1. This beloved has persisted in his estrangement
And his aloofness has only grown
١. لَجَّ هَذا الحَبيبُ في هِجرانِهِ
وَغَدا وَالصُدودُ أَكبَرُ شانِه
2. He who made sailing ships in the dimples
Of his cheek, and magic in his eyelids
٢. وَالَّذي صَيَّرَ المَلاحَةَ في خَد
دَيهِ وَقفاً وَالسِحرَ في أَجفانِه
3. I will not heed the slanderers about him though
He exceeded in his oppression and injustice
٣. لا أَطَعتُ الوُشاةَ فيهِ وَلَو
أَسرَفَ في ظُلمِهِ وَفي عُدوانِه
4. O my bosom friend, walk early at dawn
And let me drink from the draft you mix
٤. يا خَليلَيَّ باكِرا الراحَ صُبحاً
وَإِسقِياني مِن صِرفِ ما تَمزُجانِه
5. Leave off blaming me for my infatuation
For I see not in aloofness what you see
٥. وَدَعا اللَومَ في التَصابي فَإِنّي
لا أَرى في السُلُوِّ ما تَرَيانِه
6. The confidant has exceeded in his flow
And the censor has come in his time
٦. قَد تَمادى الوَلِيُّ في هَطَلانِهِ
وَأَتانا الوَسمِيُّ في إِبّانِه
7. And I see the two censurers between them
Pastures like the critic in his variations
٧. وَأَرى الدَكَّتَينِ بَينَهُما أَف
وافُ رَوضٍ كَالوَشيِ في أَلوانِه
8. In aspects of the beauty of his narcissus complexion
And his flawlessness and his saffron color
٨. في ضُروبٍ مِن حُسنِ نَرجِسِهِ الغَضِّ
وَمِن آسِهِ وَمِن زَعفَرانِه
9. That is a blessed palace, eyes fall short
Of its lofty architecture
٩. ذاكَ قَصرٌ مُبارَكٌ تَقصُرُ الأَع
يُنُ دونَ الرَفيعِ مِن بُنيانِه
10. In it the Imam gained the Generosity of God
And the excellence of his kindness
١٠. فيهِ نالَ الإِمامُ تَكرِمَةَ اللَ
هِ وَفَضلَ العَطاءِ مِن إِحسانِه
11. We ask God to perfect for us
The goodness of his days and the blessing of his time
١١. نَسأَلُ اللَهَ أَن يُتَمِّمَ فينا
حُسنَ أَيّامِهِ وَطيبَ زَمانِه
12. O cousin of the Prophet, wearing
His lights and proofs
١٢. يا اِبنَ عَمِّ النَبِيِّ وَاللابِسِ الفَخ
رَينِ مِن نورِهِ وَمِن بُرهانِه
13. The splendor of the caliphate has weakened
And the freshness of life has faded to its prime
١٣. أُضعِفَت بَهجَةُ الخِلافَةِ وَاِرتَد
دَ شَبابُ الدُنيا إِلى عُنفُوانِه
14. And the servants saw you as God's blessings upon them
In His benevolence, favor, and grace
١٤. وَرَآكَ العِبادُ مِن نِعَمِ اللَ
هِ عَلَيهِم وَطولِهِ وَاِمتِنانِه
15. God knew how you are so He gave you
The sublime position of His authority
١٥. عَلِمَ اللَهُ كَيفَ أَنتَ فَأَعطا
كَ المَحَلَّ الجَليلَ مِن سُلطانِه
16. He placed the religion in your care and the world
So live in peace for us in His protection
١٦. جَعَلَ الدينَ في ضَمانِكَ وَالدُن
يا فَعِش سالِماً لَنا في ضَمانِه