1. Listen to the speech of my brother Abu Yahya
Who sincerely expresses his affection for you in secret and openly
١. اِسمَع هُديتَ أَبا يَحيى مَقالَ أَخٍ
يُصفي لَكَ الوُدَّ في سِرٍّ وَإِجهارِ
2. What wrong or blemish has he done
That the claws of the one called Beaked should strike him
٢. ماذا عَلَيهِ بِلا جُرمٍ وَلا تِرَةٍ
أَتَتهُ كَفُّ الَّذي يُدعى بِمِنقارِ
3. I mean the son of her whose pupil was ruptured in the womb
So miserable for folk who are not free
٣. أَعني اِبنَ مَن فَقَأَت في الرِحمِ مُقلَتَها
فَياشِلٌ لِأُناسٍ غَيرِ أَحرارِ
4. She whored for a time, then when she aged
She led every pimp and wine-seller
٤. زَنَت زَماناً فَلَمّا عَنَّسَت هَرَماً
قادَت عَلى كُلِّ قَوّادٍ وَخَمّارِ
5. She directed the son of vile parents towards him
A mother cloaked in humiliation and shame
٥. رَمَت بِاِبنِ نَذلِ الوالِدَينِ لَهُ
أُمٌّ مُقَنَّعَةٌ بِالذُلِّ وَالعارِ
6. I know no emptiness in her womb except
Birds in a cave could settle in
٦. ما أَلفُ فَيشَلَةٍ في جَوفِ كَعثَبِها
تَوَسُّعاً مِنهُ إِلّا الطَيرُ في الغارِ
7. The shameless whore befriends the sinful
And cares not for the wrath of the Creator
٧. عَوراءُ تَألَفُ أَهلَ البَغيِ مِن شَبَقٍ
وَلا تَحَوَّبُ سُخطَ الخالِقِ الباري
8. A dinar to a lustful vagrant is more pleasing
To her heart than a thousand dinars
٨. لَرَهزَةٌ مِن غَوِيٍّ في مَضارِطِها
أَشهى إِلى قَلبِها مِن أَلفِ دينارِ
9. Behind her a hideous, restless daughter
More burning in her sting than embers of fire
٩. بِدُبرِها إِبنَةٌ شَنعاءُ مُقلِقَةٌ
أَحَرُّ في لَذعِها مِن جَمرَةِ النارِ
10. O you whose eye has seen the deformed whore
Fornicating behind her without objection
١٠. يا مَن رَأَت عَينُهُ عَوراءَ مُعوِرَةً
تُناكُ في دُبرِها مِن غَيرِ إِنكارِ
11. She came with a shameless, cold, harmful bastard
Of an unclean birth without purification
١١. جاءَت بِنَغلٍ وَقاحٍ بارِدٍ وَضِرٍ
ذي مَولِدِ نَجِسٍ مِن غَيرِ تَطهارِ
12. The loins of porters do not shy with their gaze
From indecency, even if skewered with a nail
١٢. صُلبِ الحَماليقِ لا يَلوي بِناظِرِهِ
عَلى الحَياءِ وَلَو شُكَّت بِمِسمارِ
13. How can degraded filth have dignity or shame
Or heed rebuke and warning
١٣. وَكَيفَ يَأنَفُ نَذلٌ ساقِطٌ وَقِحٌ
لا يَستَقيدُ لِإِعذارٍ وَإِنذارِ
14. If her identity were revealed
She would only be fit for abomination or playing the flute
١٤. وَلَيسَ يَصلُحُ إِن كَشَّفتَ هِمَّتُهُ
إِلّا لِفاحيشَةٍ أَو حَملِ مِزمارِ
15. Every day you see a man above her
Lashing her repeatedly without tiring
١٥. في كُلِّ يَومٍ تَرى مِن فَوقِهِ رَجُلاً
يَسوطُ مِنهُ حِتاراً غَيرَ خَوّارِ
16. A hide that if you struck its backside
Its snout would bend without tiring
١٦. جَلداً عَلى كُلِّ أَيرٍ لَو ضَرَبتَ بِهِ
قَفاهُ كَبَّ لَهُ مِن غَيرِ خَوّارِ
17. With a wide nostril, daily soliciting
Pleasure, thousands of scrolls circulating
١٧. ذو مِبعَرٍ كُلَّ يَومٍ يَستَقيدُ إِلى
نَيكٍ وَيُنشَرُ فيهِ أَلفُ طومارِ
18. I jested with him, ignorant of his vileness,
