1. All the injustices have been redressed except one
Which continues to oppress, as foretold by Ibn Abbas
١. كُلُّ المَظالِمِ رُدَّت غَيرَ مَظلَمَةٍ
مَجرورَةٍ في مَواعيدِ اِبنِ عَبّاسِ
2. My joy at the success I sought has hindered me
So do not hinder me from the respite of despair
٢. مَنعَتَني فَرحَةَ النُجحِ الَّذي اِلتَمَسَت
نَفسي فَلا تَمنَعَنّي راحَةَ الياسِ