
With our own selves, not with vain shows and bragging speech,

بأنفسنا لا بالطوارف والتلد

1. With our own selves, not with vain shows and bragging speech,
We come to you, who from complaint hidest or dost impart.

١. بِأَنفُسِنا لا بِالطَوارِفِ وَالتُلدِ
نَقيكَ الَّذي تُخفي مِنَ الشَكوِ أَو تُبدي

2. O company of those who visit me, let me no more
Hear from you griefs about me, though solicitude incite your speech.

٢. بِنا مَعشَرَ العُوّادِ ما بِكَ مِن أَذىً
وَإِن أَشفَقوا مِمّا أَقولُ فَبي وَحدي

3. We lived in glory during your prime, which found
And when we said, "A limb of glory is impaired,"

٣. ظَلِلنا نَعودُ المَجدَ مِن وَعكِكَ الَّذي
وَجَدتَ وَقُلنا اِعتَلَّ عُضوٌ مِنَ المَجدِ

4. We did not deal justly with the lion when we shared his spoil,
Yet did not share his zeal when daring came.

٤. وَلَم نُنصِفِ اللَيثَ اِقتَسَمنا نَوالَهُ
وَلَم نَقتَسِم حُمّاهُ إِذ أَقبَلَت تَردي

5. A pallor showed upon his face while their praise
Of his teeth was the pure pearl's yellowish white.

٥. بَدَت صُفرَةٌ في لَونِهِ إِنَّ حَمدَهُم
مِنَ الدُرِّ ما اِصفَرَّت نَواحيهِ في العِقدِ

6. And his soft padded paw was like the fire
That gloweth bright on the litten waves by night.

٦. وَحَرَّت عَلى الأَيدي مَجَسَّةُ كَفِّهِ
كَذَلِكَ مَوجُ البَحرِ مُلتَهِبُ الوَقدِ

7. Nor fearest thou to see the tall sapling of the Arak-tree
Blown by the spicy wind that clips it from its root.

٧. وَلَستَ تَرى عودَ الأَراكَةِ خائِفاً
سَمومَ الرِياحِ الآخِذاتِ مِنَ الرَندِ

8. No age makes the dog rabid if his life is long:
Nay, but rabid is only the honourable knight.

٨. وَما الكَلبُ مَحموماً وَإِن طالَ عُمرُهُ
أَلا إِنَّما الحُمّى عَلى الأَسَدِ الوَردِ