1. Welcome to that approaching imagination
Whether he did what they forbade or did not
١. أَهلاً بِذالِكُمُ الخَيالِ المُقبِلِ
فَعَلَ الَّذي نَهواهُ أَو لَم يَفعَلِ
2. Lightning flashed in the belly of a cloud, so it was guided
By its brightness, the necks of mounts gone astray
٢. بَرقٌ سَرى في بَطنِ وَجرَةَ فَاِهتَدَت
بِسَناهُ أَعناقُ الرِكابِ الضُلَّلِ
3. Of a beauty forbidden and made inaccessible
If she was given to us freely, we would not give at all
٣. مِن غادَةٍ مُنِعَت وَتَمنَعُ نَيلَها
فَلَوَ انَّحا بُذِلَت لَنا لَم نَبذُلِ
4. Like the full moon, not imagined, and the branch, not inclined
And the thick necked one, not adorned
٤. كَالبَدرِ غَيرَ مُخَيَّلٍ وَالغُصنِ غَي
رَ مُمَيَّلٍ وَالدَعصِ غَيرَ مُهَيَّلِ
5. What is beauty to you, O Saada, with one who beautifies
In what he came with, nor perfection with one who perfects
٥. ما الحُسنُ عِندَكِ يا سُعادُ بِمُحسِنٍ
فيما أَتاهُ وَلا الجَمالُ بِمُجمِلِ
6. The passionate was excused, and it is of the nature of passion
To be ignorant of him in the obstinacy of the excuser
٦. عُذِلَ المَشوقُ وَإِنَّ مِن شِيَمِ الهَوى
في حَيثُ يَجهَلُهُ لَجاجَ العُذَّلِ
7. What is upon you from waiting for the desperate one
Rather, what hurts you is standing for a bit at the abode
٧. ماذا عَلَيكَ مِنَ اِنتِظارِ مُتَيَّمٍ
بَل ما يَضُرُّكَ وَقفَةٌ في مَنزِلِ
8. If the torrent of passion did not bear responding
Then how can it be if not asked at all
٨. إِن سيلَ عَيَّ عَنِ الجَوابِ فَلَم يُطِق
رَجعاً فَكَيفَ يَكونُ إِن لَم يُسأَلِ
9. Do not obligate tears upon me, for I have
A tear that completes if not shed
٩. لا تَكلِفَنَّ لي الدُموعَ فَإِنَّ لي
دَمعاً يَتِمُّ عَلَيهِ إِن لَم يَفضُلِ
10. I have settled after rejection to yearning
And the neighing camel seems good when eating bitter colocynth
١٠. وَلَقَد سَكَنتُ مِنَ الصُدودِ إِلى النَوى
وَالشَريُ أَريٌ عِندَ أَكلِ الحَنظَلِ
11. And so Talfah when he feared a strike
To the head, cutting the forelock was easy upon him
١١. وَكَذاكَ طَرفَةُ حينَ أَوجَسَ ضَربَةً
في الرَأسِ هانَ عَلَيهِ قَطعُ الكاحِلِ
12. And the time was vulgar with one veiled
You have gone from it in the veil of the most vulgar
١٢. وَأَغَرَّ في الزَمَنِ البَهيمِ مُحَجَّلٍ
قَد رُحتَ مِنهُ عَلى أَغَرَّ مُحَجَّلِ
13. Like a statue built except that it
Came in beauty like an image in a statue
١٣. كَالهَيكَلِ المَبنِيِّ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
في الحُسنِ جاءَ كَصورَةٍ في هَيكَلِ
14. Broad of ribs, the knot of his belt tightened
On a known day over a twisted enclosure
١٤. وافي الضُلوعِ يُشَدُّ عَقدُ حِزامِهِ
يَومَ اللِقاءِ عَلى مُعِمٍّ مُخوَلِ
15. His uncles from the Rustumis by way of Faris
And his ancestors from the Tubba's by way of Mawkal
١٥. أَخوالَهُ لِلرُستُمينَ بِفارِسٍ
وَجُدودُهُ لِلتُبَّعينَ بِمَوكَلِ
16. He dives as the eagle dives when it has seen
Prey, and rises like the rising of a camel
١٦. يَهوي كَما تَهوي العُقابُ وَقَد رَأَت
صَيداً وَيَنتَصِبُ انتِصابَ الأَجدَلِ
17. Suspicious with two gentle ones as if
They are seen as leaves attached
١٧. مُتَوَجِّسٌ بِرَقيقَتَينِ كَأَنَّما
تُرَيانِ مِن وَرَقٍ عَلَيهِ مُوَصَّلِ
18. If he passes by a slander not even brought to him
A day the qualities of Hamdawiyyah the crosseyed
١٨. ما إِن يَعافَ قَذاً وَلَو أَورَدتَهُ
يَوماً خَلائِقَ حَمدَوَيهِ الأَحوَلِ
19. A tail like a garment pulled off covering
A shame and a shame like a mask lowered
