
O Commander of the Faithful, we have settled

أمير المؤمنين لقد سكنا

1. O Commander of the Faithful, we have settled
Into your virtuous, beautiful days.

١. أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ لَقَد سَكَنّا
إِلى أَيّامِكَ الغُرِّ الحِسانِ

2. You have firmly reestablished the religion after
I saw it split between two disputing factions.

٢. رَدَدتَ الدينَ فَذّاً بَعدَما قَد
أَراهُ فِرقَتَينِ تَخاصَمانِ

3. You vanquished the oppressors in every land
So oppression became absent and unknown.

٣. قَصَمتَ الظالِمينَ بِكُلِّ أَرضٍ
فَأَضحى الظُلمُ مَجهولَ المَكانِ

4. And in one year you threw their arrogant leaders
Into a visible abyss of recklessness.

٤. وَفي سَنَةٍ رَمَت مُتَجَبِّريهِم
عَلى قَدَرٍ بِداهِيَةٍ عَوانِ

5. You left no remnants of the sons of Abu Du'ad
Except a body conversing with meanings.

٥. فَما أَبقَت مِنِ اِبنِ أَبي دُؤادٍ
سِوى جَسَدٍ يُخاطِبُ بِالمَعاني

6. He became fluent in Arabic through conversing
Until you threw him by the hands and tongue.

٦. تَعَرَّبَ بِاِرتِباطِ الجُرزِ حَتّى
رَمَتهُ في اليَدَينِ وَفي اللِسانِ

7. His food during the time when he commanded
The Sultans of Syria and fled from them

٧. وَما كانَت غِذاهُ زَمانَ يَشري
سَراطينَ الصَراةِ وَيَهرُبانِ

8. Was questionable to Sapor ibn Sahl
And he fantasized and wished for safety.

٨. تَحَيَّرَ فيهِ سابورُ بنُ سَهلٍ
وَطاوَلَهُ وَمَنّاهُ الأَماني

9. When his companions arose at night
They discussed at length the creation of the Quran,

٩. إِذا أَصحابُهُ اِصطَبَحوا بِلَيلٍ
أَطالوا الخَوضَ في خَلقِ القُرانِ

10. Passing cups as they became intoxicated,
With so-and-so telling us about so-and-so.

١٠. يُديرونَ الكُؤوسَ وَهُم نَشاوى
يُحَدِّثُنا فُلانٌ عَن فُلانِ

11. The last news is that tomorrow we will visit
And seek refuge for Abu al-Wazir from time.

١١. وَآخِرُ حادِثٍ أَنّا غَدَونا
نَعوذُ أَبا الوَزيرِ مِنَ الزَمانِ

12. Whenever he wore any ugliness
And you heard or saw evil from him,

١٢. وَكانَ إِذا تَسَربَلَ كُلَّ قُبحٍ
وَساءَكَ في السَماعِ وَفي العِيانِ

13. You made them turn away from dishonor
And laugh at other than sincerity.

١٣. أَهَشَّهُمُ إِلى غَيرِ المَعالي
وَأَضحَكَهُم إِلى غَيرِ الخِوانِ