
The motives of the present have led to success

دواعي الحين سقن إلى نجاح

1. The motives of the present have led to success
By riding injustice for the time being

١. دَواعي الحينِ سُقنَ إِلى نَجاحِ
رُكوبَ البَغيِ لِلأَجَلِ المُتاحِ

2. Even if he had intended advice, in it
Would have preceded the slaves of God in success

٢. وَلَو نُصحاً أَرادَ لَكانَ فيهِ
عُبَيدُ اللَهِ أَسبَقَ مِن نَجاحِ

3. So there befell his head what he intended
And his family was afflicted at dawn

٣. فَحاقَ بِرَأسِهِ ما كانَ يَنوي
وَحَلَّ بِأَهلِهِ سوءُ الصَباحِ

4. With plotting and pretense he lowered himself
By it he killed the Imam without right

٤. مُدِلٌّ بِالسِعايَةِ وَالتَبَدّي
بِها قَتَلَ الإِمامَ بِلا جُناحِ

5. More lying than Musaylimah ibn Thumamah
And more scandalous among the clan than Sajaah

٥. وَأَكذَبُ مِن مُسَيلَمَةَ بنِ صَعبٍ
وَأَفضَحُ في العَشيرَةِ مِن سَجاحِ

6. There appeared to the Caliph of the Merciful from him
The attributes of a traitor, villain and shameless

٦. بَدَت لِخَليفَةِ الرَحمَنِ مِنهُ
مَزايِنُ خائِنٍ نَطِفٍ وَقاحِ

7. So he wanted advice while being resentful
Of deceit, like spearheads

٧. فَكانَ يُريدُ نُصحاً وَهوَ مُضبٍ
عَلى غِشٍّ كَأَطرافِ الرِماحِ

8. So he met what his hands had earned
And people were generally benefited by that

٨. فَأُبسِلَ بِالَّذي كَسِبَت يَداهُ
وَعَمَّ الناسَ ذَلِكَ بِالصَلاحِ

9. Thus the Imam did not lack sound judgment
Which dismissed the worthless from the authentic

٩. فَلا عَدِمَ الإِمامُ صَوابَ رَأيٍ
نَفى الجَزباءِ عَن عَطَنِ الصِحاحِ

10. And God maintained him with the survival of Nuh
To build virtues and tolerance

١٠. وَأَبقاهُ الإِلَهُ بَقاءَ نوحٍ
لِتَشيِيدِ المَكارِمِ وَالسَماحِ