
O my night at the palace with comfort

يا ليلتي بالقصر من بطياس

1. O my night at the palace with comfort
And my resting at the palace, or rather my vigilance

١. يا لَيلَتي بِالقَصرِ مِن بِطياسِ
وَمُعَرَّسي بِالقَصرِ بَل إِعراسي

2. The breaths of the delicate fragrance gazelle
Cooled my fervor and worries as I spent the night awake

٢. باتَت تُبَرِّدُ مِن جَوايَ وَغُلَّتي
أَنفاسُ ظَبيٍ طَيِّبِ الأَنفاسِ

3. It comes near to me with its splendor and breeze
Elevating me with cup after cup

٣. يَدنو إِلَيَّ بَريقِهِ وَبِراحِهِ
فَيَعُلُّني بِالكاسِ بَعدَ الكاسِ

4. The liveliness of its soul set my soul aflutter
And the sleepiness of its eyelids chased away my sleepiness

٤. هَيَفُ الجَوانِحِ مِنهُ هاضَ جَوانِحي
وَنُعاسُ مُقلَتِهِ أَطارَ نُعاسي

5. By the father of Abu al-Hasan, whose good morals
He related, the father of al-‘Abbas

٥. بِأَبي أَبو الحَسَنِ الَّذي حَسُنَت لَنا
أَخلاقُهُ فَحَكى أَبا العَبّاسِ

6. A forthcoming time, our days were transferred
From its wilderness to intimacy

٦. مُستَقبِلٌ نُقِلَت بِهِ أَيّامُنا
عَن وَحشَةٍ مِنها إِلى إيناسِ

7. He has come to be hoped for by the eminent, and his actions
Are expected for the judiciousness of the advisors

٧. أَضحى يُؤَمَّلُ لِلجَليلِ وَتُرتَجى
حَرَكاتُهُ لِسِياسَةِ السُوّاسِ

8. If he is ahead in writing, his father
Was at the pinnacle of the summit

٨. إِن كانَ رَأساً في الكِتابَةِ مِدرَهاً
فَأَبوهُ مِنها في مَحَلِّ الراسِ

9. He sought dignity, yet was excessive in cheerfulness
With familiarity, brightening the faces of boon companions

٩. قَصدُ الوَقارِ وَفيهِ فَرطُ بَشاشَةٍ
بِالأُنسِ تَبسُطُ أَوجُهَ الجُلّاسِ

10. He turned away ceremonies, even when they came morose
And softened the harshness of the cruel times

١٠. رَدَّ الخُطوبَ وَقَد أَتَينَ عَوابِساً
وَأَلانَ مِن كَبِدِ الزَمانِ القاسي