1. Living in Daraya at night when it is cold
And mixing our drink with cold water
١. العَيشُ في لَيلِ دارَيّا إِذا بَرَدا
وَالراحُ نَمزُجُها بِالماءِ مِن بَرَدى
2. Say to the Imam whose virtuous deeds
Have spread far and wide, we cannot count them
٢. قُل لِلإِمامِ الَّذي عَمَّت فَواضِلُهُ
شَرقاً وَغَرباً فَما نُحصي لَها عَدَدا
3. God has protected you from the knowledge of those opposing the caliphate
And God has given you what he has not given anyone else
٣. اللَهُ وَلّاكَ عَن عِلمٍ خِلافَتَهُ
وَاللَهُ أَعطاكَ ما لَم يُعطِهِ أَحَدا
4. Whenever you dispatched the brave horses on a journey
You recognized good fortune and proper guidance
٤. وَما بَعَثتَ عِتاقَ الخَيلِ في سَفَرٍ
إِلّا تَعَرَّفتَ فيهِ اليُمنَ وَالرَشَدا
5. As for Damascus, it has displayed its beauties
And its rains have fulfilled what was promised you
٥. أَمّا دِمَشقُ فَقَد أَبدَت مَحاسِنَها
وَقَد وَفى لَكَ مُطريها بِما وَعَدا
6. If you want, you can fill your eyes with a land
Beautiful and a time resembling an ancestral land
٦. إِذا أَرَدتَ مَلَأتَ العَينَ مِن بَلَدٍ
مُستَحسَنٍ وَزَمانٍ يُشبِهُ البَلَدا
7. The clouds disperse over its mountains
And vegetation sprouts in its deserts
٧. يُمسي السَحابُ عَلى أَجبالِها فِرَقاً
وَيُصبِحُ النَبتُ في صَحرائِها بَدَدا
8. You see only a thriving green
Or a chirping bird or one that warbles
٨. فَلَستَ تُبصِرُ إِلّا واكِفاً خَضِلاً
أَو يانِعاً خَضِراً أَو طائِراً غَرِدا
9. As if the summer heat has gone after its torment
Or spring has come after being so far
٩. كَأَنَّما القَيظُ وَلّى بَعدَ جيأَتِهِ
أَوِ الرَبيعُ دَنا مِن بَعدِ ما بَعُدا
10. O most generous of people, yet most unassuming
Your good deeds are long lasting
١٠. يا أَكثَرَ الناسِ إِحساناً وَأَعرَضَهُم
سَيبَن وَأَطوَلَهُم في المَكرُماتِ يَدا
11. We ask of God only that your blessings upon us endure
And that they remain ours forever
١١. ما نَسأَلُ اللَهَ إِلّا أَن تَدومَ لَكَ ال
نَعماءُ فينا وَأَن تَبقى لَنا أَبَدا