
The north wind brought a northern breeze

ريح الشمال أتت بريح شمال

1. The north wind brought a northern breeze
In the dawn, so it stirred the nightingale

١. ريحُ الشَمالِ أَتَت بِريحِ شَمالِ
سَحَراً فَهاجَت ساكِنَ البَلبالِ

2. Alas! For what it brought, alas for it!
It revived what was dead of my limbs

٢. واهاً بِما جاءَت بِهِ واهاً لَهُ
أَحيَت بِهِ ما ماتَ مِن أَوصالي

3. So its reward is two loves for its beautiful name
From us, and love for its good deeds

٣. فَجَزاؤُها حُبّانِ حُبُّ بَاِسمِها
مِنّا وَحُبٌّ عَن جَميلِ فَعالِ

4. And it has a right over us to agree with its name
A renewed yearning for the name of the north

٤. وَلَها عَلَينا في مُوافَقَةِ اِسمِها
هَقٌّ جَديدٌ رِعيَةَ اِسمِ شَمالِ

5. I was pleased with it as a skillful doctor
That heals the souls from love sickness and shackles

٥. وَلَقَد رَضيتُ بِها طَبيباً حاذِقاً
يَشفي الجَوانِحَ مِن جَوىً وَغِلالِ

6. With it I became needless of messengers
To uncover the deserts and what desire hides

٦. وَبِها غَنيتُ عَنِ العِبادِ رَسولَةً
تَفري القِفارَ وَما تَني لِكَلالِ

7. It reminds you that I am still true to you
And Allah bears witness to the truth of my words

٧. تُنبيكُمُ أَنّي عَلى عَهدٍ لَكُم
وَاللَهُ يَشهَدُ لي بِصِدقِ مَقالِ

8. I shunned sins and it was not my habit
To commit sins for you and each new moon

٨. عِفتُ الحَرامَ وَلَم يَكُن مِن عادَتي
فِعلُ الحَرامِ لَكُم وَكُلُّ هَلالِ

9. And I guarded my eyes from any beautiful temptation
And restrained the pole of my tent with ropes

٩. وَحَمَيتُ عَيني كُلَّ حُسنٍ رائِقٍ
وَعَقَلتُ عودَ عَرامَتي بِعِقالِ

10. And I rejected the pleasures of life and its goodness
Of clothing, food or money

١٠. وَرَفَضتُ لَذّاتَ الحَياةِ وَطيبَها
مِن مَلبَسٍ أَو مَطعَمٍ أَو مالِ

11. And when I'm alone and find no one to console me
Except misfortunes with long dark nights

١١. وَإِذا خَلَوتُ وَلَم أَجِد لي مُسعِداً
إِلّا الشُؤونَ بِساجِمٍ هَطّالِ

12. I throw my garment over my face crying
And make my forehead lean on the north

١٢. أَلقَيتُ ثَوبي فَوقَ وَجهي باكِياً
وَجَعَلتُ مُعتَمَدَ الجَبينِ شِمالي

13. I used to be, before we parted, in bliss
Of a life with you, carefree and content

١٣. قَد كُنتُ قَبلَ فِراقِكُم في غِبطَةٍ
مِن عيشَةٍ بِكُمُ رَخِيَّ البالِ

14. Why did the love become miserable and make its grandfather miserable
It cut off my hopes and broke my dreams

١٤. ما لِلنَوى تَعِسَت وَأُتعِسَ جَدُّها
قَطَعَت رَجايَ وَأَخلَفَت آمالي

15. My loved ones were forced away violently
On Thursday at noon the ships of the first party sailed

١٥. شُدَّت عَلى جَمعي الأَحِبَّةِ عَنوَةً
يَومَ الخَميسِ ضُحاً سَفينَ أُوالِ

16. So the souls were ripped from their bodies
In yearning, while still far from death

١٦. فَاِستُلَّتِ الأَرواحُ مِن أَجسامِها
بِالشَوقِ وَهيَ بَعيدَةُ الآجالِ

17. The stars of eyes rained, so they became green
And the roses of cheeks with continuous downpour

١٧. وَاِستُمطِرَت نُجلُ العُيونِ فَأَخضَلَت
وَردَ الخُدودِ بِواكِفٍ هَطّالِ

18. After you left, O North, I remained confused
Inhaling spirits with the evening breezes

١٨. أَمسَيتُ بَعدَكَ يا شَمالُ تَخَوُّقاً
أَستَنشِقُ الأَرواحَ بِالآصالِ

19. And I moan in the darkness of night, lying down
And spend the night awake until dawn

١٩. وَأَحِنُّ في غَلَسِ الدُجونِ مُسَهَّداً
وَأُواصِلُ الإِدبارَ بِالإِقبالِ

20. Like a mad lover, except that in
The fat of the south there is virtue in leanness

٢٠. كَالوالِهِ المَجنونِ إِلّا أَنَّ في
شَحمِ الجُنوبِ فَضيلَةً لِهُزالِ

21. How many sympathizers asked if maybe
They could console your love, and I said: others have tried

٢١. كَم قائِلٍ شَفِقاً تَسَلَّ لَعَلَّهُ
يَسلو هَواكَ فَقُلتُ غَيرِيَ سالِ

22. How can there be consolation when I tied its knots
With my covenants and its ropes with my ropes

٢٢. كَيفَ السُلُوُّ وَقَد عَقَدتُ عُقودَها
بِمَواثِقي وَحِبالَها بِحِبالي

23. And I looked at people, but did not find
Anyone more beautiful than it in beauty

٢٣. وَأَجَلتُ طَرفي في العِبادِ فَلَم أَجِد
أَهَداً يَفوقُ جَمالَها بِجَمالِ

24. Shame on me if I let go of its reins
Or was unfaithful in love by changing

٢٤. عارٌ عَلَيَّ مَتى أَدَعتُ ذِمامَها
أَو رُعتُها في الحُبِّ بِاِستِبدالِ

25. And whenever I forget, I cannot forget its words:
"Unite us in your letters at the head of each crescent"

٢٥. وَمَتى نَسيتُ فَلَستُ أَنسى قَولَها
صِلنا بِكُتبِكَ رَأسَ كُلِّ هِلالِ