
My father, how could you break your promise

بأبي أنت كيف أخلفت وعدي

1. My father, how could you break your promise
And neglect to fulfill your covenant with me

١. بِأَبي أَنتَ كَيفَ أَخلَفتَ وَعدي
وَتَثاقَلتَ عَن وَفاءٍ بِعَهدي

2. You will not find anyone like what I found in you, and how I
Praised you! If you do not find the like of what I found

٢. لَم تَجِد مِثلَ ما وَجَدتُ وَما أَن
صَفتَ إِن لَم تَجِد مِثلَ وَجدي

3. Many a day I obeyed the misleading in your beautiful
Face, and my right guidance was in your beauty

٣. رُبَّ يَومٍ أَطَعتُ فيهِ لَكَ الغَ
يَّ وَغَيِّي في حُسنِ وَجهِكَ رُشدي

4. The magic of your eyes is my coffee and your dimples
My temperament, and the rose of your cheeks my bouquet

٤. سِحرُ عَينَيكَ قَهوَتي وَثَنايا
كَ مِزاجي وَوَردُ خَدَّيكَ وِردي

5. If only I had become permitted to you in love,
So love permitted you to me

٥. لَيتَني قَد حَلَلتُ عِندَكَ في الحُ
بِّ مَحَلّاً أَحَلَّكَ الحُبُّ عِندي

6. May the days not let me see you lost, as long as I live
Nor make me know your loss, as long as I live

٦. لا أَرَتني الأَيّامُ فَقدَكَ ما عِش
تُ وَلا عَرَّفَتكَ ما عِشتُ فَقدي

7. The greatest misfortune is for you to precede me in death
And of misfortune for you to be delayed after me

٧. أَعظَمُ الرُزءِ أَن تُقَدَّمَ قَبلي
وَمِنَ الرُزءِ أَن تُؤَخَّرَ بَعدي

8. I envy that you become intimate with someone other than me
When I singled myself out in loving you alone

٨. حَسَداً أَن تَكونَ إِلفاً لِغَيري
إِذ تَفَرَّدتُ بِالهَوى فيكَ وَحدي