1. Your singer of hatred has poison in him
Displaying an ambiguous nature
١. مُغَنّيكَ لِلبُغضِ فيهِ سِمَه
تَلوحُ عَلى خِلقَةٍ مُبهَمَه
2. Insult increases his worth
Goodness corrupts and honor debases him
٢. تَزيدُ الإِهانَةُ في شَأنِهِ
صَلاحاً وَتُفسِدُهُ التَكرِمَه
3. His beard quivers during singing
As if stung by a painful scorpion
٣. يُرَعِّشُ لَحيَيهِ عِندَ الغِناءِ
كَأَنَّ بِهِ النافِضَ المُؤلِمَه
4. As if thistles prick his cheeks
His villainous beard bristling
٤. كَأَنَّ الكَشوتَ عَلى شَوكِهِ
تَعَقُّفُ لِحيَتِهِ المُجرِمَه
5. His nose flares red when angry
You'd think it was a wine flask
٥. وَأَنفٌ إِذا اِحمَرَّ في وَجهِهِ
وَقامَ تَوَهَّمتَهُ مِحجَمَه
6. His gaping throat and feeble voice
When the vulgar singer strains his vocal chords
٦. وَمُنتَشِرُ الحَلقِ واهي اللَهاةِ
إِذا ما شَدا فاحِشُ الغَلصَمَه
7. As he wails, spittle flies from his mouth
And phlegm splatters on the lute
٧. إِذا صاحَ سالَت لَهُ مَخطَةٌ
عَلى العودِ وَاِنقَلَعَت بَلغَمَه
8. How many notes tossed then forgotten
How many melodies muffled and mute
٨. فَكَم شَذرَةٍ ثَمَّ مَنسِيَّةٍ
أُطيحَت وَكَم نَغمَةٍ مُدغَمَه
9. People glare at him with loathing
Scowls and frowns scarcely concealed
٩. يُبَظرِمُهُ القَومُ مِن بُغضِهِ
جَهاراً وَقَلَّت لَهُ البَظرَمَه
10. Boorish always, spirits darkened
Restless and nervous, unstable and unreal
١٠. عَرابِدُهُ أَبَداً جَمَّةٌ
وَأَخلاقُهُ كَزَّةٌ مُظلِمَه
11. If we restrain him from a friend
He recoils, trying to worm free
١١. كَثيرُ التَلَفُّتِ وَالاِعتِرا
ضِ شَديدُ التَفَلُّتِ وَالهَمهَمَه
12. We tend to our needs
With the pure or the unclean
١٢. إِذا ما حَجَرناهُ عَن صاحِبٍ
تَجَنّى وَحاوَلَ أَن نُسلِمَه
13. A bothersome fool we suffer all day
Our gathering with him a nightmare scene
١٣. كَأَنّا نَمُتُّ بِحاجاتِنا
إِلى طاهِرٍ أَو إِلى هَرثَمَه
14. He brings what is sweet to him
If not for manners we'd shut his mouth clean
١٤. هِراشٌ نُعانيهِ طولَ النَهارِ
فَمَجلِسُنا مَعَهُ مَلحَمَه
١٥. يَجيءُ بِما هُوَ طَهلٌ لَهُ
فَلَولا الحَياءُ كَسَرنا فَمَه