1. We lived the most blissful life
Like two twigs entwined,
١. عِشنا بِأَنعَمِ عَيشٍ
إِلفَينِ كالغُصنَينِ
2. Never tiring of the sight
Of such intimate twinning.
٢. فَلَم يَزَل عُجبُ عَيني
بِأُلفَةِ الإِلفَينِ
3. Until he struck me down
With his arrow of death
٣. حَتّى رَماني بِسَهمِ ال
مَنونِ عَن قَوسَينِ
4. From a double-curved bow—
Is it not the worst of fates
٤. أَلَيسَ مِن شُؤمِ بَختي
أَصَبتُ نَفسي بِعَيني