
How many nights have I spent awake thinking of you

كم ليلة فيك بت أسهرها

1. How many nights have I spent awake thinking of you
And how much anguish for your love I've kept hidden

١. كَم لَيلَةٍ فيكِ بِتُّ أَسهَرُها
وَلَوعَةٍ في هَواكِ أُضمِرُها

2. With burning grief as tears put it out
Then passion returns to ignite it

٢. وَحُرقَةٍ وَالدُموعُ تُطفِؤُها
ثُمَّ يَعودُ الجَوى فَيُسعِرُها

3. O you highest one, time alternates between us
Bringing days of union we bask in gratefully

٣. يا عَلوُ عَلَّ الزَمانَ يُعقِبُنا
أَيّامَ وَصلٍ نَظَلُّ نَشكُرُها

4. The white cheeks of youth are now stained
With melting shyness that yellows them

٤. بَيضاءُ رودُ الشَبابِ قَد غُمِسَت
في خَجَلٍ ذائِبٍ يُعَصفِرُها

5. A stream stirred by the morning breeze that healed
Your heart, its sight and sound

٥. مَجدولَةٌ هَزَّها الصِبا فَشَفى
قَلبَكَ مَسموعُها وَمنظَرُها

6. You neither rouse the lute nor tune its strings
Allah is its guardian, so it's never filled

٦. لا تَبعَثُ العودَ تَستَعينُ بِهِ
وَلا تَبيتُ الأَوتارُ تَخفُرُها

7. My eyes except from where I see it
The oriole's hand was marked white yesterday

٧. اللَهُ جارٌ لَها فَما اِمتَلَأَت
عَينِيَ إِلّا مِن حَيثُ أُبصِرُها

8. I won't deny it though the night of doubt
And it being our third was lingering, but

٨. إِنَ قُوَيقاً لَهُ عَلّى يَدٌ
بِالأَمسِ بَيضاءُ لَستُ أَكفُرُها

9. Allah forgives it
Days of play in both sides of Aleppo

٩. وَلَيلَةُ الشَكِّ وَهوَ ثالِثُنا
كانَت هَنّاتٌ وَاللَهُ يَغفِرُها

10. Nothing remains of them but remembering
The ornaments have no equal in the clouds

١٠. أَيّامَ لَهوٍ في جانِبَي حَلَبٍ
لَم يَبقَ مِنها إِلّا تَذَكُّرُها

11. That accompany them
Rightly guided to guidance, befitting him

١١. إِنَّ خِلالَ المُعتَزِّ لَيسَ لَها
مُقارِبٌ في السَحابِ يَعشُرُها

12. Is the caliphate, his view runs it
Its affairs returned to him, so he takes them

١٢. مُوَفَّقٌ لِلهُدى تَليقُ بِهِ
خِلافَةٌ رَأيُهُ يُدَبِّرُها

13. With his resolve issuing and organizing them
Thus justice and religion aim for

١٣. رُدَّت إِلَيهِ أُمورُها وَغَدا
يورِدُها حَزمُهُ وَيُصدِرُها

14. The utmost glory, its pride
A nature his, nothing changes it

١٤. فَالعَدلُ وَالدينُ يَقصِدانِ إِلى
غايَةِ مَجدٍ لِلدينِ مَفخَرُها

15. And a tradition his, nothing alters it
The commander of the faithful, chosen

١٥. سَجِيَّةٌ مِنهُ ما يُبَدِّلُها
وَسُنَّةٌ مِنهُ ما يُغَيِّرُها

16. For him is the Creator's approval, its best
His crown shone through it, his

١٦. وَإِمرَةُ المُؤمِنينَ مُنتَخَبٌ
لَها رَضِيُّ الخَلاقِ خَيرُها

17. Sublime throne and pulpit vanished in it
Every day, his comfort overflows

١٧. زَها بِهِ تاجُها وَتاهَ بِهِ
سَريرُها المُعتَلى وَمَنبَرُها

18. With gifts, even its seas don't contain
If the treasure of days were in his hands

١٨. في كُلِّ يَومٍ تَفيضُ راحَتُهُ
مَواهِباً ما تُخاصُ أَبحُرُها

19. Their years would spill in generosity, even its months
We praise him with blessings that preceded

١٩. لَو أَنَّ كَنزَ الأَيّامِ في يَدِهِ
طاحَت سِنوها جوداً وَأَشهَرُها

20. The greatest in souls is their least
Like praising the meadow for its rain

٢٠. نُثني عَلَيهِ بِأَنعُمٍ سَلَفَت
أَصغَرُها في النُفوسِ أَكبَرُها

21. With the meadow's own flowers when it blooms
The perfection of the Prophet's city was led

٢١. كَالرَوضِ أَثنى عَلى سَحائِبِهِ
بِزَهرَةِ الرَوضِ حينَ يَنشُرُها

22. By the full moon that floods it with light
Radiant in eyes, smiling

٢٢. قاد تَمَّ حُسنُ المُحَمَّدِيَّةِ بِالبَد
رِ الَّذي بِالضِياءِ يَغمُرُها

23. Its beginning intimate, its place joyous
It diffuses the scent of camphor, its soil

٢٣. مُشرِقَةٌ في العُيونِ ضاحِكَةٌ
مَبدَؤُها آنِسٌ وَمَحضَرُها

24. When it becomes and the sky rains on it
A melody of bliss with fortune it brings down

٢٤. تُبدي نَسيمَ الكافورِ تُربَتُها
إِذا غَدَت وَالسَماءُ تُمطِرُها

25. And a home of intimacy with prosperity it populates
And Farisabad, when it envelops it

٢٥. مَغنى سُرورٍ بِالسَعدِ تُنزِلُهُ
وَدارُ أُنسٍ بِاليُمنِ تَعمُرُها

26. Burgeoning trees and fruiting
Garden of Eden, when you enter it

٢٦. وَفارِسابادِ إِذ تَكَنَّفَها
مورِقُ أَشجارِها وَمِثمِرُها

27. You'll witness the Tigris is its pond
Whoever is not essence, that's God's slave

٢٧. جَنَّةُ عَدنٍ مَتى حَلَلتَ بِها
شَهَدتَ أَنَّ القاطولَ كَوثَرُها

28. Beauty of the world and its essence
Delicate from the trembling of dew, a hand

٢٨. مَن لَم يَكُن جَوهَراً فَذَلِكَ عَب
دُ اللَهِ زَينُ الدُنيا وَجَوهَرُها

29. With splendor and generosity it guards
Fulfilled brightness with a dawn that dazzled

٢٩. نَشوانُ مِن هِزَّةِ النَدى فَيدٌ
بِالمَها وَالسَماحِ تَحذَرُها

30. The morning sun when its light shone
Aspirant of dew, Abdu Manaf makes it

٣٠. أَوفى ضِياءً بِطَلعَةٍ بَهَرَت
شَمسَ الضُحى إِذ أَضاءَ نَيِّرُها

31. And whoever aspires it
If we seek something desired from him

٣١. مُؤَمَّلٌ لِلنَدى تُؤَمِّرُهُ
عَبدُ مَنافٍ وَمَن يُؤَمِّرُها

32. Nothing obstructs it or makes it difficult

٣٢. إِذا طَلَبنا إِلَيهِ مَرغَبَةً
لَم يَعتَرِض دونَها تَعَذُّرُها