In verses praising in eloquent poetry
١٨. مازَحتُهُ غَيرَ ذي عِلمٍ بِخِسَّتِهِ
في نَظمِ مَمدَحَةٍ مِن حُرِّ أَشعارِ
19. But he showed ignorance and faced me
With evil, not befitting his worth
١٩. فَأَظهَرَ التيهَ مِن جَهلٍ وَقابَلَني
بِسَيِّئٍ لَم يَكُن مِن حَقِّ مِقدارِ
20. If Ubaydullah knew the extent
Of my status, he would fear my outcry and claws
٢٠. وَلَو أَحاطَ عُبَيدُ اللَهِ مَعرِفَةً
بِعُظمِ شَأني اِتَّقى نابي وَأَظفاري
21. O son of her who farted from beneath her skirt
The braying fart of a donkey's gallbladder
٢١. يا اِبنَ الَّتي ضَرَطَت مِن تَحتِ نائِكِها
ضَرطَ الحِمارِ ضَغا مِن كَيِّ بيطارِ
22. A rare joke, a monkey overstepping
Without appreciating the fierce lion
٢٢. إِحدى النَوادِرِ مِن قِردٍ تَعَرُّضُهُ
مِن غَيرِ مَقدِرَةٍ لِلقَسوَرِ الضاري
23. Indeed, the experienced Ismael told me
Yes, and counseled me with honest news
٢٣. إِنَّ المُحَنَّكَ إِسماعيلَ خَبَّرَني
نَعَم وَناصَحَني في صِدقِ أَخباري
24. That in your constitution is coarse, harsh poetry
Severing loins without claws
٢٤. بِأَنَّ في اِستِكَ شَعراً مُنكَراً خَشِناً
مُقَطِّعاً لِلخُصى مِن غَيرِ أَشفارِ
25. When its insides are penetrated by your coarseness
Every measure is increased
٢٥. تُدمي الأُيورَ إِذا ما جَوفَها اِقتَحَمَت
خُشونَةٌ مِنكَ زادَت كُلَّ مِقدارِ
26. Abu Yahya, you were watered with rain but not
The lands of your rivals by the flowing spring
٢٦. سُقيتَ غَيثاً أَبا يَحيى وَلا سُقِيَت
دِيارُ شانيكَ صَوبَ الواكِفِ الجاري
27. Verses have come to me from you that delighted me
In beauty, occupying my thoughts for ages
٢٧. لَقَد أَتاني قَريضٌ مِنكَ أَعجَبَني
حُسناً يُطَوِّلُ فيهِ الدَهرَ أَفكاري
28. And in them, a reproach that denied my sleep and burdened me
With worries in tending the rising star
٢٨. وَفيهِ عَتبٌ نَفى نَومي وَوَكَّلَني
مِنَ الهُمومِ بِرَعيِ الكَوكَبِ الساري
29. Who do I have like you in manners and propriety
And preserving the love of a free brother and preferring him
٢٩. مَن لي بِمِثلِكَ في ظَرفٍ وَفي أَدَبٍ
وَحِفظِ وُدِّ أَخٍ حُرٍّ وَإيثارِ
30. You have taken the place of my soul in my body
Becoming a companion for me without evening entertainment
٣٠. حَلَلتَ مِنّي مَحَلَّ الروحِ مِن جَسَدي
فَصِرتَ لي أُنُساً مِن دونِ سُمّارِ
31. Indeed, Ghassan ibn Abi Mansur betrayed me
With enmity while you are among my supporters
٣١. إِنَّ الغُثا اِبنَ أَبي مَنصورَ بادَلَني
بَغياً وَأَنتَ عَلَيهِ بَعضُ أَنصاري
32. I will string rhymes about his vices
Like stringing the anklets of a perfumed lazy walker
٣٢. لَأَنظِمَنَّ القَوافي في مَثالِبِهِ
كَنَظمِ عِقدِ كَسولِ المَشيِ مِعطارِ
33. Until I leave him as meat on a carving table
The blades of butchers slash his throat
٣٣. حَتّى أُغادِرُهُ لَحماً عَلى وَضَمٍ
أَنحى عَلى حَلقِهِ ساطورُ جَزّارِ
34. Or he returns to apologizing, and I will leave him
Because he is a wretch from the family of little girls
٣٤. أَو يَستَعيدَ إِلى العُتبى فَأَترُكُهُ
لِأَنَّهُ وَتِحٌ مِن نَسلِ أَنزارِ