1. There is not an hour's worth in associating with Ibn Aktham
For one of sense or even a madman
١. ما في مُعاشَرَةِ اِبنُ أَكثَمَ ساعَةً
خَطَرٌ لِذي عَقلٍ وَلا مَجنونِ
2. A blind man with sight finding fault with his friend
He comes with subtle harms in silence
٢. أَعمى لَهُ بَصَرٌ يَعيبُ صَديقَهُ
يَأتي المَثالِبَ في خَفاً وَسُكونِ
3. He shows us the mien of judges and their traits
Yet his finest bite is from the backbiter
٣. يُبدي لِنا زِيَّ القُضاةِ وَسَمتَهُم
وَأَجَلُّ طُعمَتِهُ مِنَ التَقين
4. How much is there in a description that pleases you present
Yet with the absent it is not to be trusted
٤. كَم ثَمَّ مِن وَصفٍ يَسُرُّكَ حاضِراً
وَمَعَ المَغيبِ فَلَيسَ بِالمَأمونِ
5. Until mastering leadership entirely
He sold leaders and excelled in appointments
٥. حَتّى إِذا حَذِقَ القِيادَةَ كُلَّها
باعَ القِيانَ وَجَدَّ في التَعيّنِ
6. And avenged the oppressions of his grandfather
So the mercenary escaped with the condemned
٦. وَقَضى مَظالِمَ جَدِّهِ مُتَحَرِّياً
فَتَخَلَّصَ اللوطيُّ بِالمَأبونِ