
No sorrow is resolved at the dwellings of sorrow,

ما تقضى لبانة عند لبنى

1. No sorrow is resolved at the dwellings of sorrow,
And meaning with songs is given meaning.

١. ما تُقَضّى لُبانَةٌ عِندَ لُبنى
وَالمُعَنّى بِالغانِياتِ مُعَنّى

2. Our separation kept vigil, and all but abandoned
Its wont at the rejection of intimacy.

٢. هَجَرَتنا يَقظى وَكادَت عَلى عا
داتِها في الصُدودِ تَهجُرُ وَسنى

3. After no worth, when a party of them
Passed by me on the road here.

٣. بعدَ لَأيٍ وَقَد تَعَرَّضَ مِنها
طائِفٌ طافَ بي عَلى الرَكبِ وَهنا

4. The needs of my soul folded
To a wand, in its coolness bending.

٤. تَتَثَنّى حاجاتُ نَفسي إِتِّباعاً
لِقَضيبٍ في بُردِها يَتَثَنّى

5. Your palm left me so sickness sighed
Only in ribs leaning on love's languor.

٥. قَدكِ مِنّي فَما جَوى السُقمِ إِلّا
في ضُلوعٍ عَلى جَوى الحُبِّ تُحنى

6. Had she seen the event of the dye
She'd have cooed and shown softness.

٦. لَو رَأَت حادِثَ الخِضابِ لَأَنَّت
وَأَرَنَّت مِن إِحمِرارِ اليَرَنّا

7. I fool thought youth against the length
Of nights a provision, not to deplete.

٧. خِلتُ جَهلاً أَنَّ الشَبابَ عَلى طو
لِ اللَيالي ذَخيرَةٌ لَيسَ تَفنى

8. And I see fate indebted, retracting
All that neared, distancing what drew nigh.

٨. وَأَرى الدَهرَ مُديناً ما تَناءى
لِضِرارٍ وَمُبعِداً ما تَدَنّى

9. The chicks in downy feathers reckoned,
When they reckoned, the small an elder.

٩. كَلَفُ البيضِ بِالمُغَمَّرِ قَدراً
حينَ يَكلَفنَ وَالمُصَغَّرِ سِنّا

10. They plead in a fraud given the name
Of a youth, less than the vaunted elder.

١٠. يَتَشافَعنَ بِالغَريرِ المُسَمّى
مِن فَتاءٍ دونَ الجَليلِ المُكَنّى

11. Each bygone I forgot save nights
Bygone, with lightning for us and rain.

١١. كُلُّ ماضٍ أَنساهُ غَيرَ لَيالٍ
ماضِياتٍ لَنا بِبارى وَبِنّا

12. A wine-worshipper, I clutch a gleaming cup
Its brightness spilling, I spill blood.

١٢. مُغرَمٌ بِالمُدامِ أُترِعُ كَأساً
ساطِعاً ضَوءُها وَأَنزِفُ دَنّا

13. Where I fear no time, and lend no ear
To the constant sermonizer's ear.

١٣. حَيثُ لا أَرهَبُ الزَمانَ وَلا أُل
قي إِلى العاذِلِ المُكَثِّرِ أُذنا

14. Professing piety in sternness, the prig's
More benighted that he show righteousness and draw near.

١٤. يَزعُمُ البِرَّ في التَشَدُّدِ وَالأَس
مَحُ أَحجى لِأَن يُبَرَّ وَيُدنى

15. Fearing the slip of fate, I wish
A return from God's wont may come to pass.

١٥. يَختَشي زَلَّةَ الخِطارِ وَأَرجو
عَودَةً مِن عَوائِدِ اللَهِ تُمنى

16. You blamed me not for my candor, but blamed
That I thought well of God, presumed.

١٦. لَم تَلُمني أَنّي سَمَحتُ وَلَكِن
لُمتَ أَنّي أَحسَنتُ بِاللَهِ ظَنّا

17. If you berate openness, then cease
To count me guided or rightly-guided.

١٧. إِن تُعَنِّف عَلى السَماحِ فَلا تَع
دُ عَلِيّاً مُسَيِّراً أَو مُبِنّا

18. He is freer in what he parcels out
Than to exceed his arms' reach, or glean from others.

١٨. هُوَ أَجنى بِما يُنَوِّلُ مِن أَن
يَتَعَدّى لاحيهِ أَو يَتَجَنّى

19. He grants the dual achiever, wastes no new
plots on the dual enemy.

