1. From your shelter does the gentle breeze implore
A beloved has come, gifted from a beloved
١. أَمِنكَ تَأَوُّبُ الطَيفِ الطَروبِ
حَبيبٌ جاءَ يُهدى مِن حَبيبِ
2. He surmounted the haughty soul and its languor
And the distance of the desolate wilderness
٢. تَخَطّى رِقبَةَ الوَشينَ وَهناً
وَبُعدَ مَسافَةُ الخَرقِ المَجوبِ
3. He lies to me, and I believe him in affection
Feigned intimacy is the habit of liars
٣. يُكاذِبُني وَأَصدُقُهُ وِداداً
وَمِن كَلَفٍ مُصادَقَةُ الكَذوبِ
4. The abode answers its questioner, making known
Of the living who departed, the respondents
٤. تُجيبُ الدارُ سائِلَها فَتُنبي
عَنِ الحَيِّ المُفارِقِ مِن تُجيبِ
5. They associated with loved ones, returning lonesome
When suddenly met by hoary hair
٥. نَأَوا بِأَوانِسٍ يَرجِعنَ وَحشاً
إِذا فوجِئنَ بِالشَعَرِ الخَضيبِ
6. I say to my life as it hastens me
To old age, "Ruin me in it, and disappoint me!"
٦. أَقولُ لِلِمَّتي إِذ أَسرَعَت بي
إِلى الشَيبِ اِخسَري فيهِ وَخيبي
7. A difference of method after method
Yet I and differences in methods are not of accord
٧. مُخالِفَةً بِضَربٍ بَعدَ ضَربٍ
وَما أَنا وَاِختِلافاتُ الضُروبِ
8. And her conversation in them was strange
Thus, her antiquity became truly strange
٨. وَكانَ حَديثُها فيها غَريباً
فَصارَ قَديمُها حَقَّ الغَريبِ
9. The singers blame my grey hair on me
But who can I be to enjoy what is blameworthy?
٩. يَعيبُ الغانِياتُ عَلَيَّ شَيبي
وَمَن لي أَن أُمَتَّعَ بِالمَعيبِ
10. I experienced my youth and though it turned away
Praiseworthy, without my experience of old age's dignity
١٠. وَوَجدي بِالشَبابِ وَإِن تَوَلّى
حَميداً دُونَ وَجدي بِالمَشيبِ
11. Is it not time for Taghlib's springtime to end
Of tremors within it and wars?
١١. أَما لِرَبيعَةِ الفَرَسِ اِنتِهاءٌ
عَنِ الزَلزالِ فيها وَالحُروبِ
12. For each tribe are horses that come forth
To horses rehearsing riding
١٢. لِكُلِّ قَبيلَةٍ خَيلٌ تَداعى
إِلى خَيلٍ مُعاوِدَةِ الرَكوبِ
13. As was the habit of the sons of Mu'ammar when they visited
The sons of 'Amr at Musayyid amidst throngs
١٣. كَدَأبِ بَني المُعَمِّرِ حينَ زاروا
بَني عَمروٍ بِمُصمِيَةٍ شَعوبِ
14. They confronted the sincere in reckoning until
They averted the loss of the weak against the cross
١٤. تَبالوا صادِقَ الأَحسابِ حَتّى
نَفَوا خَوَرَ الضَعيفِ عَنِ الصَليبِ
15. The openness of horses and heroes is richer
Than the crossbreeds and the adulterated mixtures
١٥. صَريحُ الخَيلِ وَالأَبطالِ أَغنى
عَنِ الهُجُناتِ وَالخِلطِ المَشوبِ
16. They would patch up the days of Sulaym
Upon those cups and wounds
١٦. وَكانوا رَقَّعوا أَيّامَ سِلمٍ
عَلى تِلكَ القَوادِحِ وَالنُدوبِ
17. When the wound was bandaged over corruption
The healer's negligence was evident
١٧. إِذا ما الجُرحُ رُمَّ عَلى فَسادٍ
تَبَيَّنَ فيهِ تَفريطُ الطَبيبِ
18. The pleasure of loss brought losses
And speech that revealed courtships
١٨. رَزِيَّةُ هالِكٍ جَلَبَت رَزايا
وَخَطبٌ باتَ يَكشِفُ عَن خُطوبِ
19. The pocket is torn, then comes a matter
In which tearing pockets is belittled
١٩. يُشَقُّ الجَيبُ ثُمَّ يَجيءُ أَمرٌ
يُصَغَّرُ فيهِ تَشقيقُ الجُيوبِ
20. And a grave, after my days of Barqa'id
When it slaughters the horizon of the south
٢٠. وَقَبرٌ عَن أَيامِنِ بَرقَعيدٍ
إِذا هِيَ ناحَرَت أُفُقَ الجَنوبِ
21. Its soil will forever sweep upon it
A pledge from the pouring of youthful blood
٢١. يَسُحُّ تُرابُهُ أَبَداً عَلَيها
عِهاداً مِن مُراقِ دَمٍ صَبيبِ
22. When a sky pours forth, then holds back
It curves with a generous downpour
٢٢. إِذا سَكَبَت سَماءٌ ثُمَّ أَجلَت
ثَنَت بِسَماءِ مُغدِقَةٍ سَكوبِ
23. And I have not seen for the Pleiades after our era
