ساطِعٌ وَقَدُه

24. On a day the locals despaired would,
Be reversed on the morrow.

٢٤. غَداةَ يَومٍ أَعيا عَلى عُصَبٍ
مِنَ المُحِلّينَ أَن يُكَرَّ غَدُه

25. Where did the fugitives fleeing its perils escape,
When death's snare overlooking its prey enclosed them?

٢٥. أَينَ نَجَوا هارِبينَ عارَضَهُم
باغٍ مِنَ المَوتِ مُشرِفُ رَصَدُه

26. They spent the night and the swordsman spent it,
With determined stabs implanted in their chests.

٢٦. باتوا وَباتَ الخَطِّيُّ آوِنَةً
مُنشَبَةً في صُدورِهِم قِصَدُه

27. The blood mingles in their blood,
Until the blood became saturated with its foam.

٢٧. يَختَلِطُ الزابُ في دِمائِهِمِ
حَتّى غَدا الزابُ مُشرَباً زَبَدُه

28. Satisfying the loyal is honest advice; slaves of,
God whose devotion in them abounds and who strive.

٢٨. أَرضى المَوالي نُصحٌ يَظَلُّ عُبَيدُ ال
لَهِ يَغلو فيهِم وَيَجتَهِدُه

29. They follow the imam's doctrine for them,
And emulate his view so believe it.

٢٩. يَجري عَلى مَذهَبِ الإِمامِ لَهُم
وَيَحتَذي رَأيَهُ فَيَعتَقِدُه

30. And exceed in improving their affairs,
Their tongues suffice them and their hands.

٣٠. وَيَغتَدي في صَلاحِ شَأنِهِمِ
لِسانُهُ المُكتَفى بِهِ وَيَدُه

31. The sleeping loathe the one who is tireless in,
Their affairs his vigilance alert.

٣١. يَستَثقِلُ النائِمونَ مِن وَسَنٍ
وَهُوَ طَويلٌ في شَأنِهِم سُهدُه

32. Gentle in seeking their wealth,
And gathering it or its division spreads among them.

٣٢. تَرَفُّقاً في اِطِّلابِ مالِهِمِ
وَجَمعِهِ أَو يَعُمُّهُم بَدَدُه

33. A man's gentleness in his provisions,
Are hurt by hard times or its stinginess.

٣٣. تَرَفُّقَ المَرءِ في ذَخيرَتِهِ
آذاهُ ضيقُ الزَمانِ أَو صَلَدُه

34. Minister of a king whose competence is complete,
So neither his wisdom nor poise embarrass him.

٣٤. وَزيرُ مُلكٍ تَمَّت كِفايَتُهُ
فَلَم يَهِن حَزمُهُ وَلا جَلَدُه

35. Grasping of matters, his talents,
Precede them before their time enumerates them.

٣٥. مَأخوذَةٌ لِلأُمورِ أُهبَتُهُ
تَسبِقُها قَبلَ وَقتِها عُدَدُه

36. Rest does not diminish his limit at all,
Nor do crises spend the night oppressing him.

٣٦. لا تَهضِمُ الراحُ حَدَّهُ أُصُلاً
وَلا تَبيتُ الأَوتارُ تَضطَهِدُه

37. An intimate friend does not attain,
The fold of a secret its eternity conceals from him.

٣٧. لا يَصِلُ الصاحِبُ الأَخَصُّ إِلى
مَطوِيِّ سِرٍّ أَجَنَّهُ خَلَدُه

38. If the flatterers are steeped in wine,
Truth appears to him renewing its preservation.

٣٨. إِن غَلَّسَ المُدهِنونَ في خَمَرٍ
أَضحى عَلى الحَقِّ ظاهِراً جَدَدُه

39. Or if he tackles an impossible matter,
Its knots untangle yielding to him.

٣٩. أَو عالَجَ الأَمرَ وَهُوَ مُمتَنِعٌ
تَيَسَّرَت لِاِنحِلالِهِ عُقَدُه

40. He straightened the inclination of time so,
Its valleys leveled out and its affection equaled.

٤٠. قَوَّمَ مَيلَ الزَمانِ فَاِطَّأَدَت
لَنا أَواخيهِ وَاِستَوى أَوَدُه