١٩. ذَنَبٌ كَما سُحِبَ الرِداءُ يَذُبُّ عَن
عُرفٍ وَعُرفٌ كَالقِناعِ المُسبَلِ
20. With smooth skin that pours in a cloak
Thin of body whose ribs show in a wrap
٢٠. جَذلانَ يَنفُضُ عُذرَةً في غُرَّةٍ
يَقَقٍ تَسيلُ حُجولُها في جَندَلِ
21. Like the blowing wind, most of his walk
Wide over far extended roads
٢١. كَالرَإِحِ النَشوانِ أَكثَرُ مَشيِهِ
عَرضاً عَلى السَنَنِ البَعيدِ الأَطوَلِ
22. The highs have gone where a blinking eye goes
With its watcher the iron of the low
٢٢. ذَهَبُ الأَعالي حَيثُ تَذهَبُ مُقلَةٌ
فيهِ بِناظِرِها حَديدُ الأَسفَلِ
23. The Pleiades seem in its Charioteer
And the full moon the prime of its smiling face
٢٣. تُتَوَهَّمُ الجَوزاءُ في أَرساغِهِ
وَالبَدرُ غُرَّةُ وَجهِهِ المُتَهَلِّلِ
24. Pure leather as if intended for it
In the purity of its tan, the smoothness of polishing
٢٤. صافي الأَديمِ كَأَنَّما عُنِيَت لَهُ
بِصَفاءِ نُقبَتِهِ مَداوِسُ صَيقَلِ
25. And as if the dye for the white garment poured upon it
Saffron for the flag or drips of bullion
٢٥. وَكَأَنَّما نَفَضَت عَلَيهِ صِبغَها
سَهباءُ لِلبَردانِ أَو قُطرُبُّلِ
26. He wore the tanned and yellowed leather
It became red so he walked as if in Kha'ylan
٢٦. لَبِسَ القُنُوَّ مُزَعفَراً وَمُعَصفَراً
يَدمى فَراحَ كَأَنَّهُ في خَيعَلِ
27. You imagine it sheathed the cheeks delicately
No matter how you gaze at it, you are ashamed
٢٧. وَتَخالُهُ كُسِيَ الخُدودَ نَواعِماً
مَهما تُواصِلُها بِلَحظٍ تَخجَلِ
28. And you see its flame in the dust, its color and intensity
Like burning embers lit
٢٨. وَتَراهُ يَسطَعُ في الغُبارِ لَهيبُهُ
لَوناً وَشَدّاً كَالهَريقِ المُشعَلِ
29. And you reckon the youths of puberty it awes
From a garden, or joy, or distraction
٢٩. وَتَظُنُّ رَيعانَ الشَبابِ يَروعُهُ
مِن جَنَّةٍ أَو نَشوَةٍ أَو أَفكَلِ
30. The neighing of vigor as if in its melodies
The rhythms of a loved one in first heavy steps
٣٠. هَزِجُ الصَهيلِ كَأَنَّ في نَغَماتِهِ
نَبَراتِ مَعبَدَ في الثَقيلِ الأَوَّلِ
31. He has ruled the eyes, so if he appears friendly, he gives
The glance of the lover to the approaching beloved
٣١. مَلَكَ العُيونَ فَإِن بَدا أَعطَينَهُ
نَظَرَ المُحِبِّ إِلى الحَبيبِ المُقبِلِ
32. To Muhammad son of 'Ali is the nobility that
None look to the Pleiades except from him
٣٢. لِمُحَمَّدِ بنِ عَلِيٍِّ الشَرَفُ الَّذي
لا يَرمُقُ الجَوزاءَ إِلّا مِن عَلِ
33. And a generosity, if not for its succession among us
Then generosity would have left without any stinginess
٣٣. وَسَماحَةٌ لَولا تَتابُعُ مُزنِها
فينا لَراحَ المُزنُ غَيرَ مُبَخَّلِ
And generosity scolds him for it, Hatim
٣٤. وَالجودُ يَعذِلُهُ عَلَيهِ حاتِمٌ
سَرفاً وَلا جُدٌ لِمَن لَم يَعذِلِ
35. Extravagant, and no generosity to one who does not scold
Distinction and preference, and the long path did not take
٣٥. فَضلٌ وَإِفدالٌ وَما أَخَذَ المَدى
بَعدَ المَدى كَالفاضِلِ المُتَفَضِّلِ
36. After the long path like the distinguished preferring one
٣٦. سارٍ إِذا اِدَّلجَ العُفاةُ إِلى النَدى
لا يَصنَعُ المَعروفَ غَيرَ مُعَجَّلِ
37. Traveling when the plump ones snuck to the dew
Does not do favors except hastened
٣٧. عالٍ عَلى نَظَرِ الحَسودِ كَأَنَّما
جَذَبَتهُ أَفرادُ النُجومِ بِأَحبُلِ
38. High above the sight of enviers as if
The individual stars pulled him with ropes
٣٨. أَو ما رَأَيتَ المَجدَ أَلقى رَحلَهُ
في آلِ طَلحَةَ ثُمَّ لَم يَتَحَوَّلِ
39. Or did you not see glory place its bags
In the family of Talhah then did not change?