An ascent like that of Al-Musharrafiyyah's nearby
٢٣. وَلَم أَرَ لِلتِراتِ بَعُدنَ عَهداً
كَسَلِّ المَشرَفِيَّةِ مِن قَريبِ
24. The arrows of loftiness are aimed over them
And the line of trembling knees disappeared
٢٤. تُصَوَّبُ فَوقَهُم حِزَقُ العَوالي
وَغابُ الخَطِّ مَهزوزَ الكُعوبِ
25. Like the date palms of Sumayhah, a hill ascended
Shielded by the winds atop a hill
٢٥. كَنَخلِ سُمَيحَةَ اِستَعلى رَكيبٌ
تُكَفّيهِ الرِياحُ عَلى رَكيبِ
26. Who then can hear the clamor of the two brothers and not be terrified
By a clash from their combat, wondrous
٢٦. فَمَن يَسمَع وَغى الأَخَوَينِ يُذعَر
بِصَكٍّ مِن قِراعِهِما عَجيبِ
27. The struggle of Taghlib cast down upon Tharthar
Spate and meadows
٢٧. تَخَمُّطَ تَغلِبَ الغَلباءِ أَلقَت
عَلى الثَرثارِ بَركاً وَالرَحوبِ
28. A chieftain of a plot, and a wild pigeon
Whose return was to drink from the waters
٢٨. زَعيماً خُطَّةٍ وَرَدا حِماماً
وُرودَهُما جَبا الماءِ الشَروبِ
29. When adversity came, they bore it
Upon the shoulders of the firmly mounted
٢٩. إِذا آدَ البَلاءُ تَحَمَّلاهُ
عَلى دَفَّي مُوَقَّعَةٍ رَكوبِ
30. When precedence is divided, no share amongst men
Is weighted over any share
٣٠. إِذا قُسِمَ التَقَدُّمُ لَم يُرَجَّح
نَصيبٌ في الرِجالِ عَلى نَصيبِ
31. Except that the elder is given excellence
As the excellence of a spear over spears
٣١. خَلا أَنَّ الكَبيرَ يُزادُ فَضلاً
كَفَضلِ الرُمحِ زيدَ مِنَ الكُعوبِ
32. Is there anyone rational of the sons of 'Adiyy
To restore the wanderer of their forbearing wisdom?
٣٢. فَهَل لِاِبنى عَدِيٍّ مِن رَشيدٍ
يَرُدُّ شَريدَ حِلمِهِما الغَريبِ
33. I fear for them the passage of a pasture
From the fodder that they suspended, withering
٣٣. أَخافُ عَلَيهُما إِمرارَ مَرعىً
مِنَ الكَلَإِ الَّذي عُلِقاهُ موبي
34. And I know that their war is but caprice
Upon the inviter to it and the respondent
٣٤. وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّ حَربَهُما خَبالٌ
عَلى الداعي إِلَيها وَالمُجيبِ
35. As the war prisoner of ‘Amr was led
To his demise, and the valley of Qadhib overflowed
٣٥. كَما أَسرى القَطا لِبَياتِ عَمروٍ
وَسالَ لِهُلكِهِ وادي قَضيبِ
36. And in the war of the clan, there are supporters
That shake the ancient glories, revered
٣٦. وَفي حَربِ العَشيرَةِ مُؤيِداتٌ
تُضَعضِعُ تالِدَ العِزِّ المَهيبِ
37. Perhaps Abu Al-Mu'ammar recites them
In distant anxiety and a vast chest
٣٧. لَعَلَّ أَبا المُعَمَّرِ يَتَّليها
بِبُعدِ الهَمِّ وَالصَدرِ الرَحيبِ
38. How many necklaces has the night given
The gift of the perfumer within it
٣٨. وَكَم مِن سُؤدُدٍ قَد باتَ يُعطي
عَطِيَّةَ مُكثِرِ فيهِ مُطيبِ
39. O Haytham son of ‘Abdullah, a claim
Of one praising advice or deterring
٣٩. أَهَيثَمُ يا اِبنَ عَبدِ اللَهِ دَعوى
مُشيدٍ بِالنَصيحَةِ أَو مُهيبِ
40. And none are called to what you are called to
Other than you, son of the honorable and the noble
٤٠. وَما يُدعى لِما تُدعى إِلَيهِ
سِواكَ اِبنَ النَجيبَةِ وَالنَجيبِ
41. Overlook your people's sins, for keeping
Sins when they arrive from sins
٤١. تَناسَ ذُنوبَ قَومِكَ إِنَّ حِفظَ ال
ذُنوبِ إِذا قَدُمنَ مِنَ الذُنوبِ
42. For the straight arrow is more beloved errant
To the archer than the arrow that hits
٤٢. فَلَلسَهمُ السَديدُ أَحَبُّ غِبّاً
إِلى الرامي مِنَ السَهمِ المُصيبِ
43. When you have attained victory for the clan of ‘Ubayd
To the sincerity of affection for the clan of Habib
٤٣. مَتى أَحرَزتَ نَصرَ بَني عُبَيدٍ
إِلى إِخلاصِ وُدِّ بَني حَبيبِ
44. You will have become the strongest of Taghlib
At the hands of the clan and their hearts
٤٤. فَقَد أَصبَحتَ أَغلَبَ تَغلِبِيٍّ
عَلى أَيدي العَشيرَةِ وَالقُلوبِ