١٩. يَهَبُ النائِلَ المُثَنّى وَلا يَس
تَأنِفُ الكَيدَ في العَدُوِّ المُثَنّى

20. His goodness being general, he joined in us
By the whole of goodness those who aren't ours.

٢٠. عَمَّ مَعروفُهُ فَأَلحَقَ فينا
بِعُمومِ المَعروفِ مَن لَيسَ مِنّا

21. Rights enslaved him, and the freeman has woken
A slave in obeying the spring of bounty.

٢١. عَبَّدَتهُ الحُقوقُ وَالحُرُّ مَن أَص
بَحَ عَبداً في طاعَةِ الجودِ قِنّا

22. And refused it be said generous
but for him, deeming others tight and mean.

٢٢. وَتَأَبّى مِن أَن يُقالَ كَريمٌ
لِسِواهُ إِلّا شِحاحاً وَضِنّا

23. Firm resolutions, if dealt to fate
It deemed him an age-mate, two spans.

٢٣. عَزَماتٌ إِذا قَسَطنَ عَلى الدَه
رِ رَآهُ أَو عَدَّهُ الدَهرُ قِرنا

24. Covetous haste shunned by the deliberate; some
business impatient to the deliberative.

٢٤. يَتَأَنّى بُغى التَعَجُلِ وَالأَع
جَلُ في بَعضِ شَأنِهِ مَن تَأَنّى

25. Achieving by conjectures what they sought
Through crafted news, artist excelling artist.

٢٥. مُدرِكُ بِالظُنونِ ما طَلَبوهُ
بِفُنونِ الأَخبارِ فَنّاً فَفَنّا

26. Seek not counsel from those who chose an opinion,
And seek opinion from those who conjecture.

٢٦. لا تُرِد عِندَ مَن تَخَيَّرَ رَأياً
وَإِطلُبِ الرَأيَ عِندَ مَن يَتَظَنّى

27. Some men wished that if contended with he'd contend,
Then a fool is disappointed and chagrined.

٢٧. وَدَّ قَومٌ لو ساجَلوهُ وَلَو سو
جِلَ قَد خابَ جاهِلٌ وَتَعَنّى

28. From the judicious in wishing, while wishing,
That the elect be in what's wished.

٢٨. مِن تَمَنّي الحَصيفِ عِندَ التَمَنّي
أَن يَكونَ الخِيارُ فيما تَمَنّى

29. He gently restored Iraq's rule to it,
A steed in its paddocks, gave it rest.

٢٩. رَدَّ مُلكَ العِراقِ عَفواً إِلَيها
فَرَساً في رِباعِها وَإِطمَأَنّا

30. How often dissuaded from it, though it left him,
Returned in returning, humbled.

٣٠. كَم مُعَزّىً عَنهُ وَقَد سارَ عَنها
عادَ في عَودِهِ إِلَيها مُهَنّا

31. The sea runs aground in the shallows of Bani Fayyad,
When our hands drew it churning and gushing.

٣١. يَرذُلُ البَحرُ في بِحورِ بَني الفَي
ياضِ إِذ جَشنَ بِالنَوالِ فَفَضنا

32. Mediating worthlessness, they summon not
To glory from there, or from here.

٣٢. واسِطوا سُؤدُدٍ فَلَيسَ يُنادو
نَ إِلى المَجدِ مِن هُناكَ وَهَنّا

33. They left Iraq's sure ground, exploring -
What land is kinder recalled or more hale?

٣٣. تَزَلوا رَبوَةَ العِراقِ إِرتِياداً
أَيُّ أَرضٍ أَشَفُّ ذِكراً وَأَسنى

34. Between Dayr al-Aqul, settled, its shaded
Occupant gazing toward Dayr Qunna.

٣٤. بَينَ دَيرِ العاقولِ مُرتَبَعٌ يُش
رِفُ مُحتَلُّهُ إِلى دَيرِ قُنّى

35. Where the olive overnighted, above it the palm
Leaf over it singing its song.

٣٥. حَيثُ باتَ الزَيتونُ مِن فَوقِهِ النَخ
لُ عَلَيهِ وُرقُ الحَمامِ تَغَنّى

36. No works but for noble ends pursued,
And works of glory constructed.

٣٦. ما المَساعي إِلّا لمَكارِمُ تُرتا
دُ وَإِلّا مَصانِعُ المَجدِ تُبنى

37. The generous scion of generous stock
Is fair in eyes, his fairness enhanced.

٣٧. وَالكَريمُ النامي لِأَصلٍ كَريمٍ
حَسَنٌ في العُيونِ يَزدادُ حُسنا