1. Praise is withheld until blame is judged,
And bounty is not repelled except with inseparability.
١. لا يُحمَدُ السَجلُ حَتّى يُحكَمَ الوَذَمُ
وَلا تُرَدُّ بِغَيرِ الواصِلِ النِعَمُ
2. Among jewels there are resemblances of similarities,
Lights do not resemble darkness.
٢. وَفي الجَواهِرِ أَشباهٌ مُشاكِلَةٌ
وَلَيسَ تَشتَبِهُ الأَنوارُ وَالظُلَمُ
3. We are in the care of a helping state,
Each bound by a covenant to guard his flock.
٣. وَنَحنُ في كَنَفَي حالٍ مُساعِدَةٍ
كُلٌّ عَلى رَعيِهِ الميثاقَ مُعتَزِمِ
4. Like the downpours of the five, the month of blazing heat yielded for him
A retreat, and its shade stretched over him a ladder.
٤. كَوارِدِ الخِمسِ شَهرَ القَيظِ جادَ لَهُ
حِسيٌ وَمَدَّ عَلَيهِ ظِلُّهُ السَلَمُ
5. A jurisdiction distracted you from attending to a need you neglected,
While your soul’s tendencies are blamed.
٥. أَلهَتكَ عَن حاجَةٍ ضَيَّعتَ حُرمَتَها
وِلايَةٌ وَدَواعي النَفسِ تُتَّهَمُ
6. When you stood up from the days in despondency,
As the standard was illumined by the fire of the light.
٦. أَحينَ قُمتَ مِنَ الأَيّامِ في كَتَدٍ
كَما أَنارَ بِنارِ الموقِدِ العَلَمُ
7. You clung to a soft, shaded green
And bounty corrupted you against your brethren.
٧. أَنشَبتَ نَفسَكَ في خَضراءَ مُغدِقَةٍ
وَأَفسَدَتكَ عَلى إِخوانِكَ النِعَمُ