٣٩. ضَيفٌ لَهُم يَقري الضُيوفَ وَنازِلٌ
مُتَكَفِّلٌ عَنهُم بِبِرِّ النُزَّلِ
40. A guest of theirs who hosts guests, and a settler
Who undertakes for them the duty of hosting
٤٠. نَفسي فِداؤُكَ يا مُحَمَّدُ مِن فَتىً
عوفي عَلى ظُلَمِ الخُطوبِ فَتَنجَلي
41. My soul is your ransom O Muhammad from a noble one
Be gentle with me from the darkness of afflictions and unwind
٤١. إِنّي أُريدُ أَبا سَعيدٍ وَالعِدى
بَيني وَبَينَ سَحابِهِ المُتَهَلِّلِ
42. I want Abi Sa'eed and enmity between me
And his lofty clouds is winding
٤٢. مُضَرُ الجَزيرَةِ كُلُّها وَرَبيعَةُ ال
خابورِ توعِدُني وَأَزدُ الموصِلِ
43. Mudar of the peninsula all of it and Rabi'ah of
Khabur threaten me as do Azd of Mosul
٤٣. قَد جُدتَ بِالطَرفِ الجَوادِ فَثَنِّهِ
لِأَخيكَ مِن أُدَدٍ أَبيكَ بِمُنصِلِ
44. You have been generous with the noble forelock, so restrain it
For your brother from Udad, your father, by reconciliation
٤٤. يَتَناوَلُ الروحَ البَعيدَ مَنالُهُ
عَفَواً وَيَفتَحُ في القَضاءِ المُقفَلِ
45. It takes the distant soul easily attained
Pardoning and opens in fate the locked
٤٥. بِإِنارَةٍ في كُلِّ حَتفٍ مُظلِمٍ
وَهِدايَةٍ في كُلِّ نَفسٍ مَجهَلِ
46. With illumination in every darkened enclosure
And guidance in every ignorant soul
٤٦. ماضٍ وَإِن لَم تُمضِهِ يَدُ فارِسٍ
بَتَلٍ وَمَصقولٌ وَإِن لَم يُصقَلِ
47. Set and sharpened even if a horseman did not wield it
Tested and polished even if not polished
٤٧. يَغشى الوَغى فَالتُرسُ لَيسَ بِجَنَّةٍ
مِن حَدِّهِ وَالدُرعُ لَيسَ بِمَعقِلِ
48. It covers the chaos but the shield is no shield
Against its sharpness and the coat of mail is no refuge
٤٨. مُصغٍ إِلى حُكمِ الرَدى فَإِذا مَضى
لَم يَلتَفِت وَإِذا قَضى لَم يَعدِلِ
49. Listening to the ruling of fate, so when it passes
He does not look back and when it rules he does not change
٤٩. مُتَوَقِّدٌ يَبري بِأَوَّلِ ضَربَةٍ
ما أَدرَكَت وَلَوَ اَنَّها في يَذبُلِ
50. Blazing giving proof with the first strike
What it attained even if it was in withering
٥٠. وَإِذا أَصابَ فَكُلُّ شَيءٍ مَقتَلٌ
وَإِذا أُصيبَ فَما لَهُ مِن مَقتَلِ
51. And if he struck then everything is death
And if struck then he has no death
٥١. وَكَأَنَّما سودُ النِمالِ وَحُمرُها
دَبَّت بِأَيدٍ في قَراهُ وَأَرجُلِ
52. And as if the blacks of the half moons and their reds
Crawled with hands in its villages and feet
٥٢. وَكَأَنَّ شاهِرُهُ إِذا اِستَعصى بِهِ
في الرَوعِ يَعصى بِالسِماكِ الأَعزَلِ
53. And as if its blade, when it disobeyed with it
In awe, disobeyed with the unarmed
٥٣. حَمَلَت حَمائِلُهُ القَديمَةُ بَقلَةً
مِن عَهدِ عادٍ غَضَّةً لَم تَذبُلِ