1. The blind rain has targeted blindness, had it not been
And tomorrow, yet tomorrow is not among my targets
١. قَد أَهدَفَ الغَثُّ العَمى لَو لَم يَكُن
وَغداً وَلَيسَ الوَغدُ مِن أَهدافي
2. And came up with verses stolen for him
Scattered carpenter work and dubious lineage
٢. وَأَتى بِأَبياتٍ لَهُ مَسروقَةٍ
شَتّى النِجارِ وَنِسبَةٍ أَفوافِ
3. He still drags from his poems
A carcass, so how can I speak amid the barrenness
٣. ما إِن يَزالُ يَجُرُّ مِن أَشعارِهِ
جيفاً فَكَيفَ أَقولُ في الجَيّافِ
4. The wretched one perished, a victim of spite after
Invective made him a victim of canyon pits
٤. باتَ الشَقِيُّ قَتيلَ أَيرٍ بَعدَ ما
آلَ الهِجاءُ بِهِ قَتيلَ قَوافِ
5. It cautions you of a circle in his poetry
With bias for the 'l' over the 'k'
٥. يُنبيكَ عَن حَلَقِيَّةٍ في شِعرِهِ
بِتَعَصُّبٍ لِلّامِ دونَ الكافِ
6. The illuminating poet Sarraj did amaze us
So speak of the ignorant poet
٦. وَالشاعِرُ السَرّاجُ كانَ يَفوتُنا
عَجَباً فَقُل في الشاعِرِ الإِسكافِ
7. Wrapped in the bent posture of his hunchback
For the beads between the molds and rims
٧. مُتَلَفِّفُ العُثنونِ مِن إِكبابِهِ
لِلخَرزِ بَينَ قَوالِبٍ وَأَشافِ
8. Your feet have missed you, so everyone in
The lands of Ras al-Ain after you is lacking
٨. فَقَدَتكَ أَقدامُ العُلوجِ فَكُلُّ مَن
بِبِلادِ رَأسِ العَينِ بَعدَكَ حافِ
9. And you claimed to be a Khat'ami after
They knew your father, so some of this quaking
٩. وَزَعَمتَ أَنَّكَ خَثعَمِيٌّ بَعدَما
عَرَفوا أَباكَ فَبَعضَ ذا الإِرجافِ
10. I am content with a Khat'ami which is
Not of lineages other than self-sufficiency
١٠. إِنّي قَنِعتُ بِخَثعَمٍ وَهيَ الَّتي
لَيسَت مِنَ الأَنسابِ غَيرَ كَفافِ
11. No ambition in you fell short of Hashim
Had it not been for fear of the nobility's punishment
١١. ما قَصَّرَت بِكَ هِمَّةٌ عَن هاشِمِ
لَولا اتِّقاءُ عُقوبَةِ الأَشرافِ
12. You stole my poetry then came to blame me
Oh tomorrow what is this lacking in equity
١٢. أَسَرَقتَ شِعري ثُمَّ جِئتَ تَذُمُّني
يا وَغدُ ما هَذا مِنَ الإِنصافِ
13. And you went about pursuing me but were sent back disappointed
The donkey's measure and the shame of begging
١٣. وَجَرَيتَ تَطلُبُني فَرَدَّكَ خائِباً
حَسبُ الحِمارِ وَكَبوَةُ الإِقرافِ
14. If I don't identify your father, then I
Am of the vile sperm of your announcer grandfather
١٤. إِن لَم أَدُلَّ عَلى أَبيكَ فَإِنَّني
مِن لُؤمِ نُطفَةِ جَدِّكَ النَطّافِ